Template:Hp greener approach

From Lauraibm

Revision as of 07:13, 22 September 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

Full article: HP offers greener approach to IT (3-Sep-07)

As powering costs continue to rise, energy is now the top concern for companies running data centres. If this problem is not addressed, companies will face power shortages in the future. For this reason, HP is offering its customers more efficient ways to manage their data centres and energy consumption.

The Dynamic Smart Cooling strategy has been designed to monitor and control cooling resources in a data centre, this initiative can provide a saving of 15 – 40% on costs spent in cooling.

HP has also designed blade systems which allow for optimal air flow, energy consumption and cooling. Thin provisioning is a further technique used by HP to lower power consumption, it enables a company to allocate storage space as and when it is needed, and thus saving energy to power up storage that is not yet required.

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