Ian Ellis

From Londonbirders

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(PatchList 2006 - records for Totteridge Valley)
(PatchList 2006 - records for Totteridge Valley)
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No. '''visits  =  38''' (excluding garden viewing)
No. '''visits  =  38''' (excluding garden viewing)
'''Species = 86'''
'''Species (ISE) = 86'''  '''Species (all observers) = 90'''
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Revision as of 19:41, 22 October 2006

I moved to London in 1997 and then in October 1998 bought a flat near the Brent Res, a few doors down from Andrew Self (whom I didn't know at the time). Brent Res has been my local patch ever since, though I only started doing it regularly in 2001 and shamefully never saw the 1999 Purple Heron there despite living so close!

My best finds at Brent so far have been Alpine Swift and Long-tailed Duck, supported by Bewick's Swan, White-fronted Goose, Red Kite and Wood Sandpiper. Luckily I was within a 2-minute jog to where Leo Batten found the Hume's Warbler on 1/5/04, and am now approaching 140 species for the site (thought still miles behind Messrs Batten, Beddard, Self and Verrall I should add). My London list isn't much higher than my Brent list: I've deliberately avoided paying attention to that as I've enough things to distract me already!

I moved in August 2005 and now live in Woodside Park, North Finchley (N12), and have begun dividing my time between Brent Res and the Totteridge Valley/ Dollis Brook corridor, to see if I can find anything of note in my new area. You can check on my success (or indeed lack of it) by referring to my PatchList 2006 listing below.

I haven't done much overseas birding but trips to Ecuador/Galapagos and Namibia/Botswana in 2003-4 were both awesome experiences: my best ever find has to be southern Africa's 4th Wilson's Phalarope, at Walvis Bay salt-pans in Namibia on 9/11/04: this led to some South African listers chartering a flight from Cape Town.

PatchList 2006 - records for Totteridge Valley

Summary at 22nd October:

No. visits = 38 (excluding garden viewing)

Species (ISE) = 86 Species (all observers) = 90

Species First seen Notes
Cormorant 2nd Jan Fairly regular overhead
Grey Heron 15th Jan Regular along brooks and at Darlands Lake; 4 on 8/10.
Canada Goose 4th Feb Regular at Long Pond and Sheepwash Pond. Max. 32 on 28/8.
Mandarin Duck 15th Jan Resident at Darlands Lake, sometimes seen elsewhere. Max. 5m/1f on 21/1; 3m/3f on 11/2; 4m/2f + 2 broods (12+2 ducklings) on 13/5.
Teal 2nd Jan Present at Darlands Lake between late August to May. 2006 maximun = 14 drakes & 5 females on 11/2.
Mallard 2nd Jan Resident at Long Pond, Sheepwash Pond, Laurel Farm, Darlands Lake. Max. 59 at Darlands early on 22/10.
Shoveler 11th Feb A female at Darlands Lake on 11/2 is the only 2006 record.
Sparrowhawk 15th Jan Resident
Common Buzzard 1st May One high over Totteridge at 11:30 on 1/5; one drifted south in early August [JPC]; 2 together on 24/9.
Red Kite 8th Apr One over Fairlawn on 8/4 was heavily mobbed by crows and departed north at 09:30. 3 drifted over at 09:05 on 28/5 [JPC].
Kestrel 15th Jan Resident. At least 3 pairs present.
Hobby 11th May 2 on 13/5. Other sightings have been made by other observers.
Pheasant 2nd Jan Widespread resident, probably 20-40 birds in valley. Max count = 12 on 31/3.
Red-legged Partridge 21st Jan A pair on 21/1 and again on 31/3.
Water Rail
Moorhen 2nd Jan Common near ponds and brooks.
Coot 31st Mar 2 at Darlands Lake from 31/3.
Lapwing 19 Mar 3 on 19/3 and 25/3. A pair displaying from 25/3 into May. 2 pairs (5 birds in total) present in early May. One over on 8/10.
Golden Plover 22 Oct Seven flew south over Highwood Hill at 09:30 on 22/10.
Woodcock One was present on 15/1 and one over Totteridge LUL station on 7/10 [JPC].
Black-headed Gull 2nd Jan
Common Gull 2nd Jan Winter visitor. Max. c280 at Folly Farm on 19/3
Lesser Black-backed Gull 2nd Jan Regular with Common Gulls at Folly Farm. Max. c15 on 19/3
Herring Gull 2nd Jan Regular in small numbers between August and May.
Great Black-backed Gull 2nd Jan 1 over Folly Farm on 2/1
Feral Rock Dove 1st Jan Common
Stock Dove 15th Jan Fairly common. Max. 22 at Holecombe Dale on 4/2
Woodpigeon 1st Jan Abundant
Collared Dove 2nd Jan Fairly common. Max. 10+ at Burtonhole Farm on 21/1
Ring-necked Parakeet 19th Feb Uncommon. 2 near Burtonhole Farm on 19/2; 1 at Darlands on 22/10.
Cuckoo 4th June A male was singing on 4/6.
Tawny Owl 5th Jan Calling birds heard at Westbury Road, Darlands Lake and near Belmont racetrack.
Little Owl 17th Apr A pair present near Folly Brook in mid-late April. 7 birds were encountered (3 seen + 4 heard) in 4 different locations on the morning of 28/8.
Swift 28th Apr 2 over the upper valley on 28/4 were the first. Last seen on 28/8.
Kingfisher 7th Jan Scarce but sometimes present along brooks or at Darlands Lake.
Green Woodpecker 2nd Jan Common
Greater Spotted Woodpecker 2nd Jan Common
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker 2nd Jan 1 on 2/1 and singles fairly regular from 19/3. Drumming birds could be heard between late April - early June. Possibly 2 pairs present.
Swallow 3rd Apr 1 over The Warren on 3/4 was the first of spring. A few breeding pairs still at Burtonhole and Frith Manor Farms. 30+ present on 28/8 Aug and 23/9 including many juvs. 6 on 9/10.
House Martin 12th Apr 4 heading north over Highwood Hill on 12/4 were the first arrivals. 60+ on 28/8 including many juvs; 40+ on 23/9; 11 on 24/9; 1 on 8/10.
Sand Martin
Skylark 21st Jan 1 over Folly Farm on 21/1 and 1-2 over on 9/4 and 17/4. 2-3 on 8/10 and 22/10 [JPC].
Meadow Pipit 21st Jan Usually present September to April. 60+ at Folly Farm on 12/3; 60+ at Fairlawn on 18/3; 67 flew north on 14/4; small numbers passing through on 23-24/9 and 8-9/10.
Yellow Wagtail 28th Aug 2 over heading south on 28/8.
Grey Wagtail 2nd Jan Present along water courses in small numbers.
Pied Wagtail 2nd Jan Fairly common. Max. c15 near Burtonhole Farm on 12/3.
Wren 1st Jan Common
Dunnock 1st Jan Common
Robin 1st Jan Common
Whinchat 3rd May A pair at the rough grassland area at 07:45 on 3/5; one just south of the lake on 23-24/9.
Stonechat 2 on 8/10 [JPC]
Wheatear 31st Mar Folly Farm: 6 on 31/3, 7 on 1/4; 8 on 2/4; 3 on 3/4; 1 on 17/4 [BW].
Blackbird 1st Jan Common
Fieldfare 2nd Jan Common winter visitor. Max. c220 on 19/2; 40+ on 25/3; 1 on 16/4.
Song Thrush 2nd Jan Fairly common. 15-25 pairs.
Redwing 2nd Jan Common winter visitor. Max. c260 on 19/2; 1 singing on 12/3; 80+ on 25/3; 24 on 1/4; 7 on 2/4. 2 over on 9/10 were the first of autumn.
Mistle Thrush 2nd Jan Fairly common
Lesser Whitethroat 23rd Apr 7-8 singing in early May.
Whitethroat 21st Apr 13+ singing on 13/5. One on 24/9.
Garden Warbler 11th May One singing near Folly Brook in the lower valley on 11/5. Two on 13/5; One on 23/9.
Blackcap 4th Mar A female on 4/3; first summer migrants arrived 2/4; 20+ males singing by mid-April. 1 on 22/10.
Grasshopper Warbler 17th Apr A bird reeling from 17/4 through to 5/5 near the Folly Brook.
Willow Warbler 31st Mar 1 on 31/3 was the first arrival; 5 singing on 16/4 but only 2 in early May.
Chiffchaff 15th Jan One calling on 15/1, 11+ singing 13/5.
Wood Warbler one was present at Darlands Lake on 20/4 [DW]
Reed Warbler One seen in early summer [JPC]
Goldcrest 2nd Jan Fairly common. 7+ singing on 13/5. Several juvs seen on 28/8.
Spotted Flycatcher 4th June 2 seen on 4/6. 10 present on 28/8 including at least 3 juvs; 1 on 23/9.
Long-tailed Tit 1st Jan Common
Blue Tit 1st Jan Abundant
Great Tit 1st Jan Common
Coal Tit 1st Jan Fairly common
Nuthatch 4th Feb Several pairs present: St Paul's wood, Mill Hill; probably also Highwood Hill and Darlands Lake.
Treecreeper 2nd Jan Several pairs present, most obvious around Darlands Lake.
Jay 2nd Jan Common. 20+ in valley on 21/1
Magpie 1st Jan Abundant
Jackdaw 2nd Jan Common. Max. 95 near Folly Farm on 11/2 (+ four elsewhere)
Rook 2nd Jan Common in the winter around Folly Farm. Max. 31 on 11/2.
Carrion Crow 1st Jan Common
Starling 2nd Jan Common. Max. 140+ on 19/2
House Sparrow 2nd Jan Fairly common in residential areas.
Tree Sparrow 31st Mar Irregular. 1-2 calling at Folly Farm on 31/3.
Chaffinch 1st Jan Common. Max. 80+ at Holecombe Dale on 4/2
Brambling 2nd Apr A male at Highwood Hill on 2/4 then another nr Finchley Nurseries on 9/4.
Greenfinch 2nd Jan Fairly common
Goldfinch 2nd Jan Fairly common. 30+ on 28/8 near cricket club.
Linnet 9th Apr 1 at the rough grassland area on 9/4 and 16/4; 3 on 17/4; 2 on 4/6; 1 on 23/9 and 8/10. 2 on 9/10
Siskin 2nd Jan Fairly common winter visitor. Max. 51 at Darlands Lake on 15/1. 5 at Darlands Lake on 14/4. 1 over Woodside Park on 7/10.
Lesser Redpoll 15th Jan Scarce winter visitor: 3 on 15/1; 6 on 5/3; 5 on 20/4 [DW].
Bullfinch 2nd Jan Uncommon resident
Reed Bunting 9th Oct A female at Totteridge Fields on 9/10.
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