Ruislip Woods

From Londonbirders

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Bold textHabitatBold text Ruislip Woods is in North-West London, between Ruislip and Northwood. It consits of four woods; Park Wood, Copse Wood, Mad Bess Wood and Bayhurst Wood, of which Park Wood is the largest. To the west of Park Wood is Ruislip Lido, a reservoir built to feed the Grand Union Canal. At the north end is a small area of marsh (imaginatively dubbed 'North Marsh' by local birders). Next to Ruislip Lido in Poor's Field, a grassland-heath mosaic, with encrouching scrub.

Bold textAccessBold text From Ruislip High Street go straight over roundabout by The Harvester, and go up Bury Street (A4180). For Ruislip Lido, Poor’s Field, Park Wood and Copse Wood turn right into Reservoir Road just after second roundabout and park in car park at the end of the road. For Mad Bess Wood and the other end of Copse Wood continue down A4180 (now Duck’s Hill Road) and park in car park on left. For Bayhurst Wood turn left at second roundabout, then right up Fine Bush Lane. Then turn right, and Bayhurst Wood car park will be signposted on the left after a bit. The H13 bus stops at Ruislip Lido.

Bold textBirdsBold text Most bird intrest is cenered around Ruislip Lido. The Lido hold small numbers of ducks, with Mallard breeding, joined by Tufted Duck, Pochard, Teal, Shoveler, Gadwall and Wigeon in winter. Occasionaly something more intresting such as a Smew occurs. Theres usualy a Water Rail in North Marsh in winter, and the trees around the Lido have Sikin and occasionaly Redpoll. The Lido isn't very good for waders, but when water levels are low a few do occur, for example Common Sandpiper, Snipe and Little Ringed Plover.

The site has a good range of woodland birds, with Great Spotted Woodpeckers, Nuthatches and Treecreepers being common. A couple of pairs of Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers still breed, they are best looked for around Ruislip Lido. Common Whitethroats and Garden Warblers breed on Poor's Field, while Lesser Whitethroats are regular on passage. Poor's Field is worth checking in spring and autumn, with bird such as Wheatear turning up.

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