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Current revision as of 17:26, 19 April 2006
The Kokiri are a fairy folk in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time who inhabit the Kokiri Forest. Cautious, child-like, and secretive, the Kokiri believe that they will die if they leave the forest. (This is contradicted by the Kokiri appearing in the Lon Lon Ranch in one scene, however.) Therefore, the Kokiri never leave the forest and know nothing about the outside world and instead only the magics of the forest. Though they appear as children, the Kokiri are actually ageless and never grow old. Each Kokiri has a guardian fairy that plays the role of friend, parent and teacher. They are watched over by the Deku Tree and later Saria the sage of the forest. Mido is their boss. The Kokiri are "the spirits of the forest" and were probably created by the Deku Tree. Kokiri always wear green tunics and have pointy ears. The males wear green hats. It is possible for a Kokiri to have green hair. It may be possible that the green-tunicked "twin lumberjacks" from The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past were Kokiri.
There have been two records of Kokiri sages known to have aided the legendary hero Link. The first is Saria, the Sage of Forest, whom was awakened by the Hero of Time in the Forest Temple at the end of the Sacred Forest Meadow.
The other is Fado, the Wind Sage, who appears in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. Also known for his excellent skill with the violin. He stayed in the Wind Temple and prayed for the Master Sword, until he was killed when the evil Ganondorf removed his soul.
An interesting note is that all named Kokiri, except for Saria because she was named after a town from Zelda II: Adventure of Link, have their names created from the concatenation of 2 words from the solfege musical scale "do re mi fa so la ti do." Mido = Mi + Do. Fado = Fa + Do. A rare known fact is that the blonde, twin-bunned Kokiri, the Ocarina of Time Designers named Fado, but never mentioned her name in the game itself. It is likely they recycled this "unspoken" name when naming Fado, the sage from Wind Waker.
After the gods sealed Hyrule under an ocean, the Kokiri took on a different form above the sea. They took on the form of leaf like creatures known as Koroks, and are still the Great Deku Tree's cherished children.