Deku Scrubs

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Deku Scrubs (Japanese: Deku Nut) are a race or species of plant-like humanoids introduced in Ocarina of Time and based on the Octorok enemy.

Dekus have leaves on their heads, red glowing eyes, and their mouths are short, wide, hollow tubes that they can not shut tight, preventing them from swimming without drowning. They can shoot nuts out of their mouths, similarly to how Octoroks shoot rocks. Dekus have bark rather than skin, and may be made entirely out of wood; they perish quickly if set on fire. Deku Scrubs typically live inside Deku Flowers, and spring out of their flowers momentarily to attack any intruder. Upon initial damage, Dekus pop out of their grounded, floral homes.

There are 3 main kinds of Deku scrubs:

  • Deku Scrubs: These are the most common type of Scrub and have green leaves and often are looking for a conversation.
  • Mad Scrubs: These have red leaves, move more quickly, and do not talk. They tend to be the most violent form of Deku Scrub, hence the name.
  • Business Scrubs: These Scrubs have arms, speak, and offer to sell an item at an increased cost when approached. When the player defeats a Business Scrub, it will speak to them either about hints on playing certain sections of the game, or selling items for Rupees. The Business Scrub makes a comeback in The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap.

In Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages Deku Scrubs do not look much like the original ones, in fact they look more like Octoroks. That was probably due to the size of the sprites who lacked detail. There was also a new kind of Deku Scrub in the game's who loved music and would often give Link some information or would fill up his Seed Satchel.

In The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, Link is able to turn himself into a Deku Scrub; in fact, at the beginning of the game, he is stuck in this form for some time, leaving him virtually powerless. The form has a number of useful abilities, however, such as:

  • Stunning enemies by spinning into them
  • Hopping across the surface of water
  • Blowing magical bubbles at enemies to damage them
  • Blasting out of Deku Flowers and hovering through the air

However, ordinary Deku Scrubs have never been observed doing any of these. Found in the alternate world of Termina is the kingdom of intelligent Deku Scrubs, who have connections with the Woodfall Dungeon.

Written By: Alx (User/Talk)

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