Thamesmead Area

From Londonbirders

Revision as of 14:47, 15 April 2007 by JohnArcher (Talk | contribs)

A description of the area will appear here shortly.

PatchList 2007 Running Total

As at April 14th my site total for the year stands at 87, as follows:

Mute Swan ~ Greylag Goose ~ Canada Goose ~ Shelduck ~ Wigeon ~ Gadwall ~ Teal ~ Mallard ~ Pintail ~ Shoveler ~ Pochard ~ Tufted Duck ~ Pheasant ~ Little Grebe ~ Great Crested Grebe ~ Cormorant ~ Grey Heron ~ Marsh Harrier ~ Sparrowhawk ~ Kestrel ~ Merlin ~ Peregrine ~ Water Rail ~ Moorhen ~ Coot ~ Oystercatcher ~ Ringed Plover ~ Lapwing ~ Dunlin ~ Common Snipe ~ Black-tailed Godwit ~ Curlew ~ Redshank ~ Green Sandpiper ~ Common Sandpiper ~ Grey Phalarope ~ Mediterranean Gull ~ Black-headed Gull ~ Common Gull ~ Lesser Black-backed Gull ~ Yellow-legged Gull ~ Herring Gull ~ Great Black-backed Gull ~ Feral Rock Dove ~ Stock Dove ~ Woodpigeon ~ Collared Dove ~ Ring-necked Parakeet ~ Barn Owl ~ Kingfisher ~ Green Woodpecker ~ Great Spotted Woodpecker ~ Skylark ~ Swallow ~ Meadow Pipit ~ Rock Pipit ~ Grey Wagtail ~ Pied Wagtail ~ Wren ~ Dunnock ~ Robin ~ Black Redstart ~ Stonechat ~ Wheatear ~ Blackbird ~ Fieldfare ~ Song Thrush ~ Redwing ~ Mistle Thrush ~ Common Whitethroat ~ Blackcap ~ Chiffchaff ~ Goldcrest ~ Long-tailed Tit ~ Blue Tit ~ Great Tit ~ Jay ~ Magpie ~ Jackdaw ~ Carrion Crow ~ Starling ~ House Sparrow ~ Chaffinch ~ Greenfinch ~ Goldfinch ~ Linnet ~ Reed Bunting.

Pending LNHSRC decisions (included in total):

  • Merlin (west over Crossness Sewage Works at 11.39hrs on April 14th, found by John Archer).
  • Grey Phalarope (multiple observers).

Non-countables: Escapes/Hybrids etc:

Embden 'type' Goose.

2007 Site Visits:

Jan : 2 / Feb : 1 / Mar : 2 / Apr : 3.

D.T. McKenzie.


Nick Tanner's Thamesmead Area List for 2007 (at Feb 24th 2007):

Little Grebe - Great Crested Grebe - Cormorant - Grey Heron - Mute Swan - Greylag Goose - Canada Goose - Shelduck - Wigeon - Gadwall - Teal - Mallard - Shoveler - Pochard - Tufted Duck - Sparrowhawk - Kestrel - Peregrine - Pheasant - Moorhen - Coot - Oystercatcher - Lapwing - Dunlin - Common Snipe - Curlew - Black-tailed Godwit - Redshank - Common Sandpiper - Grey Phalarope - Black-headed Gull - Common Gull - Lesser Black-backed Gull - Yellow-legged Gull - Herring Gull - Great Black-backed Gull - Feral Rock Dove - Stock Dove - Woodpigeon - Collared Dove - Ring-necked Parakeet - Barn Owl - Green Woodpecker - Great Spotted Woodpecker - Skylark - Meadow Pipit - Rock Pipit - Grey Wagtail -Pied Wagtail - Wren - Dunnock - Robin - Stonechat - Blackbird - Fieldfare - Song Thrush - Mistle Thrush - Chiffchaff - Long-tailed Tit - Blue Tit - Great Tit - Magpie - Carrion Crow - Starling - House Sparrow - Chaffinch - Greenfinch - Goldfinch - Linnet - Reed Bunting.

Total = 70 Species.

Non-Countables: Embden 'type' Goose.

Site Visits: Jan: 2 / Feb: 0 / Mar: 2.

Nick Tanner


John Archer's Crossness List for 2007: (Note: the patch covered by this list is less extensive than Des and Nick's, and is restricted to the Crossness area - Thames, Sewage Works, Nature Reserve and Southern Marshes - and Southmere Park)

Mute Swan - Greylag Goose - Canada Goose - Common Shelduck - Wigeon - Gadwall - Common Teal - Mallard - Shoveler - Pochard - Tufted Duck - Pheasant - Little Grebe - Great Crested Grebe - Cormorant - Grey Heron - Sparrowhawk - Kestrel - Merlin - Peregrine Falcon - Water Rail - Moorhen - Coot - Oystercatcher - Ringed Plover - Little Ringed Plover - Lapwing - Dunlin - Jack Snipe - Common Snipe - Black-tailed Godwit - Curlew - Redshank - Common Sandpiper - Grey Phalarope - Black-headed Gull - Common Gull - Lesser Black-backed Gull - Yellow-legged Gull - Herring Gull - Great Black-backed Gull - Feral Rock Dove - Stock Dove - Woodpigeon - Collared Dove - Ring-necked Parakeet - Barn Owl - Green Woodpecker - Great Spotted Woodpecker - Skylark - Sand Martin - Swallow - Meadow Pipit - Rock Pipit - Grey Wagtail - Pied Wagtail - Wren - Dunnock - Robin - Stonechat - Wheatear - Blackbird - Fieldfare - Song Thrush - Redwing - Mistle Thrush - Whitethroat - Blackcap - Willow Warbler - Chiffchaff - Long-tailed Tit - Blue Tit - Great Tit - Jay - Magpie - Rook - Carrion Crow - Starling - House Sparrow - Chaffinch - Greenfinch - Goldfinch - Linnet - Reed Bunting

Total = 84 Species.

Pending LNHSRC decisions (included in total):

Merlin (west over Crossness Sewage Works at 11.39hrs on April 14th with Des McKenzie) Grey Phalarope (multiple observers)

Non-countables: Green-winged Teal x Common Teal hybrid

Site Visits Jan - 0, Feb - 2, Mar - 6, Apr - 8

John Archer

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