Reuters Group PLC

From Lauraibm

Revision as of 09:33, 23 July 2007 by Laura (Talk | contribs)

Global Environmental Policy

Reuters as a leader in the provision of business information and related systems, recognises its corporate obligations to; and the commercial sense of, a sound environmental management policy for the benefit of all its stakeholders.

Reuters acknowledges that, however marginal the direct and indirect impact of our business activities might be on the environment, there is the need constantly to consider ways and means of conserving energy and minimising all waste and pollution in our business processes.

In addition to complying therefore with all relevant legislation and regulations, Reuters undertakes to take positive measures where appropriate to achieve standards of environmental management that reflect its corporate commitment.

Reuters aims to reduce the company’s environmental impact in the following key areas through a sustained measured programme, focused on best practices.

  • 1. Suppliers

To work in partnership with our suppliers to seek to promote, where practicable, best environmental practice by suppliers of goods and services to Reuters and by contractors working on our sites.

  • 2. Energy efficiency

To manage electricity, gas and water supplies with a view to reducing our impact on the environment.

  • 3. Waste Management

To endeavour to minimise waste production wherever possible, utilising environmentally friendly and economical disposal methods.

  • 4. Recycling and use of recycled material

To utilise and to promote the use of recycled materials wherever practicable, ensuring that materials are also disposed of in an environmentally safe manner at the end of their useful life.

  • 5. Environmental management awareness

Whenever reasonably practicable, to raise and maintain a high level of understanding of and participation in, environmental best practices by staff and suppliers in conducting Reuters business. (1)

Reuters and the Environment

Reuters tackles environmental responsibility in two ways: 1. Through the information our journalists provide on environmental issues 2. The measures we have in place to REDUCE the impact our employees and facilities have on the environment

Using our skills As a media organisation, the most valuable way of conveying our support for the protection of the environment is through the provision of information.

Environmental journalist network Coordinated by Reuters Chief Environment Correspondent, Reuters environmental journalist network is an authoritative source for environmental issues. Aimed at both specialists and a wider audience, our environmental coverage goes beyond the gloom of many studies about climate change to explore possible solutions, such as more efficient energy use or clean solar, wind or hydropower.

Reuters Foundation and Partners Reuters Foundation continues to raise standards in the way environmental issues are reported through running journalist workshops focussed on writing environmental news. Courses have taken place in countries including Colombia, Mexico, Germany, Lebanon, Vietnam, the UK and South Africa. In the past, three fellowships in environmental studies have been provided at Oxford University, with sponsorship from The Bellagio Forum for Sustainable Development.

Reuters Foundation works in partnership with the Com+ Alliance, of communicators Sustainable Development, a group of international organisations committed to using communications to advance sustainable development projects. Courses funded by the Alliance range from reporting on water in Costa Rica to the importance of ecosystems services to development, and a programme preparing journalists for coverage of the G8+ Climate Change Dialogue.

The Foundation also continues to sponsor the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources media award for Excellence in Environmental Journalism. The 2006 Reuters-IUCN prize was awarded to Marina Walker Guevara of Argentina for her story “The children of lead” (Los niňos del plomo). Minimising our impact

While our products have a low environmental impact, our employees and facilities have an impact at work, at home and in the commute to work.

  • We held our Green Week event, designed to inform employees about environmental issues, in 18 locations in 2006.Events included presentations by external speakers, exhaust emission testing and fundraising for relevant causes. In response to Green Week, taskforce teams have been set up in London and New York to promote local initiatives.
  • Reuters staff continue to undertake a variety of environmentally-related projects during the annual Community Events Week. Teams from London, Frankfurt, Tiverton, Hong Kong, Moscow and Missouri worked with local groups to develop and improve their local neighbourhoods by clearing parkland and rivers and maintaining gardens.
  • During 2006 we worked with an independent environmental consultancy to identify the indicators we should track in order to measure our environmental impact. They highlighted measures relating to electricity and water consumption, waste and carbon dioxide production, and paper buying. In 2007 we are implementing an environmental management system to monitor data from our key office and data centre locations.



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