Template:1913 11 5
From Lane Co Oregon
Prohibition Forces Win by Majority of 58
Nearly Entire Citizens' Ticket Is Elected - Hot Fight Closes
Violent partisan feeling ran high in Springfield today as an aftermath of the particularly bitter election fight that has been waged in the neighboring city. Many waited until the entire vote was counted at a late hour this morning and there is some talk of contesting the election. Reports to the contrary are also circulated and it is not known definitely as to what the ultimate action will be. The "drys" are naturally jubilant over the 58 majority which rendered the city saloonless and the "wet" interests are just as full of gloom.
Charles L. Scott was elected mayor over B.A. Washburne by 38 votes and an entire landslide for the Citizens' ticket followed with the exception of Mark Peery, who was elected councilman.
The women took an active interest in both the campaign and the election, polling about 400 votes out of the 1000 cast at the election.
Here is the Result
The result of the final count is as follows:
For Mayor - Charles L. Scott, citizens' ticket. 508. B. A. Washburne, people's progressive ticket, 470.
For councilmen- two elected) J. Randolph Barr, people's progressive ticket, 467; J.W. Coffin, citizen's ticket, 481;