
From Mchs Theater

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Seussical was performed in March of 2008.

Director's Notes

It 1s with pride that The MCHS Fine Arts Department brings this production of SEUSSICAL to this wonderful community tonight. The cast, crews, and directors have worked hard to produce this fresh new musical based on famous Dr. Seuss characters. The stage comes to life tonight in a blaze of color, creativity, movement, and song.

It's impossible to tally up the man-hours that have gone into this production. Lots and lots of people have been consumed by thisevent. We began almost five months ago with auditions. Along the way we designed and built vivid, imaginative sets and props and usedgallons and gallons of COLOR. The on stage performers and the pit musicians learned over 400 pages of music. We danced and danced, sang and sang, acted and acted, hammered and hammered, painted and painted and most of all, had FUN! After all, we all try to live byour departmental motto, "Excellence is Our Standard.. .Not Our Goal". "Oh the places you'll go" and the "thinks you will think" as you sit back and experience our musical adventure through the wonderful world of Dr Seuss!

Rachel,We are a bernal flimay who listed paul revere immersion #1, 5 others including 2 trophies and #7 cobb. When turning in application I asked how to signify the montessori pathway (as that was the ONLY part of cobb we would be interested in) I was told by an EPC counselor to just put the GEN code and it would be worked out at the school. Of course now I can see that it seems to have been quite niave to have believed this, but why would I doubt the advice of an EPC counselor? Our problem now is that we have been assigned cobb gen, the montesssori pathway is no longer there, (now way too difficult to get to the new location as it would require at least one more bus change in each direction) and not even available to us anyway. The real jeopardy here is that we are now in an even worse position in round 2 than the 0/7s. We are classified as having gotten one of our 7 choices due to the incorrect advice received at EPC. When I spoke to an EPC counselor 3/15 I was told there is nothing to be changed, what's done is done . Furthermore, after expressing my despair and wondering aloud what are we going to do I was told that kindergarten is not mandatory . What the heck? What about First Five? Is this really the way the EPC feels? Please, is there someone/something to do? At this point I just want to be in the 0/7 cohort as I honestly believe is our case. Anything.Would appreciate your help.Tara


  • Light Board Operator: Sarah Della Carpini
  • Sound Board Operator: Brandon Dressen, Vinny Spallino
  • Spot Operator: Maura Rouse, Kaitlen Pickett
  • Deck Crew: Danny Moore-Chief, Kaiya Arroyo, Ashley DeJong, Mitchell James, Nicole Picirillo, Halley Sherrill, Amber Spencer

Production Staff

Keep these areilcts coming as they've opened many new doors for me.

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