Anton Pilot

From Np Hogwarts

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| caption= Quidditch Extraordinaire
| PB= Anton Antipov
| character_name= Anton Pilot
| ljaccount = npflyantonpilot
| hometown = Puddlemere, England
| year = Flying Professor
| House = [[Ravenclaw]]
| favorite_subjects = N/A
| worst_subjects = N/A
| mun_lj = f4l
== Personality ==
Anton is a generally quiet person. When he was younger he would hang out with his sister and her friends when they first moved to England. He quickly learned to keep his mouth shut around them in order not to annoy his sister. He would follow them around, keeping to himself mostly.
He has always been a bit of a follower, Anton is used to taking orders and being told what to do. When he became Quidditch captain, it was a very new experience for him. People actually listened to him, looked up to him and did what he asked. Up to this point, none of this would ever have happened for him. Anton's friends were also Quidditch players, both were much more confident in themselves and what they could get away with. Anton had a tendency of following them in what they did, no matter how much trouble it brought. Becoming captain and then coach, meant Anton had to start thinking for himself and taking himself seriously.
Anton's confidence emerged from this and is boredering on arrogance as he now realises his potential and his skills. He has grown quite an ego from being in the spotlight, and believes himself more important than the people 'below' him. He generally doesn't portray this arrogance in public, but it's something that comes through very clearly in fanmail or letters to his family.
He is easily talked into things, often regretting them after. But he keeps a calm head on himself and deals with the problems as best he can. Anton is very good at ignoring a problem. But if something is weighing on his mind, it's made quite obvious by his behaviour. His mood changes rapidly and he can become quite harsh. Fans have had bad experiences meeting him due to it being a bad day.
Starting out, Anton was quite shy and never knew how to react around fans. He tried his best to be nice to them, and tried to prevent as much embarassment as possible. He has gotten a bit better, but can still be a little unsure of how to react. If it's a bad day, it won't be a very pleasant meeting as he won't say much. But should you meet him on a good day, he'll happily make small talk and try to ignore his own awkwardness. His growing confidence has helped this area, but it will take a while before it becomes second nature to him. Anton still finds it amazing that he has fans despite not carrying his team to win the World Cup.
Students see Anton as a friendly, helpful Quidditch/Flying coach. Anton is actually quite a good teacher as he knows the craft like the back of his hand. He takes great pride in the improvement of his students, he would hate for any potential to go to waste due to lack of ambition and therefore pushes some of the older years quite hard. Anton is very patient and is very capable to deal with students, he's used to people complaining around him and has learned to deal with it well.
Professors however, tend to see his more malicious side. Anton is quite a different person around adults and those that know him well. There was a time when they would see him as the students saw him, but that was no more. They now view him as a rather bitter and ambitious individual. Anton can be quite malicious in the right (or wrong, depending on your views) circles. He is very faithful to the Dark Lord, though he does well to hide this. Anton has successfully taken part in raids and other missions, so far proving his worth. His celebrity is also a plus, as he can subtly send more people in that direction. It's quite a good deal really.
== Fears ==
He fears being held back by his loyalties. He knows that it's the Dark Lord who has the continued press coverage about him at the moment, but if ever he were to fall and the good guys to win? Anton knows his career would be over and he and his family would fall from grace. Hard. And that thought terrifies him. He worked hard for his success and is very grateful for it all, should he lose it because of someone else? Anton might just completely crack.
== History ==
Anton's parents, Katinka and Ruslan, got married in 1979 and had his sister a year later. Their marriage was an arranged one, as their parents desperately attempted to keep the pureblood lineage in Belarus completely pure. Luckily for them, the two hit it off and made their marriage a successful one that resulted in their having of three children, Ana, Anton and Owen. Both parents were big supporters of the Dark Lord before they met, so much so that they became Death Eaters at a young age upon leaving school (both attended Durmstrang). The two knew of each other in school, but were in different years and social circles. They initially met at these meetings before any talk of an arranged marriage had reached their ears. Both parents are not particularly outward in their elitist beliefs, and decided to leave it up to their children to decide their own paths. They preferred not to pressure them into their decisions. So far, two out of the three have chosen the correct path, with both Anton and Ana getting marked shortly after leaving school. Though, admittedly for completely different reasons.
The family lived in Bobruisk for five years, the children's parents had both inherited land off their own parents and continued living off the wealth. They moved to Plymouth, S-W England in 1984 when Anton was only two years old. The growing unrest in Belarus had made Katinka and Ruslan very uneasy and forced them to sell their land and move away. Two years later, Chernobyl happened and they were at peace with their decision. They wanted their children to have the best of the best, and that simply couldn't be achieved in Belarus. The parents hoped to make the Pilot name well known within Great Britain and secure their purity of their blood.
Ruslan became very interested in sailing after their relocation and encouraged the children to accompany him on outings. Through this activity, he met many good business contacts which he proceeded to take full advantage of. With some of the money gained through the land, Ruslan helped restore some of the Arts buildings with donations in an attempt to bring some culture to the area with great success. He grew as a businessman within certain circles and the family has benifitted very much from his (often not so legal) dealings.
Both parents were very fond of all three children, encouraging them to do what they found interesting no matter what. They were very accomadating to their friends and generally, were friendly, nice parents. Their elitist views were saved for private conversations with one another.
The children themselves had a very wealthy life, always getting the best as their parents had hoped. Each child grew up very differently from the one before them, and their parents are very proud of each of them. Anton and Ana have a special relationship. As there was only two years between them, they became very close friends when they initially moved to England. Anton found support in his sister, often trying to hang out with her and her new friends as they got older. This was just a phase however, and shortly after turning 7, Anton had his own steady group of friends. At this point, his passion for Quidditch was obvious. He watched Quidditch with is father from the age of 3, sitting silently on his knee at the games. This interest was of course, encouraged. Anton always had the best brooms and the best oppertunities to learn. Their house was protected with various shielding and anti-muggle charms, making it possible for Anton to be out flying at all hours in the garden.
He was a very active young boy, always going swimming, surfing and flying. Anton tried everything out, and always did his best in it. But he always made time for flying, or playing Quidditch with whoever would entertain him for a while. His father was very interested in Anton's progress and managed to find him a team to train with when he was merely 8 years old. Anton's name was down in the books of the Plymouth U-11 Amature Quidditch team. The team did fairly well in their league for the three years he remained there. Anton was without a team in his 1st year at Hogwarts, though he tried his hardest to get permission to train with the Ravenclaw team these attempts ended up being in vain. However, Anton did what many thought was impossible in his 2nd year and grabbed the final Chaser's spot on the Ravenclaw team.
He gained a lot of confidence in this year, and though Ravenclaw didn't win the cup, Anton proved himself to be a lot more than hype. Anton managed to keep his spot on the team for the following five years, being made Captain for his final two. When he was at home, his training doubled and Anton made sure that he was always match shape. He was very competitive and refused to risk losing his spot on the house team. His academics weren't the best, though he tried his best. Anton wasn't made a Ravenclaw for being stupid afterall. He did fairly well in his OWLs, his NEWTs did suffer due to Captaincy however (specifically Ancient Runes and History).
Anton was immediately scouted by the team, Puddlemere Utd upon leaving school. He happily signed with them and his star continued to rise. Quickly, the name Anton Pilot became one of the most well known in Quidditch history. His skills rapidly improved, dragging his team along with him. Between the encouragement of family and the few friends he had kept, Anton couldn't be stopped. He simply wouldn't let anything overcome him or his success. And it seemed unlikely, between the various sponsorships and interviews he was doing, Anton had become one of the main poster boys of Quidditch.
There was a Quidditch World Cup in 2003, Anton was made Captain of the Belarus team as he was ineligable to play for England. Surprisingly, the squad were very strong and made it all the way to the quarter-final before they were knocked out. This, for Anton, completely stopped his ride. He became quite disillusioned, and began looking for a way to play for England (who had reached the semi-final stage) in the next World Cup. Anton continued to play for Puddlemere, but his attitude and play had changed. His games were no longer the most exciting to watch, his play wasn't as innovative as it had been months before. Anton was simply, burned out.
Puddlemere gave him a six month rest period to deal with his problems. This time was well spent by Anton, as he caught up with old friends, fans and family. Anton had been constantly touring since leaving Hogwarts and hadn't seen his family for very long. Though he always kept in close contact with Ana, Anton wasn't as good at writing his younger brother. He tried to write to him as much as possible, but really he failed hard in the older brother area. He attended more of the social galas that he had been invited to and met many new people. While surrounded by these families and their beliefs, Anton began to see what they saw. He saw muggleborns for the filth they were. This change in him was slow, but not surprising in the least. His two friends eased him into their world, welcoming him warmly when he had completely succumbed to their views. At 22 years old, Anton was drawn to the power and was easily corrupted by his friends and those they associated with. Anton was given the mark on his 23rd birthday on the 28th June 2005.
A deal with Puddlemere was made for him to go to Hogwarts to coach the Quidditch teams and teach flying for the year. However, only four months into it and other clubs have expressed interest in buying Anton for the upcoming Quidditch season in March. It's yet to be seen whether he will accept, Puddlemere have demanded at least 14m for the player.
Anton is 5'11” and quite muscular. He is very active and aims to stay in top physical condition. Anton is always in International match shape. He has short browny/blonde hair that is currently growing out a bit, and a small bit of stubble on his chin. Anton has striking blue eyes and quite fair skin.
== Friends & Foes ==
The Ravenclaw had a group of three true friends, two of whom he remains friends with to this day. The two were from similarly wealthy pureblood families, and the other was a halfblood who didn't have quite the same wealth as his friends. Slowly he became seperate from the group, as the other two attempted to convince Anton that their ways (elitist ways of course) were the right way to be. He never paid them any real attention, but their voices constantly nagged him whenever he was alone. Now that he believes the same, he thanks the two for never giving up on him. There are also a few students who he talks to on occasion, really he is still trying to escape them.
...there'll be more added when backstory occurs!
== Family ==
Anton gets along very well with his parents and siblings. He is closest with his father and Ana, having spent more time with them than his mother or Owen. Even though he has been trying to spend more time with Owen recently.
Check the history for more.
== School ==
Anton was sorted into Ravenclaw, and all things considered, it is the best fitting House. He was content with the decision.
He is a hard working student, and had no problems about studying hard in an effort to improve. Anton wanted to prove to himself that he wasn't just a good looking Quidditch player. He managed to do this through lots of studying and doing quite well in his exams.
Anton's favourite subject was Potions, it was also his best. He did very well in both exams. He also enjoyed Herbology and Astronomy. Anton did well in both. His least favourite subjects were Charms and Ancient Runes. His wand work wasn't stellar, he would practice anything he felt would help him in the long run when it came to Quidditch or flying. If it didn't interest him, he wouldn't bother. This also lead to him skipping many classes, which didn't exactly help his grades or wandwork. Ancient Runes simply didn't intrest him, it was the main subject along with Arithmacy, that he did poorly in.
Astronomy: O
Charms: E
Defense Against the Dark Arts: E
Herbology: E
History of Magic: A
Potions: O
Transfiguration: E
Ancient Runes: A
Arithmacy: P
Charms: E
Defense Against the Dark Arts: E
Herbology: O
History of Magic: P
Potions: O
Astronomy: E
Ancient Runes: P
From there, he pursued Quidditch!
== Astrology ==
The Cancerian character is the most perplexing of the signs. Cancerians can range from the timid, shy, dull and withdrawn to the brilliant, friendly and famous. Cancerians run the entire gamut of human emotion.
Cancerians possess strong paternal and maternal instincts. Fundamentally conservative and home-loving by nature, they appreciate the security of a home-base in which to retire when the stresses of life become too much to bear.
Cancerians have an unemotional demeanor, appearing uncompromising and obstinate. This is the facade they use to mask an insecure nature. Their intimates, however, may see a different character, one with sympathy and sensitivity to others.In their personal relationships they are a mixture of toughness and tenderness. Emotional, romantic and sentimental on one side, and tenaciously possessive and loyal on the other side. Even when they have affairs, their first loyalty is to their partner and family.
They are rather close minded and opinionated. They have a retentive memory, and rarely forgive slights and hurts. With a tendency toward chronic complaining, a Cancerian will never let you forget an error. They are driven by their emotional nature, and, in this respect, can be the best and the worst of friends.
The overall nature of Cancerians is deeply emotional. Although private and reserved, they possess sensitivity and sympathy. Rarely will a Cancer stand on pretense. What appears to be a front is nothing more than a protective shell. Within this tough armor often resides an intuitively compassionate individual yearning for a deep exchange of love and understanding.
Cancerians are strongly influenced by childhood memories, and have a tendency to live in the past. Cancer is a tenacious, purposeful, energetic, shrewd and intuitive type. Sometimes wise, with a philosophical view on life. They are over-imaginative and prone to be a victim of fantasy. They have a flair for the dramatic, and may possess literary or artistic talent. They tend to absorb their environment and have a talent for mimicry.
Main positive traits: Nurturing, protective, traditional, sensitive, understanding, caring, intuitive, tenacious.
The Cancerian can be sulky, devious, moody, and inclined to self-pity. They respond foremost to the urges and dictates of their feelings. One of the interesting contradictions in their nature is that they are prone to a sense of personal inferiority on one hand, and on the other they believe their views, opinions and behavior to be impeccable, and beyond question or criticism. By nature, very giving and selfless, they need to be aware of falling into the role of martyr in certain situations.
Main negative traits: Self pity, moody, clinging, manipulative, overly-emotional, insecure.
People born under the year of the Dog tend to be very well liked as it is one of the most popular of all of the animals. Dog people are: truthful, clever, with a strong sense of fairness and devotion. They never shirk their duties, they always do their fair share of things and will always "listen to reason". They would never ignore a distress call, often putting the well-being of others before their own and they never abandon people. Other traits include: open-mindedness, never envious, non money-minded and very adept at seeing straight through others. However should you try to snoop into their affairs they can become secretive and also give a cold shoulder to those who they don't really like. They are also: intrepid, practical and "have great insight into human nature". They can be belligerent, gloomy, be anxious for no apparent reason and they absolutely detest pretence. Inevitabilities are never put on hold, neither is giving a clear-cut answer to something. Above all they are never sly, underhand or crafty.
The year of the Dog: is a year for reflection and to assess ones values. There will be disturbances, revolts, but as the Dog is always on the lookout, honesty will always rule the day. This year will see great benevolent and idealistic deeds and various unusual changes; a time when broadmindedness and fairness will be supported. Although this year is one of great cynicism a sense of balance and tranquility will be upheld.
The Water Dog: Laid-back, instinctive, motivated by self-indulgence and philosophical.

Current revision as of 22:18, 4 August 2006

Anton Pilot

Quidditch Extraordinaire

Played ByAnton Antipov
LJ accountuserinfo.gif npflyantonpilot
HometownPuddlemere, England
Current YearFlying Professor
Hogwarts HouseRavenclaw
Favorite SubjectsN/A
Worst SubjectsN/A

userinfo.gif f4l



Anton is a generally quiet person. When he was younger he would hang out with his sister and her friends when they first moved to England. He quickly learned to keep his mouth shut around them in order not to annoy his sister. He would follow them around, keeping to himself mostly. He has always been a bit of a follower, Anton is used to taking orders and being told what to do. When he became Quidditch captain, it was a very new experience for him. People actually listened to him, looked up to him and did what he asked. Up to this point, none of this would ever have happened for him. Anton's friends were also Quidditch players, both were much more confident in themselves and what they could get away with. Anton had a tendency of following them in what they did, no matter how much trouble it brought. Becoming captain and then coach, meant Anton had to start thinking for himself and taking himself seriously.

Anton's confidence emerged from this and is boredering on arrogance as he now realises his potential and his skills. He has grown quite an ego from being in the spotlight, and believes himself more important than the people 'below' him. He generally doesn't portray this arrogance in public, but it's something that comes through very clearly in fanmail or letters to his family.

He is easily talked into things, often regretting them after. But he keeps a calm head on himself and deals with the problems as best he can. Anton is very good at ignoring a problem. But if something is weighing on his mind, it's made quite obvious by his behaviour. His mood changes rapidly and he can become quite harsh. Fans have had bad experiences meeting him due to it being a bad day.

Starting out, Anton was quite shy and never knew how to react around fans. He tried his best to be nice to them, and tried to prevent as much embarassment as possible. He has gotten a bit better, but can still be a little unsure of how to react. If it's a bad day, it won't be a very pleasant meeting as he won't say much. But should you meet him on a good day, he'll happily make small talk and try to ignore his own awkwardness. His growing confidence has helped this area, but it will take a while before it becomes second nature to him. Anton still finds it amazing that he has fans despite not carrying his team to win the World Cup.

Students see Anton as a friendly, helpful Quidditch/Flying coach. Anton is actually quite a good teacher as he knows the craft like the back of his hand. He takes great pride in the improvement of his students, he would hate for any potential to go to waste due to lack of ambition and therefore pushes some of the older years quite hard. Anton is very patient and is very capable to deal with students, he's used to people complaining around him and has learned to deal with it well.

Professors however, tend to see his more malicious side. Anton is quite a different person around adults and those that know him well. There was a time when they would see him as the students saw him, but that was no more. They now view him as a rather bitter and ambitious individual. Anton can be quite malicious in the right (or wrong, depending on your views) circles. He is very faithful to the Dark Lord, though he does well to hide this. Anton has successfully taken part in raids and other missions, so far proving his worth. His celebrity is also a plus, as he can subtly send more people in that direction. It's quite a good deal really.


He fears being held back by his loyalties. He knows that it's the Dark Lord who has the continued press coverage about him at the moment, but if ever he were to fall and the good guys to win? Anton knows his career would be over and he and his family would fall from grace. Hard. And that thought terrifies him. He worked hard for his success and is very grateful for it all, should he lose it because of someone else? Anton might just completely crack.


Anton's parents, Katinka and Ruslan, got married in 1979 and had his sister a year later. Their marriage was an arranged one, as their parents desperately attempted to keep the pureblood lineage in Belarus completely pure. Luckily for them, the two hit it off and made their marriage a successful one that resulted in their having of three children, Ana, Anton and Owen. Both parents were big supporters of the Dark Lord before they met, so much so that they became Death Eaters at a young age upon leaving school (both attended Durmstrang). The two knew of each other in school, but were in different years and social circles. They initially met at these meetings before any talk of an arranged marriage had reached their ears. Both parents are not particularly outward in their elitist beliefs, and decided to leave it up to their children to decide their own paths. They preferred not to pressure them into their decisions. So far, two out of the three have chosen the correct path, with both Anton and Ana getting marked shortly after leaving school. Though, admittedly for completely different reasons.

The family lived in Bobruisk for five years, the children's parents had both inherited land off their own parents and continued living off the wealth. They moved to Plymouth, S-W England in 1984 when Anton was only two years old. The growing unrest in Belarus had made Katinka and Ruslan very uneasy and forced them to sell their land and move away. Two years later, Chernobyl happened and they were at peace with their decision. They wanted their children to have the best of the best, and that simply couldn't be achieved in Belarus. The parents hoped to make the Pilot name well known within Great Britain and secure their purity of their blood.

Ruslan became very interested in sailing after their relocation and encouraged the children to accompany him on outings. Through this activity, he met many good business contacts which he proceeded to take full advantage of. With some of the money gained through the land, Ruslan helped restore some of the Arts buildings with donations in an attempt to bring some culture to the area with great success. He grew as a businessman within certain circles and the family has benifitted very much from his (often not so legal) dealings.

Both parents were very fond of all three children, encouraging them to do what they found interesting no matter what. They were very accomadating to their friends and generally, were friendly, nice parents. Their elitist views were saved for private conversations with one another.

The children themselves had a very wealthy life, always getting the best as their parents had hoped. Each child grew up very differently from the one before them, and their parents are very proud of each of them. Anton and Ana have a special relationship. As there was only two years between them, they became very close friends when they initially moved to England. Anton found support in his sister, often trying to hang out with her and her new friends as they got older. This was just a phase however, and shortly after turning 7, Anton had his own steady group of friends. At this point, his passion for Quidditch was obvious. He watched Quidditch with is father from the age of 3, sitting silently on his knee at the games. This interest was of course, encouraged. Anton always had the best brooms and the best oppertunities to learn. Their house was protected with various shielding and anti-muggle charms, making it possible for Anton to be out flying at all hours in the garden.

He was a very active young boy, always going swimming, surfing and flying. Anton tried everything out, and always did his best in it. But he always made time for flying, or playing Quidditch with whoever would entertain him for a while. His father was very interested in Anton's progress and managed to find him a team to train with when he was merely 8 years old. Anton's name was down in the books of the Plymouth U-11 Amature Quidditch team. The team did fairly well in their league for the three years he remained there. Anton was without a team in his 1st year at Hogwarts, though he tried his hardest to get permission to train with the Ravenclaw team these attempts ended up being in vain. However, Anton did what many thought was impossible in his 2nd year and grabbed the final Chaser's spot on the Ravenclaw team.

He gained a lot of confidence in this year, and though Ravenclaw didn't win the cup, Anton proved himself to be a lot more than hype. Anton managed to keep his spot on the team for the following five years, being made Captain for his final two. When he was at home, his training doubled and Anton made sure that he was always match shape. He was very competitive and refused to risk losing his spot on the house team. His academics weren't the best, though he tried his best. Anton wasn't made a Ravenclaw for being stupid afterall. He did fairly well in his OWLs, his NEWTs did suffer due to Captaincy however (specifically Ancient Runes and History).

Anton was immediately scouted by the team, Puddlemere Utd upon leaving school. He happily signed with them and his star continued to rise. Quickly, the name Anton Pilot became one of the most well known in Quidditch history. His skills rapidly improved, dragging his team along with him. Between the encouragement of family and the few friends he had kept, Anton couldn't be stopped. He simply wouldn't let anything overcome him or his success. And it seemed unlikely, between the various sponsorships and interviews he was doing, Anton had become one of the main poster boys of Quidditch.

There was a Quidditch World Cup in 2003, Anton was made Captain of the Belarus team as he was ineligable to play for England. Surprisingly, the squad were very strong and made it all the way to the quarter-final before they were knocked out. This, for Anton, completely stopped his ride. He became quite disillusioned, and began looking for a way to play for England (who had reached the semi-final stage) in the next World Cup. Anton continued to play for Puddlemere, but his attitude and play had changed. His games were no longer the most exciting to watch, his play wasn't as innovative as it had been months before. Anton was simply, burned out.

Puddlemere gave him a six month rest period to deal with his problems. This time was well spent by Anton, as he caught up with old friends, fans and family. Anton had been constantly touring since leaving Hogwarts and hadn't seen his family for very long. Though he always kept in close contact with Ana, Anton wasn't as good at writing his younger brother. He tried to write to him as much as possible, but really he failed hard in the older brother area. He attended more of the social galas that he had been invited to and met many new people. While surrounded by these families and their beliefs, Anton began to see what they saw. He saw muggleborns for the filth they were. This change in him was slow, but not surprising in the least. His two friends eased him into their world, welcoming him warmly when he had completely succumbed to their views. At 22 years old, Anton was drawn to the power and was easily corrupted by his friends and those they associated with. Anton was given the mark on his 23rd birthday on the 28th June 2005.

A deal with Puddlemere was made for him to go to Hogwarts to coach the Quidditch teams and teach flying for the year. However, only four months into it and other clubs have expressed interest in buying Anton for the upcoming Quidditch season in March. It's yet to be seen whether he will accept, Puddlemere have demanded at least 14m for the player.

Anton is 5'11” and quite muscular. He is very active and aims to stay in top physical condition. Anton is always in International match shape. He has short browny/blonde hair that is currently growing out a bit, and a small bit of stubble on his chin. Anton has striking blue eyes and quite fair skin.

Friends & Foes

The Ravenclaw had a group of three true friends, two of whom he remains friends with to this day. The two were from similarly wealthy pureblood families, and the other was a halfblood who didn't have quite the same wealth as his friends. Slowly he became seperate from the group, as the other two attempted to convince Anton that their ways (elitist ways of course) were the right way to be. He never paid them any real attention, but their voices constantly nagged him whenever he was alone. Now that he believes the same, he thanks the two for never giving up on him. There are also a few students who he talks to on occasion, really he is still trying to escape them.

...there'll be more added when backstory occurs!


Anton gets along very well with his parents and siblings. He is closest with his father and Ana, having spent more time with them than his mother or Owen. Even though he has been trying to spend more time with Owen recently.

Check the history for more.


Anton was sorted into Ravenclaw, and all things considered, it is the best fitting House. He was content with the decision.

He is a hard working student, and had no problems about studying hard in an effort to improve. Anton wanted to prove to himself that he wasn't just a good looking Quidditch player. He managed to do this through lots of studying and doing quite well in his exams.

Anton's favourite subject was Potions, it was also his best. He did very well in both exams. He also enjoyed Herbology and Astronomy. Anton did well in both. His least favourite subjects were Charms and Ancient Runes. His wand work wasn't stellar, he would practice anything he felt would help him in the long run when it came to Quidditch or flying. If it didn't interest him, he wouldn't bother. This also lead to him skipping many classes, which didn't exactly help his grades or wandwork. Ancient Runes simply didn't intrest him, it was the main subject along with Arithmacy, that he did poorly in.


Astronomy: O

Charms: E

Defense Against the Dark Arts: E

Herbology: E

History of Magic: A

Potions: O

Transfiguration: E

Ancient Runes: A

Arithmacy: P


Charms: E

Defense Against the Dark Arts: E

Herbology: O

History of Magic: P

Potions: O

Astronomy: E

Ancient Runes: P

From there, he pursued Quidditch!



The Cancerian character is the most perplexing of the signs. Cancerians can range from the timid, shy, dull and withdrawn to the brilliant, friendly and famous. Cancerians run the entire gamut of human emotion.

Cancerians possess strong paternal and maternal instincts. Fundamentally conservative and home-loving by nature, they appreciate the security of a home-base in which to retire when the stresses of life become too much to bear.

Cancerians have an unemotional demeanor, appearing uncompromising and obstinate. This is the facade they use to mask an insecure nature. Their intimates, however, may see a different character, one with sympathy and sensitivity to others.In their personal relationships they are a mixture of toughness and tenderness. Emotional, romantic and sentimental on one side, and tenaciously possessive and loyal on the other side. Even when they have affairs, their first loyalty is to their partner and family.

They are rather close minded and opinionated. They have a retentive memory, and rarely forgive slights and hurts. With a tendency toward chronic complaining, a Cancerian will never let you forget an error. They are driven by their emotional nature, and, in this respect, can be the best and the worst of friends. The overall nature of Cancerians is deeply emotional. Although private and reserved, they possess sensitivity and sympathy. Rarely will a Cancer stand on pretense. What appears to be a front is nothing more than a protective shell. Within this tough armor often resides an intuitively compassionate individual yearning for a deep exchange of love and understanding.

Cancerians are strongly influenced by childhood memories, and have a tendency to live in the past. Cancer is a tenacious, purposeful, energetic, shrewd and intuitive type. Sometimes wise, with a philosophical view on life. They are over-imaginative and prone to be a victim of fantasy. They have a flair for the dramatic, and may possess literary or artistic talent. They tend to absorb their environment and have a talent for mimicry.

Main positive traits: Nurturing, protective, traditional, sensitive, understanding, caring, intuitive, tenacious.

The Cancerian can be sulky, devious, moody, and inclined to self-pity. They respond foremost to the urges and dictates of their feelings. One of the interesting contradictions in their nature is that they are prone to a sense of personal inferiority on one hand, and on the other they believe their views, opinions and behavior to be impeccable, and beyond question or criticism. By nature, very giving and selfless, they need to be aware of falling into the role of martyr in certain situations.

Main negative traits: Self pity, moody, clinging, manipulative, overly-emotional, insecure.


People born under the year of the Dog tend to be very well liked as it is one of the most popular of all of the animals. Dog people are: truthful, clever, with a strong sense of fairness and devotion. They never shirk their duties, they always do their fair share of things and will always "listen to reason". They would never ignore a distress call, often putting the well-being of others before their own and they never abandon people. Other traits include: open-mindedness, never envious, non money-minded and very adept at seeing straight through others. However should you try to snoop into their affairs they can become secretive and also give a cold shoulder to those who they don't really like. They are also: intrepid, practical and "have great insight into human nature". They can be belligerent, gloomy, be anxious for no apparent reason and they absolutely detest pretence. Inevitabilities are never put on hold, neither is giving a clear-cut answer to something. Above all they are never sly, underhand or crafty.

The year of the Dog: is a year for reflection and to assess ones values. There will be disturbances, revolts, but as the Dog is always on the lookout, honesty will always rule the day. This year will see great benevolent and idealistic deeds and various unusual changes; a time when broadmindedness and fairness will be supported. Although this year is one of great cynicism a sense of balance and tranquility will be upheld.

The Water Dog: Laid-back, instinctive, motivated by self-indulgence and philosophical.

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