"My Boss Isn't Green," Says Londoners (20-Aug-07)

From Lauraibm

Revision as of 15:33, 21 August 2007 by Laura (Talk | contribs)


MI Summary

Full article: "My Boss Isn't Green," Says Londoners (20-Aug-07)

A recent survey by zipcar has revealed that one in five businesses are not doing enough to protect the environment. It was found that almost two thirds of firms believe that recycling paper and plastics is doing enough for the environment. However, 84% of employees believe that their businesses are not doing as much as they can to help, with many workers feeling that their employers should spend more money on initiatives to help the environment.

Text of Article

Business chiefs are failing to set a green example for their staff, research indicates - just look at Michael Dell driving a Hummer around town.

One in five businesses is not doing enough to protect the environment, according to a survey by Zipcar.

Research into the attitudes of London businesses towards the environment revealed that these companies are confused about how to make an impact, concerned but not doing anything about it or completely unconcerned about the environment.

The survey indicated that almost two thirds of firms believe that recycling paper, card and plastic is making enough of an impact to the environment, but they are falling short of their obligations according to 84% of workers, who do not believe they are doing as much as they can to help. Two-thirds of those surveyed believe that their employers should be spending more money on initiatives to help the environment.

Only one third of companies in London are investing in large scale environmental initiatives, such as buying energy-saving office equipment or implementing car clubs to decrease carbon emissions.

The survey also indicates a divide between male and female employees, with twice as many males believing their companies are confused about how to make an impact on the environment and three quarters of women using recycling to reduce their carbon emissions at work, compared to just over half of men.

For an overview on the topic(s), see also

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