Amelie Asawenth

From Np Hogwarts

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Player Name: Kit Dion
Player House (Your character will be in the same house unless you have specific permission to do otherwise): Ravenclaw
Character Name: Amelie Kateri Asawenth
Character Age: 15 (going on a few thousand, so it's said with a mouth that gets her into trouble more often than not)
If your character is a student - what year is s/he? She's started her fifth year in September.
If you prefer, you can be a denizen of Hogsmeade. Please note that here: What? No, definitely a student.
What kind of wand does your character possess? An oak wand, with a cast silver grip, at seventeen inches long, with a core of gryphon heartstring (she went through twenty before it found her, much to the dismay of the shopkeeper).
There are four basic broomsticks available. They are:
Clean Sweap
Shooting Star
Nimbus* only with permission
Firebolts are not allowed.
Does your character own a broom? Which brand? Comet, very neat and always shiny. Blasted neat-freak for the most part unless she absolutely absorbed in something -- and has coffee.
Does your character have any special abilities? (Natural flier or good at potions, for example {Please note that Animagi and Metamorphmagi are rare, and you MUST have mod permission for these}) As she is bookish, she tends to pick up on academic subjects quite nicely (her parents are very proud of her achievements in both potions and charms but insist she try harder in transfiguration and divination), though the actual performance of spells and the like may get scrambled more often than not (proving her right when she hollers about needing more practice than play).
Describe your character’s flaws and magical weaknesses (if you have a strong magical ability you must counteract it with a magical weakness equal or greater than the talent): Her need to do better has her head places it shouldn't be -- like the Library when she ought to be in bed or snooping around the Restricted Section on the hush-hush. She's had one or two successes with Divination, but considers herself a failure in the subject -- which only makes her try harder. She lacks magical direction and focus -- something that's quite telling in her studies, though she's made good marks for the most part.
Character Background/History: Fifteen years ago, in London proper, (though the family now lives in the county of Kent and the cathedral city of Canterbury to be exact) Amelie was born during a winter storm that had everyone on edge, but as the relatively wealthy parents of three (ages 4, Amalda, 6, Daniel, and 8, Peter respectively), Alanti and Dorland Asawenth were no more worried than any other mother and father would be at the birth of their fourth and final child. Everything was all well and good until she turned five. The middle child, Daniel, decided to prank his sister and scared the bajesus out of her when they were playing outside. Ellie (it was Daniel who gave her the nickname) fell right off the stone wall, hiccuped, and found herself in a tree down the hillside without a scratch on her. Daniel got her down fifteen minutes later and for his efforts, he turned around and thought he saw a Dementor. Suitably spooked, he screamed like a girl for approximately six minutes straight and his sister laughed until she was near blue in the face. The parents? Not so amused.
Danny never frightened her again after that...much to her parents' delight.
At eleven, Ellie received her first of five Hogwart's letters and began her schooling where as she always had her nose in some book or another, she proved to be a smartass,, let's just say she has done very well in her schooling due to a predisposition to stuffing herself away in the library and avoiding everyone else (which never works anyway, though she protests). The year she entered Hogwart's was the year she got Fallon, her black, white faced (and oddly enough for the species, a blue eyed) barn owl.
She is particularly good with charms and potions, and fancies herself rather nifty when it comes to Defense Against the Dark Arts. She hates (very much) Care of Magical Creatures since she always seems to get maimed by something or other in that class. First year she got bit by a blasted Mandrake when a classmate knocked her forward at the wrong time. Her nose turned purple (and brown, green, with a bit of yellow) for a week due to the bruising. She did not talk to Pedrig Gumswallow for a good three weeks on account of wounded pride (and nose). She's more than a little accident prone and tends to find herself in the thick of trouble when she least expects it (or worse during exams, everything's worse then).
Scrapes and bruises followed her fourth year along as she was unwillingly dragged into the stupidest (or at least harrowing) plots. Deep down, she just sure she's got an Auror in there somewhere, though she's headfirst in a book more often than not. So far her fifth year's been uneventful -- but that never lasts, does it?
[[Category:Fifth Years]]
[[Category:Ravenclaw Fifth Years]]

Current revision as of 08:04, 13 April 2006

Player Name: Kit Dion

Player House (Your character will be in the same house unless you have specific permission to do otherwise): Ravenclaw

Character Name: Amelie Kateri Asawenth

Character Age: 15 (going on a few thousand, so it's said with a mouth that gets her into trouble more often than not)

If your character is a student - what year is s/he? She's started her fifth year in September.

If you prefer, you can be a denizen of Hogsmeade. Please note that here: What? No, definitely a student.

What kind of wand does your character possess? An oak wand, with a cast silver grip, at seventeen inches long, with a core of gryphon heartstring (she went through twenty before it found her, much to the dismay of the shopkeeper).

There are four basic broomsticks available. They are:

Clean Sweap Comet Shooting Star Nimbus* only with permission Firebolts are not allowed.

Does your character own a broom? Which brand? Comet, very neat and always shiny. Blasted neat-freak for the most part unless she absolutely absorbed in something -- and has coffee.

Does your character have any special abilities? (Natural flier or good at potions, for example {Please note that Animagi and Metamorphmagi are rare, and you MUST have mod permission for these}) As she is bookish, she tends to pick up on academic subjects quite nicely (her parents are very proud of her achievements in both potions and charms but insist she try harder in transfiguration and divination), though the actual performance of spells and the like may get scrambled more often than not (proving her right when she hollers about needing more practice than play).

Describe your character’s flaws and magical weaknesses (if you have a strong magical ability you must counteract it with a magical weakness equal or greater than the talent): Her need to do better has her head places it shouldn't be -- like the Library when she ought to be in bed or snooping around the Restricted Section on the hush-hush. She's had one or two successes with Divination, but considers herself a failure in the subject -- which only makes her try harder. She lacks magical direction and focus -- something that's quite telling in her studies, though she's made good marks for the most part.

Character Background/History: Fifteen years ago, in London proper, (though the family now lives in the county of Kent and the cathedral city of Canterbury to be exact) Amelie was born during a winter storm that had everyone on edge, but as the relatively wealthy parents of three (ages 4, Amalda, 6, Daniel, and 8, Peter respectively), Alanti and Dorland Asawenth were no more worried than any other mother and father would be at the birth of their fourth and final child. Everything was all well and good until she turned five. The middle child, Daniel, decided to prank his sister and scared the bajesus out of her when they were playing outside. Ellie (it was Daniel who gave her the nickname) fell right off the stone wall, hiccuped, and found herself in a tree down the hillside without a scratch on her. Daniel got her down fifteen minutes later and for his efforts, he turned around and thought he saw a Dementor. Suitably spooked, he screamed like a girl for approximately six minutes straight and his sister laughed until she was near blue in the face. The parents? Not so amused.

Danny never frightened her again after that...much to her parents' delight.

At eleven, Ellie received her first of five Hogwart's letters and began her schooling where as she always had her nose in some book or another, she proved to be a smartass,, let's just say she has done very well in her schooling due to a predisposition to stuffing herself away in the library and avoiding everyone else (which never works anyway, though she protests). The year she entered Hogwart's was the year she got Fallon, her black, white faced (and oddly enough for the species, a blue eyed) barn owl.

She is particularly good with charms and potions, and fancies herself rather nifty when it comes to Defense Against the Dark Arts. She hates (very much) Care of Magical Creatures since she always seems to get maimed by something or other in that class. First year she got bit by a blasted Mandrake when a classmate knocked her forward at the wrong time. Her nose turned purple (and brown, green, with a bit of yellow) for a week due to the bruising. She did not talk to Pedrig Gumswallow for a good three weeks on account of wounded pride (and nose). She's more than a little accident prone and tends to find herself in the thick of trouble when she least expects it (or worse during exams, everything's worse then).

Scrapes and bruises followed her fourth year along as she was unwillingly dragged into the stupidest (or at least harrowing) plots. Deep down, she just sure she's got an Auror in there somewhere, though she's headfirst in a book more often than not. So far her fifth year's been uneventful -- but that never lasts, does it?

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