From Lauraibm
HBOS and the Environment
We are committed to having a positive influence on the environment. Our primary concern is to reduce emissions and our use of resources. We are committed to achieving carbon neutrality in the UK by the end of 2007.
HBOS impacts on the environment in two ways:
- 1. Directly through the energy and resources we use in our buildings and when we travel.
- 2. Indirectly through the products and services we provide to our personal and commercial customers
With over 2,200 buildings in our UK property estate, over 65,000 employees and a relationship with approximately two out of every five households in the UK, we must manage this impact effectively.
HBOS has reduced its UK carbon emissions by almost two thirds (65%) from 163,000 tonnes in 2004 to 57,000 tonnes in 2006. This is primarily due to purchasing 100% renewable energy. We are currently the only UK bank to do this.
The Green Miles Initiative
Launched at the beginning of April 2007, Green Miles is designed to reduce the rate of HBOS business travel growth in the UK. The Million £ Challenge could benefit by up to £500,000 from the savings made.
Business travel is the biggest cause of carbon emissions in HBOS. The aim of Green Miles in 2007 is to halve the rate of travel growth – a saving of 5.5 million miles or 225 times around the world. Doing so will reduce the Group's potential carbon emissions. This will be achieved by better use of teleconference facilities across our business.
Green Miles has been piloted within Group Services. The results of this pilot exceeded all expectations. As a result, the Million £ Challenge gained £50,000, matched by the Foundation to a total of £100,000.
Green Miles currently concentrates on journeys made by train and plane. It is planned to include cars from 2008. The miles saved when colleagues choose not to take a business journey all count towards the Green Miles target.
A Carbon Calculator has been created to help colleagues estimate their typical carbon emissions from business travel. Instead of asking colleagues to travel longer by train or driving, Green Miles encourages colleagues to question whether they need to travel at all.