Hannah Salix

From Np Hogwarts

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Player Name: Sarah ([info]raven_annabelle)
Hah, scratch her app.  Hannah has evolved into someone a lot more insane than originally planned. 
Player House (Your character will be in the same house unless you have specific permission to do otherwise): Ravenclaw
I'll get on this soon.
Character Name: Hannah Magalis Salix
Character Age: 15
If your character is a student - what year is s/he? 5th
If you prefer, you can be a denizen of Hogsmeade. Please note that here: no
What kind of wand does your character possess? Maple & Mahogany, 13 inches with Essence of Bog Myrtle
There are four basic broomsticks available. They are:
Clean Sweap
Shooting Star
Nimbus* only with permission
Firebolts are not allowed.
Does your character own a broom? Which brand? Yes, a Shooting Star.
Does your character have any special abilities? (Natural flier or good at potions, for example {Please note that Animagi and Metamorphmagi are rare, and you MUST have mod permission for these}) She is very interested in Charms and Protection Spells.
Describe your character’s flaws/weaknesses: A bit shy and tends to freeze up when asked to do something in front of the class. She has high expectations of herself, and can sometimes let that get in the way of her letting her hair down. When she gets to know someone, she opens up and is really quite vibrant and fun. This usually only happens when she's in one on one situations
Describe your character's physical attributes: Dark violet eyes, almond shaped, that tend to flit around the room when she is in a crowded classroom. She's about 5'3" and has an athletic build. Her arms are fairly slender and her wrists are tiny. Her skin is slightly darker. She has very feminine hands, and tends to use them gracefully. She has long dark hair. She has dimples when she smiles, and her eyes squint up when she's smiling or laughing. She wears contacts, but can sometimes be seen in her cat eye glasses in the evening. She has a birthmark on her ankle that looks like the fleur-de-lis.
Is your character Muggle born, a half breed, half-blood, or a pureblood? Explain it. (Half-breeds should be rare and will only be given out with permission from the Mods.) half-blood. Her mother is a very creative and intelligent witch. Her father is an artist, who is accepting and supportive of the wizard world.
Character Background/History: Hannah learned some spells from her mother before she came to Hogwarts. She had 3 uncles who were killed by Deatheaters. She knows how to speak french, and sometimes says incantations in french.
[[Category:Fifth Years]]
[[Category:Fifth Years]]
[[Category:Ravenclaw Fifth Years]]
[[Category:Ravenclaw Fifth Years]]

Revision as of 04:05, 9 May 2006

Hah, scratch her app. Hannah has evolved into someone a lot more insane than originally planned.

I'll get on this soon.

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