
From Nomicapolis

Revision as of 02:29, 13 January 2007 by Dayd (Talk | contribs)

Proposed by: Dayd 01:53, 12 January 2007 (EST)


Proposer's summary and declarations

Proposer's summary Debate will end for this proposal at 12:00, 15 January 2007 (EST)
This is a proposal to reset the Census page each round thereby getting rid of inactive players.
Alright so everyone's lazy...I figured as much...In that case I'll change it to my original idea which is "Any player that is not active for a complete round will be removed from the Census at the beginning of the next round." Only problem with this is if there happens to be an extremely short round because someone loopholes. But I suppose that will create less hassle than the way I've proposed. --Dayd 21:29, 12 January 2007 (EST)


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Ugh, more bureacracy. How about just dropping players marked inactive and keeping everyone else? (not only forgot to sign, but I seem to have gotten signed out, and I can't recall my password and there's no "forgot password" link. Think we can maybe move to a wiki that isn't so bloody crippled? -- chuck)

I don't know how crazy i am about this idea... --Tucana25 16:07, 12 January 2007 (EST)



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