Template:Energ sep-07

From Lauraibm

Revision as of 17:55, 16 September 2007 by Gavin (Talk | contribs)
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Full article: Energy Insights: Top 10 Predictions for the Energy Industry in 2007

  1. Focus on climate change will spawn investment in energy and information technologies
  2. Venture capital investment in energy sector will continue to expand
  3. Geological, technical, and economic factors will drive innovation in reserves management
  4. Change to daylight savings time in the U.S. will disrupt business as usual
  5. Aging workforce will continue to be a major challenge for energy industry US
  6. Aging assets and associated reliability concerns will drive intelligent grid technology investments
  7. Sensing technologies will drive a shift to real-time sense-and-respond paradigm
  8. Energy trading focus will shift to intra-day visibility, liquidity, and market behavior
  9. Web self-service and on-line communication for utility customers will increase
  10. Growth in IT spending for oil and gas companies will exceed that for utilities
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