Rainham Marshes

From Londonbirders

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''Species list for Rainham Marshes:''
''As of 12 August 2006 my personal year list for Rainham Marshes was 130 species, as follows:''

Revision as of 20:52, 13 August 2006

PatchList 2006 - Dominic Mitchell

As of 12 August 2006 my personal year list for Rainham Marshes was 130 species, as follows:

Little Grebe; Great Crested Grebe; Cormorant; Little Egret; Grey Heron; Mute Swan; Greylag Goose; Canada Goose; Brent Goose; Shelduck; Eurasian Wigeon; Gadwall; Common Teal; Mallard; Northern Pintail; Garganey; Northern Shoveler; Common Pochard; Ferruginous Duck; Tufted Duck; Ruddy Duck; Honey Buzzard; Red Kite; Marsh Harrier; Sparrowhawk; Eurasian Kestrel; Merlin; Hobby; Peregrine Falcon; Red-legged Partridge; Grey Partridge; Common Pheasant; Water Rail; Moorhen; Coot; Oystercatcher; Avocet; Little Ringed Plover; Ringed Plover; Grey Plover; Northern Lapwing; Knot; Sanderling; Dunlin; Ruff; Jack Snipe; Common Snipe; Black-tailed Godwit; Bar-tailed Godwit; Whimbrel; Eurasian Curlew; Spotted Redshank; Common Redshank; Greenshank; Green Sandpiper; Wood Sandpiper; Common Sandpiper; Turnstone; Mediterranean Gull; Black-headed Gull; Common Gull; Lesser Black-backed Gull; Yellow-legged Gull; Caspian Gull; Herring Gull; Great Black-backed Gull; Sandwich Tern; Common Tern; Arctic Tern; Black Tern; Feral Rock Dove; Stock Dove; Woodpigeon; Collared Dove; Ring-necked Parakeet; Eurasian Cuckoo; Short-eared Owl; Common Swift; Common Kingfisher; Green Woodpecker; Great Spotted Woodpecker; Skylark; Sand Martin; Barn Swallow; House Martin; Meadow Pipit; Rock Pipit; Water Pipit; Yellow Wagtail; Grey Wagtail; Pied Wagtail; Wren; Dunnock; Robin; Black Redstart; European Stonechat; Northern Wheatear; Ring Ouzel; Blackbird; Fieldfare; Song Thrush; Redwing; Mistle Thrush; Cetti's Warbler; Grasshopper Warbler; Sedge Warbler; Reed Warbler; Lesser Whitethroat; Common Whitethroat; Blackcap; Common Chiffchaff; Willow Warbler; Long-tailed Tit; Blue Tit; Great Tit; Penduline Tit; Jay; Magpie; Jackdaw; Rook; Carrion Crow; Common Starling; House Sparrow; Chaffinch; Greenfinch; Goldfinch; Linnet; Bullfinch; Reed Bunting; Corn Bunting;

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