Richmond Park

From Londonbirders

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Richmond Park is the largest of London's royal parks and a NNR (national nature reserve). The park is dominated by rough grassland and some extensive areas of bracken. There are a number of small streams going to the pen ponds at the centre of the park. Species include chiffchaf, spotted flycatcher, garden warblers, meadow pipit, nuthatch and treecreepers, all 3 woodpeckers, tawny owls and little owls. There is also a slight chance of golden oriole particularly around woodland fringes. Stonechat, skylark and reed bunting breed in the bracken. Fly overs by marsh harrier and honey buzzard have occured and from time to time buzzard and red kite are a possibility.

There are many rarities including woodchat shrike, bee eater, little bittern, ortolan bunting and barred warbler. There are also herds of red and fallow deer.

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