David Hamilton

From Np Hogwarts

Player Name // Username: Morgan! soleil_luna

Character Name: David Talos Hamilton // laidbackdave

Preferred Character House: Ravenclaw! David will never stop asking questions. He’s a very curious boy, apt to obsessing over a question until he gets an answer that fully satisfies him. He doesn’t work particularly hard in his studies but he does, however, love to learn. He also isn’t particularly brave, cunning or loyal.

Character Age: 17 (well since the date in NP is past his birthday, he’s actually 18 IG)

If your character is a student - what year is s/he? 7th year.

If you prefer, you can be a Hogwarts Staff or Hogsmeade shop owner. Please note requested position here. (Check availability first!) No thanks. STUDENT.

What kind of wand does your character possess? 11 inch, Maple wood wand with a Dragon Heartstring core.

Does your character own a broom? Which brand? *Nimbus with mod permission only* He’s not much of a flier. He doesn’t really bother with owning one because it’d never get any use.

Describe your character’s strengths (both magically and personality-wise. Please note that Animagi and Metamorphmagi, etc. are extremely rare and you MUST have Mod Permission.): David is very strong in Charms. He picks it up with the most ease and just happens to enjoy the subject. He’s fair in other wand work but doesn’t try nearly hard enough to perfect his skills in anything but charms.

Non-magically, David is a very imaginative and creative person. If he could only channel his creative energy, he’d be set. He’s pretty open minded and open to trying new things.

Describe your character’s flaws/weaknesses: David is really lazy about his schoolwork, especially more bookish subjects like History of Magic, Arithmancy and the such. If he actually tried, he’d probably do fine in all of his classes. But unfortunately he doesn’t care too much for trying. He really isn’t good at Herbology or Potions, however. His patience just runs short with the precision needed for Potions and the care needed for the plants.

Non-magically, David tends to ingratiate himself for others. Just one of his weird little complexes. He also has a penchant for being nervous about nothing, really.

Describe your character’s physical attributes. If you have a preferred PB, state it here first!: William Moseley

Is your character Muggle born, a half-blood, or a pureblood? Explain it. Technically half. His mother, Helena, is a halfblood as her parents were a Pureblood-Muggle intermarriage. His father, Demetrius, is a pureblood. His dad works in the Department of Magical Cooperation and his mom owns a clothing shop.

Character Background/History: David was born October 21st in London to Helena and Demetrius Hamilton. Not long after, his sister, Phoebe, was born and the family moved to Ashford, England in the province of Kent. David has always been a bit more relaxed about things than the rest of his family but he has his times of being a brat. He’s always been privileged and can be hypocritical when he scolds others when they take it for granted (because he totally does).

David has tried lots of different extracurriculars throughout his life, trying to find his niche. When he was 7, he tried musical instruments such as piano, the guitar and the drums. It was a disaster. So instead of trying a new sport when he started Hogwarts (i.e.-Quidditch), David just quit while he was ahead and decided to stick to puzzles and such.

As siblings, more specifically brother and sister, Phoebe and David actually get along amazingly well and are damn close for being so close in age. Even during Hogwarts they’ve stayed tightly bonded.

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