Thamesmead Area

From Londonbirders

Revision as of 09:32, 8 May 2007 by JohnArcher (Talk | contribs)

A description of the area will appear here shortly. The following three PatchListers are concentrating on the Crossness Area,

PatchList 2007 Running Total

As at April 29th my site total for the year stands at 101, as follows:

Mute Swan ~ Greylag Goose ~ Canada Goose ~ Shelduck ~ Wigeon ~ Gadwall ~ Teal ~ Mallard ~ Pintail ~ Shoveler ~ Pochard ~ Tufted Duck ~ Pheasant ~ Little Grebe ~ Great Crested Grebe ~ Cormorant ~ Grey Heron ~ Marsh Harrier ~ Sparrowhawk ~ Kestrel ~ Merlin ~ Peregrine ~ Water Rail ~ Moorhen ~ Coot ~ Oystercatcher ~ Avocet ~ Little Ringed Plover ~ Ringed Plover ~ Lapwing ~ Dunlin ~ Common Snipe ~ Black-tailed Godwit ~ Bar-tailed Godwit ~ Whimbrel ~ Curlew ~ Redshank ~ Green Sandpiper ~ Common Sandpiper ~ Grey Phalarope ~ Little Tern ~ Common Tern ~ Mediterranean Gull ~ Little Gull ~ Black-headed Gull ~ Common Gull ~ Lesser Black-backed Gull ~ Yellow-legged Gull ~ Herring Gull ~ Great Black-backed Gull ~ Feral Rock Dove ~ Stock Dove ~ Woodpigeon ~ Collared Dove ~ Ring-necked Parakeet ~ Cuckoo ~ Barn Owl ~ Swift ~ Kingfisher ~ Green Woodpecker ~ Great Spotted Woodpecker ~ Skylark ~ Swallow ~ House Martin ~ Meadow Pipit ~ Rock Pipit ~ Grey Wagtail ~ Pied Wagtail ~ Wren ~ Dunnock ~ Robin ~ Black Redstart ~ Stonechat ~ Wheatear ~ Blackbird ~ Fieldfare ~ Song Thrush ~ Redwing ~ Mistle Thrush ~ Sedge Warbler ~ Reed Warbler ~ Lesser Whitehroat ~ Common Whitethroat ~ Blackcap ~ Chiffchaff ~ Willow Warbler ~ Goldcrest ~ Long-tailed Tit ~ Blue Tit ~ Great Tit ~ Jay ~ Magpie ~ Jackdaw ~ Carrion Crow ~ Starling ~ House Sparrow ~ Chaffinch ~ Greenfinch ~ Goldfinch ~ Linnet ~ Reed Bunting.

Pending LNHSRC decisions (included in total):

  • Merlin (west over Crossness Sewage Works at 11.39hrs on April 14th, found by John Archer).
  • Grey Phalarope (multiple observers).


(Probable) Greenland Wheatear.

Non-countables: Escapes/Hybrids etc:

Embden 'type' Goose.

2007 Site Visits:

Jan : 2 / Feb : 1 / Mar : 2 / Apr : 7.

Des McKenzie.


Nick Tanner's Thamesmead Area List for 2007 (at April 15th 2007):

Little Grebe - Great Crested Grebe - Cormorant - Grey Heron - Mute Swan - Greylag Goose - Canada Goose - Shelduck - Wigeon - Gadwall - Teal - Mallard - Shoveler - Pochard - Tufted Duck - Sparrowhawk - Kestrel - Peregrine - Pheasant - Moorhen - Coot - Oystercatcher - Little Ringed Plover - Ringed Plover - Lapwing - Dunlin - Common Snipe - Curlew - Black-tailed Godwit - Redshank - Green Sandpiper - Common Sandpiper - Grey Phalarope - Little Tern - Black-headed Gull - Common Gull - Lesser Black-backed Gull - Yellow-legged Gull - Herring Gull - Great Black-backed Gull - Feral Rock Dove - Stock Dove - Woodpigeon - Collared Dove - Ring-necked Parakeet - Barn Owl - Green Woodpecker - Great Spotted Woodpecker - Skylark - Meadow Pipit - Rock Pipit - Grey Wagtail -Pied Wagtail - Wren - Dunnock - Robin - Stonechat - Wheatear - Blackbird - Fieldfare - Song Thrush - Mistle Thrush - Reed Warbler - Lesser Whitethroat - Common Whitethroat ~ Blackcap ~ Chiffchaff - Willow Warbler - Long-tailed Tit - Blue Tit - Great Tit - Magpie - Jackdaw - Carrion Crow - Starling - House Sparrow - Chaffinch - Greenfinch - Goldfinch - Linnet - Reed Bunting.

Pending LNHSRC decision (included in total):

  • Grey Phalarope (multiple observers).


(Probable) Greenland Wheatear.

Total = 81 Species.

Non-Countables: Embden 'type' Goose.

Site Visits: Jan: 2 / Feb: 0 / Mar: 2 / Apr : 1.

Nick Tanner


John Archer's Crossness List for 2007:

Mute Swan - Greylag Goose - Canada Goose - Common Shelduck - Wigeon - Gadwall - Common Teal - Mallard - Shoveler - Pochard - Tufted Duck - Pheasant - Little Grebe - Great Crested Grebe - Cormorant - Grey Heron - Common Buzzard - Sparrowhawk - Kestrel - Merlin - Hobby - Peregrine Falcon - Water Rail - Moorhen - Coot - Oystercatcher - Ringed Plover - Little Ringed Plover - Lapwing - Dunlin - Jack Snipe - Common Snipe - Black-tailed Godwit - Bar-tailed Godwit - Whimbrel - Curlew - Redshank - Green Sandpiper - Common Sandpiper - Grey Phalarope - Black-headed Gull - Common Gull - Lesser Black-backed Gull - Yellow-legged Gull - Herring Gull - Great Black-backed Gull - Little Tern - Common Tern - Arctic Tern - Black Tern - Feral Rock Dove - Stock Dove - Woodpigeon - Collared Dove - Turtle Dove - Ring-necked Parakeet - Cuckoo - Barn Owl - Swift - Green Woodpecker - Great Spotted Woodpecker - Skylark - Sand Martin - Swallow - House Martin - Meadow Pipit - Rock Pipit - Yellow Wagtail - Grey Wagtail - Pied Wagtail - Wren - Dunnock - Robin - Stonechat - Wheatear - Blackbird - Fieldfare - Song Thrush - Redwing - Mistle Thrush - Sedge Warbler - Reed Warbler - Whitethroat - Lesser Whitethroat - Blackcap - Willow Warbler - Chiffchaff - Long-tailed Tit - Blue Tit - Great Tit - Jay - Magpie - Rook - Carrion Crow - Starling - House Sparrow - Chaffinch - Greenfinch - Goldfinch - Linnet - Reed Bunting

Total = 101 Species.

Pending LNHSRC decisions (included in total):

  • Merlin (west over Crossness Sewage Works at 11.39hrs on April 14th with Des McKenzie and another west at 16.25hrs on April 28th).
  • Grey Phalarope (multiple observers).

Non-countables: Green-winged Teal x Common Teal hybrid.

Subspecies: (Probable) Greenland Wheatear.

Site Visits Jan - 0, Feb - 2, Mar - 6, Apr - 15.

John Archer

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