Riley McGranahan

From Np Hogwarts

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[[Category:Seventh Years]]
[[Category:Seventh Years]]
[[Category:Wlytherin Seventh Years]]
[[Category:Slytherin Seventh Years]]
| caption= Free to be...
| caption= There's no light at the end of the tunnel tonight, just a bridge that I've gotta burn...
| PB= Anne Hathaway
| PB= Kelly Clarkson
| character_name= Phoebe Hamilton
| character_name= Riley McGranahan
| ljaccount = phoebe_hamilton
| ljaccount = riley_anne
| hometown = Ashford, England
| hometown = Dublin, Ireland
| year = 6th
| year = 7th
| House = Gryffindor
| House = Slytherin
| favorite_subjects = Arithmancy, Ancient Runes
| favorite_subjects = Arithmancy, Charms
| worst_subjects = Charms, Transfiguration
| worst_subjects = Potions, Herbology
| mun_lj = butterflyvision
| mun_lj = frelianprincess
==Phoebe Hamilton==
==Riley McGranahan==
*'''Name:''' Phoebe Ashira Hamilton
*'''Name:''' Riley Anne Sophia Marie McGranahan
*'''Bloodine:''' Halfblood
*'''Bloodine:''' Pureblood
*'''Birthplace:''' Ashford, England
*'''Birthplace:''' Dublin, Ireland
*'''Class:''' Upper-middle
*'''Class:''' Upper
*'''Year:''' 6th
*'''Year:''' 7th
*'''House:''' Gryffindor
*'''House:''' Slytherin
*'''Wand:''' Maple Wood and Unicorn hair
*'''Wand:''' Hawthorne and Sphinx tail hair, 8 1/2 inches
Now the maple is a tree most commonly found all over Canada. This country has a beautiful red maple leaf on their flag as well. The maple is a symbol of freedom and pride. Now is there any more proud and free a magical creature than the unicorn? Maybe a centaur...But all in all the unicorn is the magical creature that craves liberty and independence from humans the most. Also, if you ever meet a unicorn, you will meet no prouder nor distiguished a creature. If you are ever lucky to get close enough to one that is! Now what happens when the free and proud hair from a unicorn, meet the free and proud maple! A quite lovely and exquisite carefree wand. The wand will execute spells at the least command. This wand type has even been rumoured to perform easy spells that the wizard may have simply been THINKING about, so strong is this wand's need for a feeling of free will and the pride that comes with executing a spell. The owners of such wands are usually free-spirited (obviously) and clear of mind and thought. It is said the WAND picks the wizard, well this wand needs a clear mind to read and feel liberated in. Carefree wands for carefree people!
Hawthorn is well-suited for all protective magic and all magic aimed at strengthening one's magical powers, spells of control, or warding, sending, detection, concealment and psychic protection.  A sphinx tail hair is not often used in wands, for Sphinx's are very temperamental about that sort of thing. But a wand with this core is exceptional for aggressive sorts of magic; curses, hexes, jinxes and the like.
Phoebe is a spontaneous, free-spirited young woman. She is a romantic and a dreamer with a rich, poetic imagination. She'll try anything once, twice if she had a good time. Her motto is: "Don't complain, never explain." She trusts herself as well-- always has and always will. She has an electric vitality and her intuition is remarkable, radiant, and alive. She’s outgoing and friendly—the sort of person who will walk up to a perfect stranger and strike up a conversation. She’s not shy in the least and it has a tendency to make situations a bit awkward at times.
Riley isn’t exactly what one would call stable. She physically cannot trust anyone, and hates almost everyone she meets on principle.  She was raised to believe that no one was worthy of her, especially not Muggles or Mudbloods. She will, however, pretend to like purebloods because it makes her look good, and nothing is more important to her than her image. She will also do anything to get what she wants. Short of murdering someone, that is. She’s downright cruel to those she feels are inferior, and will never hide her anger.  She has a tendency to lose all self-control about the same time she loses her temper, and this has resulted in her doing a lot of rather stupid things. Like fight people who are bigger than her.  She’s been in the hospital wing more times than she can remember.
More adjectives to describe Phoebe? She is adventurous, curious, charming, funny, magnetic, proud and completely confident. She's also a smart-ass and very rebellious. To her credit, she can make the best out of any situation, no matter how bad or hopeless it may seem. Phoebe is a true original, one of a kind, and happy to stay that way. It's not that Phoebe dances to the beat of a different drummer, she's dancing to an entirely different band!
On top of all these flaws, her major one is her fear of commitment. Her mother died and her father’s heart broke to the point he couldn’t love anymore, not even her, so he more or less abandoned her. Ever since, she’s been absolutely terrified that the same thing will happen to her and she’ll get hurt.  Therefore she pushes everyone away and refuses to get close to a soul. She’s had a large amount of flings, but never anything important. 
Unlike most upper class girls, with their refined sensibilities, Phoebe is more down to earth and easy going. She shops at thrift stores and is generally care-free and relaxed. She’s certainly not an outcast in the sense of Luna Lovegood—she doesn’t go out of her way to stand out or be different, but she doesn’t conform either. She’s got her own unique and personal sense of style and she adores it.
Overall, Riley sees herself as a strong girl. She’s never been affected by what people think or say about her. She’s kept herself from being hurt for years.  She’s quite talented at getting her way, even if it means manipulating people in the process. She’s not afraid to stand up for what she believes in, and always voices her opinions unless it suits her better interests to keep her mouth shut.
Most teenage girls at Hogwarts are in relationships, have relationships that are budding or… whatever. While Phoebe’s certainly not against this sort of thing, it’s not her. Far too flighty and impulsive to be tied down by an actual serious relationship, Phoebe has a tendency to avoid the subject or idea. This is due to her great fear of commitment. The idea of completely committing scares her, so she pretty much avoids anything that extends past a friendship (yes, this includes snogging) with most boys.
However, each of these strengths are also her weakness. She keeps people away so she doesn’t get hurt, but she’s also never truly happy.  She manipulates people, including her friends, so she can trust no one. She figures if she can be this petty and dishonest, then anyone can.  She’s very blunt, and almost always tells people the truth about themselves, but in general people don’t like the truth. They’d much rather have everything sugar coated for them.  Her biggest weakness, however, is her fear of commitment. And while most guys would love a girl like her (an easy lay, no strings attached), this fear causes her to push the guys that would be good for her away, and she’s missing out on a lot of the good things in life, such as love.
On a less pleasant side, she’s as stubborn as they come. Nothing can really make her change her mind, and once her opinion is set on a person or thing, it takes quite a bit to convince her otherwise. And while she’s friendly, kind, and a good friend? She remains a bit detached from just about everyone in order to keep from being hurt. Yes, this includes best friends. There’s that whole fear of commitment again. And, really, the fear is a bit on the irrational side, seeing as she's had no REAL bad luck when it comes to that sort of thing. Silly girl.
===Physical Description===
===Physical Description===
Phoebe stands at about 5’5” with a rather average build, since she really does nothing spectacular sports-wise. She has long, dark hair that falls past her shoulders and curls just a little. Her eyes are a dark shade of brown. Her nose is a bit larger and broader than ideal, but eh. She’s learned to live with it and love it. She has a broad, toothy grin and is rarely seen frowning.
Shoulder length brown hair with blonde chunks, although she likes to change her hair color on random whims. Sometimes it might be blonde, sometimes brown.  It depends on her mood. Ah, the wonders of cosmetic charms. Hazel eyes.  Very short. About 4’10”. Maybe.  She’s rather fair skinned, because she physically can not tan. She’s also ridiculously thin, to the point of looking unhealthy. It’s not that she doesn’t eat.  In fact, she eats more than most girls can.  She just never gains weight.
Phoebe born into a rather wealthy family, always knowing the best in life, the perfect little brat. The only daughter o her parents (she does, however, have an older brother), she was doted upon while growing up. She changed, as she went through school, but not much. She still tends to get a bit upset when things don’t go the way she wants them to, but usually, she doesn’t whine or throw fits over it.
The only child of purebloods Gerald and Scarlett McGranahan, Riley grew up rather spoiled.  She had the best of everything. Her mother more or less let Riley do whatever she wanted because she wanted her daughter to truly live her life before she was forced to marry and have children.  Riley was always closer to her mother than her father because her mother was so open and caring and her father was so strict.  Sadly, her mother was murdered when she was 10. Her murderers were (or so she was told) unprovoked Mudbloods, and if she didn’t hate them before, she certainly did now. She didn’t know that her parents were Death Eaters until she was older and the prejudice was so deeply pressed into her that she couldn’t even consider that her mother might have been wrong.  Ever since the death of his wife, Riley’s father has kept his daughter at a distance.  It wasn’t that he didn’t love her.  Oh no.  He was scared of getting attached and then losing her as well.  Riley didn’t see it that way.  She felt like he abandoned her.  That he didn’t love her because she wasn’t worthy of love.  Hence she became terrified of commitment and was determined to never fall in love.
Phoebe’s mother, Helena Applegate, was born to a Muggle and a Pureblood, while her father, Demeterius Hamilton, heils from a long line of purebloods. Both are well-known families. Helena works in a clothing shop in Diagon Alley, while Demeterius works for the Dept. of International Magical Cooperation. Her brother David is someone who she’s extremely close to. She had quite the happy and privileged childhood.
Riley is incredibly jealous of her cousin Samantha Jones.  This smudge on her mother’s pristinely pure bloodline had a loving family. People who cared about her. She was happy.  And Riley, who’d done everything a proper witch should, was alone and miserable.  She more or less tortured the poor girl the whole time they were growing up. And continues to do so. She’s the only person who will call Sam on how cruel she can really be, and this usually leads to some unkind words from the Jones’ girl’s “posse”.
Although, now/at school? She doesn’t really show it that much, settling for more ‘classic’ things that run a bit cheaper and stand out more from her schoolmates. She’s always been the friendly and social sort, though not always studious, and she’s a huge fan of Quidditch. Phoebe doesn’t hold any special positions in school, but she doesn’t fret over that sort of thing.
Her bloodline’s not completely pure, but it’s not the sort of topic she confirms or denies. Really, she just lets people think whatever. It’s easier than actually talking about it.
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Gryffindors, the Warriors:
Slytherins, the Rulers:
The Rulers are of those that claim to rule over all else. They are generally ambitious and power-hungry. You will note that these are also typical Slyth traits. Salazar Slytherin was without doubt of the Ruler caste.
The Warriors, whose task was to protect land and lord, are generally brave, stubborn and fiery, as are Gryffindors. Hence, 'Gryffs rush in where others fear to tread'. Godric Gryffindor was clearly a Warrior.
*[[Ancient Runes]]
*[[Muggle Studies]]
*[[History of Magic]]
Magically, Phoebe's not strong with classes that require wandwork-- they take far too much patience and focus. She understands them, yes, but it's actually performing spells where she falls apart. She takes much better to classes that required reading and studying, surprisingly. It's not that she likes studying, but those classes intrigue her more than silly spells and potions.
Riley’s always had an aptitude for charms. There’s something about being able to make a plate tap dance or something along those lines that comes very easy to her. She’s done decently in Transfiguration, DADA, and Potions, but she works ridiculously hard to keep her Potions grade up to par. Her favorite class, however, is Arithmancy. She loves it because there she can actually solve problems. You can’t in real life.
She does best in Arithmancy and Ancient Runes (doesn't hurt that the Runes professor is quite good looking) and works the hardest at them. Eventually, she wants to find some sort of career within that field-- hopefully, something that will allow her to travel and see the world.
Her personality? Very, very outgoing and friendly. She'll walk right up to just about anyone and start to talk with them. She follows what she believes in her heart to be right or true and always, always speaks her mind. She's loyal and dedicated to a fault as well.
Phoebe's the type to always stand up for herself and those around here. She speaks her mind without hesitation. She's also quite social, knowing and associating with people from various houses. She’s quite the socialite and loves talking to just about everyone. She has a slight distrust of Slytherins, but not to the extent that most do. It’s a natural thing, what with her being a Gryffindor.
...Charms. DADA. Transfiguration. Wandwork classes + Phoebe= a big, fat no. She doesn't care for them much (Charms being the only real exception to that), so really, she doesn't put much effort into them at all. She JUST passed the classes, and only with 'A's in Transfiguration and DADA in order to please her parents.
Riley’s terrible at a lot of things. Potions first and foremost. She manages to keep her grades in the ‘E’ range, but only through much studying, practicing, and tutoring. Potions reminds her too much of cooking, and she’s just as bad at that. She’s also awful at Divinations. And History of Magic for the same reason.  She’s the type of person who lives in the here and now, not the future or the past. She’s not a fan of herbology either.  She’s never had to keep anything alive other than her cat, and Juliet is rather self-sufficient. She’s also bad at Astronomy. It was a late class and she had trouble paying attention.
Her stubbornness works both for and against her-- sometimes? It flat out makes people ANGRY and annoyed that she won't change her mind. Plus? There's that whole brutal honesty thing-- she never DOESN'T mean what she says. She's a bit hotheaded and can lose her temper rather easily-- she's not one to be in denial or hide her emotions.  
Though she holds people near and dear to her heart? She remains somewhat detached from them, mostly from fear of hurting/being hurt. She’ll get close, yes, but she’ll never fully let someone in. The idea terrifies her, so she backs away before that has a chance of happening.
*'''Birthday''': January 28, 1989
*'''Birthday''': April 1, 1988
*'''Sign:''' Aquarius. The Water Bearer. Fixed, air, yang - planetary rulers: Saturn and Uranus. Keywords: "I KNOW"
*'''Sign:''' Aries: The Ram. Cardinal, fire, yang - planetary ruler: Mars. Keywords: "I AM"  
Aquarius is the eleventh house of the Zodiac and rules the circulatory system, shins, and ankles. Positive traits include brilliance, innovation, individuality, openness, social consciousness, inventiveness, practical skill, and self assertion; negative traits are eccentricity, lack of attachment to people and the "real world," over-intellectualizing of the emotions, a crotchety temper, rigidity, intellectual arrogance, and stubbornness.
Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and governs the head. Positive characteristics of Aries include courage, enthusiasm, idealism, charisma, quick wits, an ability to "think on one's feet," leadership potential, exuberant energy, zeal, and innocence. Negative traits include selfishness, tactlessness, egocentrism, an inability to save money, impetuousness, a hot temper, combativeness, oversensitivity, carelessness, and cruelty.  
===Gryffindor Aquarians===
===Slytherin Ariens===
Gryffindor Aquarians are the social activists and loons of their House. They'll picket for House Elf Liberation. They'll wear their robes inside out because they spent all night reading, not pay attention to how they dressed the next day, and not care if their rumpled appearance is pointed out to them. They are intellectual rebels and will loudly defend their opinions, even if doing so makes enemies. They are apt to question authority. "Even Merlin was wrong, some of the time," they'll say, shrugging. While not particularly good at dealing with crisis situations (they stress out easily) they do tend to have enough foresight to see the situations coming, and prevent them from happening in the first place. They can be flamboyantly talented, but are less interested in using their talent to "make it big" than in using it to make a better life for themselves or other people. Because Gryffindor tends to be a flamboyant house, these oddballs (they are always odd) tend to stick out for being unusual.
A Slytherin Aries is a bundle of contradictions. In some ways, they have the potential to be the strongest of their House - the intensity, drive, and brilliant visionary dreams of the Aries combined with the innate leadership skills, the charisma, and the profound sense of self (including the eccentric lack of interest in conforming to what other people think) is stuff of which great magical legends are made. However, a Slytherin Aries has much to learn about politics, knowing who is an appropriate object of trust and who is not trustworthy, knowing when to keep one's mouth shut, and knowing when to avoid acting on impulse in order to use a situation to its best advantage. Although they hate to admit it, these Slytherins are easily manipulated by more cynical, shrewd peers in the Serpent's Den. If they can learn to manage their blind spots, they will go far. Slytherin Aries types can be quite cruel, especially if they have enough physical prowess to bully smaller students; those that are not cruel can still be thoughtless and brutally tactless without actually meaning to cause damage

Current revision as of 15:40, 28 October 2006

Riley McGranahan

There's no light at the end of the tunnel tonight, just a bridge that I've gotta burn...

Played ByKelly Clarkson
LJ accountuserinfo.gif riley_anne
HometownDublin, Ireland
Current Year7th
Hogwarts HouseSlytherin
Favorite SubjectsArithmancy, Charms
Worst SubjectsPotions, Herbology

userinfo.gif frelianprincess


Riley McGranahan

  • Name: Riley Anne Sophia Marie McGranahan
  • Bloodine: Pureblood
  • Birthplace: Dublin, Ireland
  • Class: Upper
  • Year: 7th
  • House: Slytherin
  • Wand: Hawthorne and Sphinx tail hair, 8 1/2 inches

Hawthorn is well-suited for all protective magic and all magic aimed at strengthening one's magical powers, spells of control, or warding, sending, detection, concealment and psychic protection. A sphinx tail hair is not often used in wands, for Sphinx's are very temperamental about that sort of thing. But a wand with this core is exceptional for aggressive sorts of magic; curses, hexes, jinxes and the like.


Riley isn’t exactly what one would call stable. She physically cannot trust anyone, and hates almost everyone she meets on principle. She was raised to believe that no one was worthy of her, especially not Muggles or Mudbloods. She will, however, pretend to like purebloods because it makes her look good, and nothing is more important to her than her image. She will also do anything to get what she wants. Short of murdering someone, that is. She’s downright cruel to those she feels are inferior, and will never hide her anger. She has a tendency to lose all self-control about the same time she loses her temper, and this has resulted in her doing a lot of rather stupid things. Like fight people who are bigger than her. She’s been in the hospital wing more times than she can remember.

On top of all these flaws, her major one is her fear of commitment. Her mother died and her father’s heart broke to the point he couldn’t love anymore, not even her, so he more or less abandoned her. Ever since, she’s been absolutely terrified that the same thing will happen to her and she’ll get hurt. Therefore she pushes everyone away and refuses to get close to a soul. She’s had a large amount of flings, but never anything important.

Overall, Riley sees herself as a strong girl. She’s never been affected by what people think or say about her. She’s kept herself from being hurt for years. She’s quite talented at getting her way, even if it means manipulating people in the process. She’s not afraid to stand up for what she believes in, and always voices her opinions unless it suits her better interests to keep her mouth shut.

However, each of these strengths are also her weakness. She keeps people away so she doesn’t get hurt, but she’s also never truly happy. She manipulates people, including her friends, so she can trust no one. She figures if she can be this petty and dishonest, then anyone can. She’s very blunt, and almost always tells people the truth about themselves, but in general people don’t like the truth. They’d much rather have everything sugar coated for them. Her biggest weakness, however, is her fear of commitment. And while most guys would love a girl like her (an easy lay, no strings attached), this fear causes her to push the guys that would be good for her away, and she’s missing out on a lot of the good things in life, such as love.

Physical Description

Shoulder length brown hair with blonde chunks, although she likes to change her hair color on random whims. Sometimes it might be blonde, sometimes brown. It depends on her mood. Ah, the wonders of cosmetic charms. Hazel eyes. Very short. About 4’10”. Maybe. She’s rather fair skinned, because she physically can not tan. She’s also ridiculously thin, to the point of looking unhealthy. It’s not that she doesn’t eat. In fact, she eats more than most girls can. She just never gains weight.


The only child of purebloods Gerald and Scarlett McGranahan, Riley grew up rather spoiled. She had the best of everything. Her mother more or less let Riley do whatever she wanted because she wanted her daughter to truly live her life before she was forced to marry and have children. Riley was always closer to her mother than her father because her mother was so open and caring and her father was so strict. Sadly, her mother was murdered when she was 10. Her murderers were (or so she was told) unprovoked Mudbloods, and if she didn’t hate them before, she certainly did now. She didn’t know that her parents were Death Eaters until she was older and the prejudice was so deeply pressed into her that she couldn’t even consider that her mother might have been wrong. Ever since the death of his wife, Riley’s father has kept his daughter at a distance. It wasn’t that he didn’t love her. Oh no. He was scared of getting attached and then losing her as well. Riley didn’t see it that way. She felt like he abandoned her. That he didn’t love her because she wasn’t worthy of love. Hence she became terrified of commitment and was determined to never fall in love.

Riley is incredibly jealous of her cousin Samantha Jones. This smudge on her mother’s pristinely pure bloodline had a loving family. People who cared about her. She was happy. And Riley, who’d done everything a proper witch should, was alone and miserable. She more or less tortured the poor girl the whole time they were growing up. And continues to do so. She’s the only person who will call Sam on how cruel she can really be, and this usually leads to some unkind words from the Jones’ girl’s “posse”.




Slytherins, the Rulers:

The Rulers are of those that claim to rule over all else. They are generally ambitious and power-hungry. You will note that these are also typical Slyth traits. Salazar Slytherin was without doubt of the Ruler caste.



Riley’s always had an aptitude for charms. There’s something about being able to make a plate tap dance or something along those lines that comes very easy to her. She’s done decently in Transfiguration, DADA, and Potions, but she works ridiculously hard to keep her Potions grade up to par. Her favorite class, however, is Arithmancy. She loves it because there she can actually solve problems. You can’t in real life.


Riley’s terrible at a lot of things. Potions first and foremost. She manages to keep her grades in the ‘E’ range, but only through much studying, practicing, and tutoring. Potions reminds her too much of cooking, and she’s just as bad at that. She’s also awful at Divinations. And History of Magic for the same reason. She’s the type of person who lives in the here and now, not the future or the past. She’s not a fan of herbology either. She’s never had to keep anything alive other than her cat, and Juliet is rather self-sufficient. She’s also bad at Astronomy. It was a late class and she had trouble paying attention.


  • Birthday: April 1, 1988
  • Sign: Aries: The Ram. Cardinal, fire, yang - planetary ruler: Mars. Keywords: "I AM"

Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and governs the head. Positive characteristics of Aries include courage, enthusiasm, idealism, charisma, quick wits, an ability to "think on one's feet," leadership potential, exuberant energy, zeal, and innocence. Negative traits include selfishness, tactlessness, egocentrism, an inability to save money, impetuousness, a hot temper, combativeness, oversensitivity, carelessness, and cruelty.

Slytherin Ariens

A Slytherin Aries is a bundle of contradictions. In some ways, they have the potential to be the strongest of their House - the intensity, drive, and brilliant visionary dreams of the Aries combined with the innate leadership skills, the charisma, and the profound sense of self (including the eccentric lack of interest in conforming to what other people think) is stuff of which great magical legends are made. However, a Slytherin Aries has much to learn about politics, knowing who is an appropriate object of trust and who is not trustworthy, knowing when to keep one's mouth shut, and knowing when to avoid acting on impulse in order to use a situation to its best advantage. Although they hate to admit it, these Slytherins are easily manipulated by more cynical, shrewd peers in the Serpent's Den. If they can learn to manage their blind spots, they will go far. Slytherin Aries types can be quite cruel, especially if they have enough physical prowess to bully smaller students; those that are not cruel can still be thoughtless and brutally tactless without actually meaning to cause damage

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