Green Facts and Statistics

From Lauraibm

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Today and Earlier

Electricity Generation

  • A sixth of the world's electricity and a third of the world's new electricity comes from Combined Heat and Power and distributed renewables. (Amory Lovins 2007) <> + ><
  • 38% of U.S. CO2 comes from the generation of electricity. (Casten 2007) <> + ><

IT and CO2 Emissions

  • IT accounts for 2% of CO2 emissions globally—the same as the aviation industry. (Gartner 2007) <> + ><

IT and Energy Consumption

  • IT accounts for around 2% to 3% of energy consumption in the UK. (EITLT) <> + (Computergram Jul-07)
  • America's servers consumed about 61 billion kilowatt-hours of juice in 2006—about 1.5% of total electricity consumption in the country.
    • Servers in the USA consume about as much electricity as all of the colour televisions in the country. This is about twice the amount of electricity that servers and data centres consumed in 2000. (EPA 2007) <> + (Computergram Aug-07)
  • The UK's PCs and servers are consuming 14% more power than the entire power consumption of Luxembourg, according to the UK's Department of Trade and Industry (October 2007). [<> ] + ><
  • Cooling and electrical costs currently represent up to 44% of a data centre's total cost of ownership. (IBM 2007) <> + ><
  • The total electricity use of home computers in the UK doubled between 2000 and 2005. (Market Transformation Programme) <> + ><
  • In 2005 more than 9% of the total UK domestic electricity bill was due to computers and their peripherals. (Market Transformation Programme) <> + ><
  • The manufacture of a single PC needs 1.7 tonnes of materials, including the consumption of more than 10 times its own weight in fossil fuels.
    • 75% of a PC's fossil fuel consumption has already happened before the computer is ever switched on. (Professors Rudiger Kuerh and Eric Williams, United Nations University in Tokyo) <> + ><


IT and Energy Consumption

  • By 2011, if the USA does little about energy efficiency, the electricity usage of servers and data centres could nearly double again, to more than 100 billion kilowatts. (EPA 2007) <> + (Computergram Aug-07)
  • By 2020, entertainment, computers and gadgets will account for 45% of electricity used in UK homes. (Energy Saving Trust) <> + ><

Intentions, Views and Desires

  • 73% of US workers say they want their employers to be more environmentally responsible. (Sun 2007) <> + ><
  • 84% of workers think that businesses in London are falling short of their environmental obligations. (Zipcar) <> + ><
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