From Nomicapolis

Revision as of 04:42, 18 April 2006 by Sinblox (Talk | contribs)
This is a mutable rule.
This rule is current, please view the discussion page for its vote archives and any discussion.

1. When a rule is proposed, there will be a period of three days of debate until it may be voted on.

1.1 If any player requests it, the debate time will be extended until this player is satisfied or they have abandoned the discussion.

1.1.1 This objection time may be overridden at anytime by the player who proposed the rule thus bringing the proposal straight to a vote.

1.1.2 If three days have elapsed and there is already votes registered for a proposal, no player may extend debate time, including the player who proposed it.

1.2 The proposing player may declare the proposal ready for vote before the three days have elapsed.

2. No player may modify the article page of a proposal while a vote is being conducted on that proposal, except to place a protection on the page.

3. If a rule gains the number of "for" votes required to pass or the number of "against" votes required to be defeated, any player may declare an end to voting on the proposal. If voting ends on a passing proposal, the player who declared the vote ended must immediately make the proposed change to the published ruleset. If voting ends on a defeated proposal, no player may add it to the ruleset.

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