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Zoras were originally an aquatic enemy (river Zoras, also called Zolas), appearing mostly in 2-D games. Nowadays, they are a proud, but peaceful, aquatic race of amphibious humanoids (ocean Zoras), appearing mostly in the 3-D games. The rest of this section concerns the latter.


Zoras can live on land and in the water. They come in two different variants: saltwater and freshwater Zoras. They are very sensitive, especially in the water. Zoras are also scaled; their scales are silver, but from a distance they appear pale blue. Many have dark blue spots as well. They lack ears in the traditional sense, but do have noses. Though they have no visible gills, Zoras can breathe underwater.

Males typically have long heads shaped much like the tails of dolphins. The female Princess Ruto, unlike her male counterparts, possesses a head far wider to accommodate for what would appear to be two more eyes on the sides of her cerebellum (this may not be a trait attributable to her gender and instead related to her royal heritage). Ruto also appears to have a semblance of breasts, although it would seem to be merely a distinctive feature rather than a practical one. Additionally, Laruto, a female Zora Sage seen in the Wind Waker, has the tail-like extension on her head.

Zoras lay eggs which need to be kept in cold, clean water in order to be healthy, and each egg must be kept together with its counterparts in order for all of them to hatch. After hatching, infant Zoras are tadpole-like with a circular body and a long skinny tail ending in a fluke.

Fact:Saltwater Zoras who have obtained even a small amount of magical power have the ability to create charged electric fields around their bodies, much like an electric eel.

In OoA, Zoras that live in the fresh water of rivers and streamss are violent and uncivilized, unlike the Zoras that live in the ocean. The ocean Zoras have learned the art of building and build their houses in inaccessible places deep under the sea, as seen in OoA and MM. In MM, the entrance to their city is located in an underwater cave, protected by monsters. In OoA, the Zoran city is very difficult to reach while Veran's poison remains; one must utilise the Harp of Ages to make small movements in both time periods to eventually reach the city.


Zora culture revolves around the water, swimming, and fishing (at which they excel). Zora government is monarchical, and as with Deku Scrubs and Gorons, royalty has a different appearance than commoners.


In Hyrule, Zoras worship Lord Jabu Jabu VII, a giant fish. He lives in a lake outside of Zora's Domain, and they offer him smaller fish on a regular basis. In The Wind Waker, however, though Zoras do not make any appearance (aside from the ghost of the Spirit Sage), an organism similar to Jabu Jabu named Jabun would probably serve as the object of the Great Sea Zoras' worship. Jabun speaks in Hylian, so it could be presumed that he was either a direct descendant of Jabu Jabu or simply Jabu Jabu under a modified name.

Written By: Alx (User/Talk)

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