
From Nomicapolis

Revision as of 22:42, 2 January 2007 by Chuck (Talk | contribs)


Proposer's summary and declarations

Proposer's summary Debate will end on 12:00, 3 Junuary, 2007. This proposal is really intented to limit the amount of work the scorekeeper has to do. After trying to backlog scoring I figure resetting it will be much easier. That and I will be giving up the most considering I have the greatest score to lose. Also this will make rounds more finite instead of lasting indifinitely. I feel that this will allow more player the potential of winning. --Dayd 01:25, 1 January 2007 (EST)
The reason a month was selected was because that is the current length of all position. I figured after a round all the positions should be reselected. I think I like Co-Nomic's idea of the winning, being granted special rights, but at the same time their point scores are handicapped making it unlikely that a person can win two rounds in a row. It is also my opinion that we need to stop with the 0 gain and work on win win situations. This nomic still doesn't really have a point nor a purpose, albeit the generic propose rules, vote, gains points, repeat. So based on my monthly round things in the future will be based on this cycle to include Elections, AJF drafted population table, etc. --Dayd 11:15, 2 January 2007 (EST)


Add comments Way too fast IMHO. How about quarterly? chuck 00:33, 2 January 2007 (EST)

I would tend to agree with a longer time frame. I wasn't too keen on the scorekeeper idea already, and with your concerns now raised (dayd), might it not just be more practical to nix the S.K. position? --Tucana25 13:36, 2 January 2007 (EST)

Actually, my only objection is that it makes "wins" a really common thing, it's almost like "everybody wins". However, I do agree that the scorekeeper's job will get progressively harder, since the inevitable mistakes in bookkeeping will become cumulative, so perhaps resetting the score every month isn't so bad. I just think a different term would be better. Something as ho-hum as "round wins", or perhaps something more like an object. Like Gold Stars, (or heck, Gold Pieces) or Experience Points, or something evocative of some kind of game mechanic other than a "monthly win". chuck 17:42, 2 January 2007 (EST)



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