Nomicapolis:Look and feel

From Nomicapolis

Revision as of 22:13, 29 November 2006 by TomFoolery (Talk | contribs)

This is a meta-discussion on how the non-rule pages of the wiki looks and feels and how it could be improved. This includes suggestions of pages that could be included in the navigation sidepanel, sprucing up the Main Page, and maybe getting a new icon for the game. If you have an idea on how we can improve the look and feel of the wiki and it is not listed below, add it! --Simulacrum 16:26, 29 November 2006 (EST)


Navigation Sidepanel

Are there any pages that should be included in the navigation sidepanel? I've already added Game-direction which is a popular page with the wiki. Make your suggestions. --Simulacrum 16:26, 29 November 2006 (EST)

Main Page

How can we polish the Main Page? Does it look perfect right now? Should we completely tear it down and rebuild it? --Simulacrum 16:26, 29 November 2006 (EST)


The template Announcements is a great way of getting news out there quickly. It does get bogged down with old news though. How about some sort of time-limit on how long an announcement is publicized? --Simulacrum 16:26, 29 November 2006 (EST)


The disccusions on the Game-direction page are in my opinion vital to the future of the game. It allows the players to guage the feeling on possible proposals, as well as, to dicuss the future of the game without the constraints of rulemaking. However, it is a bit clumsy in the presentation of information contained therein. Dayd has cut the page somewhat recently to take out discussions that are no longer relevent to the game. I thank him for it because it was needed. Should we continue to edit out old discussions when the page seems to get a bit bulky? I would prefer that we place the old discussions on a archive page so that newer player might be able to refer to them should they ask about an old idea. What are your thoughts? --Simulacrum 16:26, 29 November 2006 (EST)

Various pages for and about judges

I would like to thank TomFoolery for the creation of Judge Election, Decisions of the Judge as well as other pages of simular nature. I had meant to do it myself but I got bogged down with other happenings. I think that it would be nice to add an elections link as well as, a (previously removed) courthouse link at the top of the main page. Also, it may be to early to tell but, I would like to see those pages spruced up a bit. --Simulacrum 16:26, 29 November 2006 (EST)

Those pages are mostly place holders at this time, per the rules they are the domain of the player serving as Judge, so I have left them relatively open. --TomFoolery 17:13, 29 November 2006 (EST)

Site icon

The icon for the wiki is just a place-holder until somebody finds or creates a better one that we can use. If you find or make one upload it and suggest it. --Simulacrum 16:26, 29 November 2006 (EST)


The Proposals page focuses on instructions on how to make proposals. Should we move the text to a page with a better name (such as Proposal instructions)? We could then make the proposals page just about current proposals with longer summaries than the announcements page. --Simulacrum 16:26, 29 November 2006 (EST)

I agree with that idea, maybe a "newbie" page with all of those relevant instructions, so as to remove them from the main "playing" pages of this exercise. --TomFoolery 17:12, 29 November 2006 (EST)

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