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The Koroks are a race from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. They come from Forest Haven, but spend most of their lives away from it.

Koroks were once the human-shaped Kokiri, but when Hyrule was transformed into the Great Sea, they took on a more plant-like appearance, and became fearful of other people. They have wooden-like bodies (somewhat similar to Deku Scrubs) and wear what look like masks made from various types of leaves, though they might be their actual faces. Koroks are very light, and can travel on the wind by using sprouts as propellers. They make a hollow jingling sound when they move.

Unlike their Kokiri ancestors, who never left Kokiri Forest (now the hostile Forbidden Woods) for fear of dying, most of the Koroks actually spend most of their lives far away from Forest Haven, planting the seeds of the Great Deku Tree; they only return to Forest Haven once a year, for an annual ceremony held when the Great Deku Tree bears seeds so they can take off again. The only Koroks that do not leave are Makar (who plays his little leaf violin at the ceremony) and Hollo (who studies potion-making and uses Boko Baba Seeds to concoct his brews).

Written By: Alx (User/Talk)

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