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'''Please do not post details of scarce breeding birds (those included in Schedule 1 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, amended 2000). Any such reports will be removed.'''
===Friday 12th September===
'''Please note that this site has now been moved to:'''
*Tottenham Marshes: '''Wryneck''' seen in and around clump of brambles/ sycamore about 1/2 way along cycle track at northern edge of marshes at 16.50 (Lol Bodini - posted by R Woodward)
*Bromley-by-Bow: '''Osprey''' seen soaring low over River Lea at c11.00am (in the area for at least 10 minutes being mobbed by Lesser Black backed Gulls), Common Sandpiper, Tree Pipit over, 4 Meadow Pipit over, 5 Mistle Thrush (2 Siskin over yesterday) (LondonBirders Yahoo Group).
*South Norwood Lake: 12 Tufted Duck, 1 Grey Heron, 2 Cormorant, 20+ House Martin, single Swallow S/SE, 2 Chiffchaff, 3 Jay, 12 Ring-necked Parakeet, 6 Long-tailed Tit, 2 Chiffchaff, 3 House Sparrow, 3 Herring Gull over, 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1 Nuthatch (John Watson).
*London Wetland Centre: Little Tern south 09:00hrs, 3 Meadow Pipit south, 4 Yellow Wagtail south, 3 Blackcap, 13 Chiffchaff, Spotted Flycatcher, Siskin south (LWC website).
*Crossness: Little Egret west, Knot still present by golf club, 4 Black Tern by incinerator outfall (Birdguides).
*Paddington Green: Lesser Whitehroat, Chiffchaff and Spotted Flycatcher moving with tit-flock (primarily Long-tailed) through trees along Hall Place/Adpar Street 08:30hrs; also, 24 Herring Gull at local colony, Meadow Pipit south, 1-2 Grey Wagtail over, 13 Goldfinch, 2 Jay (Des McKenzie).
*Alexandra Park: Yellow Wagtail SW @ 0656, 1 Mipit 0650-0710, 3 Chiffchaffs (Bob Watts), '''Pied Flycatcher''' briefly 0900 Blanford Hall with 2 Spotted Flycatchers in the birch adjacent to transmitter (Andrew Gardener, Dominic Mitchell), '''Wood Warbler''' briefly in with LTT flock between Rose Garden and Animal Enclosures 1000 (Andrew Gardener); 112th species for site for the year. Then again up to 13.30pm at least (John Murray, Andrew Gardner, Bob Watts) but no sign 13:55-15:45 (Gareth Richards) Whinchat, Willow Warbler & 2 Chiff at Scrub & Siskin, Mipit over (J.Murray).
*Stoke Newington Reservoirs: 2-3 Spotted Flycatchers, 2 Lesser Whitethroats, 1 Common Whitethroat, 3 Blackcaps, 4 Willow Warblers, 5 Chiffchaffs, 1 Siskin, 1 Common Sandpiper, 65+ Swallows, c50 House Martins, c20 Sand Martins, c10 Reed Warblers, Kingfisher (Mark Pearson, Tony Butler, Laurence Pitcher [ Hackney Wildlife]). 1 Grey Wagtail. 24 sp. recorded ([ TeRNS])
*Walthamstow Res: Hobby high south over Lockwood 11:15hrs (Birdguides).
*East India Dock: 13 Arctic Terns (west), 30+ Common Terns, 1 Rock Pipit (Thames Foreshore), Great Spotted Woodpecker, 9 Linnet, Grey Wagtail (Gary A James).
*Thames Barrier Park (p.m.): 10 Black Terns lingering, 7 Arctic Terns, 61+ Common Terns, imm. Mistle Thrush, 4 Common Gulls, 7 GBB Gulls, c50 Teal, 2 Jays (David Callahan).
*Trent Park Area: 1 'eclipse' male Wigeon, Lower Lake (New species for the year!); 2 Sparrowhawk, together, over Ride Wood; 2 Common Buzzard, together, over Vicarage Farm; 1 Kestrel, at Vicarage Farm; 1 ad Little Owl, at Vicarage Farm; 1 Green Woodpecker; 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker; 2 Skylark, together, at Vicarage Farm; 4 Meadow Pipit, at Parkside Farm; 3(1 ad male, 2 '1st-winter' males) Common Redstart, at Vicarage Farm; 10 Whinchat,(5 together, at Vicarage Farm, 5 together, at Parkside Farm); 2(male & fem/imm) Northern Wheatear, at Parkside Farm; 3(2 ad., 1 juv) Song Thrush, at 'Old Golf Course'; 2 Mistle Thruth, at Park Farm; 1 Lesser Whitethroat, Allotments, at Vicarage Farm; 2 Common Whitethroat, at Vicarage Farm; 2 male Blackcap,(1 Vicarage Farm, 1 'Old Golf Course'); 15 Chiffchaff; 1 singing male Goldcrest, 'Old Golf Course'; 1 Treecreeper; 1 singing male Coal Tit, near Enfield Rd; 4 Siskin, together, Camlet Hill; 1 Bullfinch, near Water Grdn (Robert Callf).
*Tyttenhanger GPs: 10+ Yellow Wags (Willows Farm), 4 Common Sandpiper, 2 Snipe, Ringed Plover. 2 Common Tern, 3 Kingfishers. (Steve B)
*Regents Park: Tree Pipit in long grass 8.50am, '''Wood Warbler''' 16.30pm, Lesser Whitethroat, Garden Warbler, 8 Blackcaps, 15 Chiffchaffs, 4 Willow Warblers, 90 Swallows, 100 House Martins, 4 Sand Martins and 3 Common Buzzards SE at 2.15am (Tony Duckett).
*Trent Park: 2 Spotted Flycatcher ( in the "Clump"), 2 Common Redstart (m,f)on the "Old Golf Course",3 Blackcap,6 Chiffchaff, 2 Swallow. Cormorant, Goldfinch,Sparrowhawk. (Pete Lowman).
*Mayesbrook Park: 2 Lesser Whitethroat, 3 Chiffchaff, 2 Green Woodpecker, 6 Gadwall.(Paul Hawkins)
*Eastcheap: Peregrine (fem) flew low NW at 08.00 hrs.(Paul Hawkins)
===Thursday 11th September===
'''You will need to create your own login account on the new site (you can use the same details).'''
*Hospice Gardens (Clapham Common): Hobby over 8am, 20+ Greenfinch (Neil Anderson).
*Queen Mary Res: 2 '''Osprey''' comprising 1 SW 1435hrs-1438hrs and 1 S/SE 14:55hrs, 3 Black Terns (SBC).
*Woolwich Ferry: 1 Black Tern (P. Fallan).
*Rainham Marshes: m Wigeon, fem/imm Red-breasted Merganser, 14 Ringed Plover, Bar-tailed Godwit, 16 Yellow-legged Gull, 82 Black Tern (Thames), 5 Sandwich Tern, 84 Arctic Tern, 412 Common Tern, 3 Little Tern (ELBF). 
*[[East India Dock]]: calling Black Redstart, 62 Common Terns (W), ad Yellow-legged Gull, 2 Chiffchaffs (one singing), Lesser Whitethroat, Kingfisher, 2 Common Sandpipers, Stock Dove, Kestrel (David Callahan).
*Stoke Newington Reservoirs: 43 Arctic Terns (groups of 26 & 17 in high from NE, came together then headed SSW at 0757), 109 Swallows (mainly S, 0650-1000), 2 Meadow Pipits (S), c50 House Martins, c20 Sand Martins, 5 Willow Warblers, 3 Chiffchaffs, 2 Blackcaps, Sedge Warbler, Kingfisher, Common Sandpiper (Mark Pearson & Tony Butler [ Hackney Wildlife]).
*Hyde Park/Kensington Gardens: 9 Arctic Tern accompanied by single Black Tern west over Serpentine Gallery at 11:45hrs (first definite Arctic Tern record for site, first Black Tern since September 1981)), Egyptian Goose and single gosling, m Gadwall, fem/imm Kestrel, Peregrine west 12:07hrs, 2 juv Lesser Black-backed Gull, Collared Dove SW, 3 Sand Martin, 44 Swallow (mainly SW), 12 House Martin, Meadow Pipit heard, 9 Pied Wagtail, 4 Blackcap, 2 Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, 2 Goldcrest, c30 Long-tailed Tit, 7 Chaffinch (Des McKenzie).
*Thames Barrier: 151 Black Terns west by 15:30hrs, 39 Arctic Terns, 2 Sandwich Terns, 88+ Common Terns, Yellow-legged Gull, 11 Linnet, Reed Bunting, Jay, 50+ Starlings (David Callahan).
*Wormwood Scrubs: 1 Tree Pipit, c40 Meadow Pipit, c20 Swallow, 1 male Wheatear, 4 Whinchat, c2 Whitethroat and at least 1 Chiffchaff (David Lindo & Roy Nuttall).
*Tower Hamlets Cemetery: 31 Swallow south in groups of 19 & 12 @ 0820 & 0830 - 48th species this year for site (Bob Watts).
*Regent's Park: Peregrine, Yellow Wagtail, Pied Flycatcher, 4 Spotted Flycatchers, Garden Warbler, Greater Whitethroat, 3 Willow Warblers, 5 Chiffchaffs, Crossbill, 50 House Martins, 50 Swallows 2 Teal, 35 Mandarins (Tony Duckett).
*Beddington SF: Barn Owl (Dip or Glory).
*London Wetland Centre: 3 Hobby, Ruff, Redshank, 10 Swallow, 10 House Martin, Reed Warbler, 2 Lesser Whitethroat, 2 Common Whitethroat, 5 Blackcap, 15 Chiffchaff (LWC website).
*Trent Park Area: 1 Kestrel; 1 ad Little Owl, at Vicarage Farm; 1 juv Green Woodpecker, at Parkside Farm; 3 Great Spotted Woodpecker; 8 Swallow, flew S, at Vicarage Farm, 09:20 BST; 6 Yellow Wagtail,together at South Lodge Farm; 2 '1st-winter' male Common Redstart,(1 Vicarage Farm, 1 'Old Golf Course', Trent Park); 4 Whinchat,(3 together, at Vicarage Farm, 1 at Parkside Farm); 3 Song Thrush(1 juv), at 'Old Golf Course', Trent Park; 2 Lesser Whitethroat,(1 Vicarage Farm, 1 Park Farm); 5 Common Whitethroat,(4 at Vicarage Farm, 1 'Old Golf Course'); 1 male Blackcap, at 'Old Golf Course', Trent Park; 4 Spotted Flycatcher,(2 together, at Park Farm, 2 together, at 'Old Golf Course',Trent Park); 1 male Bullfinch, near Water Grdn (Robert Callf).
*Trent Park: 3 Spotted Flycatcher , 15 Goldfinch, 6 Chiffchaff, G.S Woodpecker, Nuthatch, Goldcrest (Pete Lowman).
*South Norwood Lake: 20 Tufted Duck, 2 Cormorant, 1 Grey Heron, 2 Chiffchaff, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1 Nuthatch, 15 Black-headed Gull, 3 Herring Gull, 12 Ring-necked Parakeet, 6 Long-tailed Tit (John Watson).
*Little Britain Lake (Cowley): GC Grebe 2 individual ads each with 2y, 1 Little Grebe (usually an occasional winter visitor to site)  (Roger Dewey).
*Belmont: 1 Swallow (Sutton Birding[]).
*Overton Park: 3 Swallows, 1 Lesser Black-backed Gull, 21 Black-headed Gulls (observer?).
*River Lee Country Park: 12 Black Tern on Holyfield Lake, Wheatear at Holyfield Hall Farm (Mike Oakland).
*Alexandra Park: 4 Swallow E @ 1750, 4 House Martins Res (Bob Watts).
===Wednesday 10th September===
*Rainham Marshes: Garganey, juv '''Marsh Harrier''', 7 Little Egret, 13 Grey Heron, 2 Greenshank, 2 Green Sandpiper, 2 Common Sandpiper, 11 Whinchat, 9 Stonechat, 6 Chiffchaff, 3 Willow Warbler, 32 Long-tailed Tit, 39 Greenfinch, 42 Goldfinch, 21 Siskin, 67 Linnet, 4 Reed Bunting (ELBF).
*Richmond Park: '''Honey Buzzard''' over the northwest corner at 10:15, departed SW at 10.45 (Birdguides).
*Wormwood Scrubs: '''Honey Buzzard''' over southwest being escorted by c120 crows at 8.50am. It was a dark morph flying low over rooftops with languid wingbeats. When it glided its wings were gently bowed. Had kite-like jizz, not as bulky as Common Buzzard and seemed to have a narrow head; also 2 Whinchat, c8 Whitethroat & c30 Meadow Pipits (David Lindo).
*Alexandra Park: Tree Pipit flew from scrub to perimeter and then landed again in grassland to west at 0705 before being flushed from perimeter at 0830. Lanner/Saker type hybrid around Palace building for 20 minutes 0725-0745. (Bob Watts, Andrew Gardener). Wheatear on and around cricket pavilion to 0910 at least (Andrew Gardener, Gareth Richards) Lanner/Saker again c.0830 (Stuart Harrington).
*Lyle Park (W. Silvertown): Chiffchaff, 29 Common Terns, Common Gull (David Callahan).
*Thames Barrier: 9 Arctic Terns (W), fem Peregrine, Chiffchaff, 112+ Common Terns, 10 GBB Gulls, 4 Common Gulls, 52 Teal, fem Kestrel (David Callahan).
*Tower Hamlets Cemetery: Willow Warbler & Whitethroat newly found amongst the mixed tit flock, also Chiffchaff 0800-0825 (Bob Watts).
*Paddington Green: imm fem Sparrowhawk, Peregrine (prob fem) W/SW 12:51hrs, Grey Wagtail, c225 Starling (Des McKenzie).
*Staines Res: 3 Black-necked Grebe, 2 Turnstone, 3 Black Tern (Birdguides).
*Beddington SF: 6 Common Snipe, Redshank (Dip or Glory).
*London Wetland Centre: 1 Garganey, 4 Hobbies (2 ads, 2 juvs), 1 Ruff, 7 Swallows S, c.20 Sand Martins, 13 Meadow Pipits W, 1 Rock Pipit SW, 31 Chiffchaffs, 2 Willow Warblers, 18 Blackaps (NPS)
*Tyttenhanger GPs: Peregrine, 3 Hobby, 3 Buzzard, Kestral, 12+ Yellow Wagtail, 6 M,Pipits, c50 Swallow, 30+ Mistle Thrush, 3 Common Tern, 2 Common Sandpiper, fem Wigeon (Steve B).
*North Enfield: 3 Common Redstart (2 1w m and fem/imm) at Vicarage Farm; also 2 Whinchat there and 3 at Parkside Farm (Birdguides).
*Trent CP: 2 Common Redstart (ad m/1w m), Spotted Flycatcher, 6 Siskin (Birdguides).
*Rotherhithe: 8 Swallows south over Thames at Greenland Pier early evng (Richard Bonser).
*Horsenden Hill: 1 Turtle Dove at Paradise Fields, flew off SE around 7pm (Andy Culshaw).
*Abney Park, Stoke Newington: 1 Tawny Owl (H). ([ TeRNS])
===Tuesday 9th September===
*Staines Reservoirs: '''Great Skua''' on south basin then flew west at 15:50; also drake Common Scoter on north basin late afternoon and 5 Black Terns (Birdguides).
*Rainham Marshes RSPB: '''Great White Egret''' flew southeast, across River Thames at 10:20 but no sign of the Aquatic Warbler (Birdguides).
*Beech Farm GPs: '''Osprey''' over Beech Farm at 07:45 heading towards St. Albans (Birdguides).
*Rotherhithe: 32 Black Terns came in from the east over River Thames, then circled at mouth of Greenland Dock 6.53-6.57pm before heading high south. My 1st record for the site (Richard Bonser).
*Crossness: 3 Black Terns still off outfall by the Thamesview Golf Centre this morning; also a Knot (Birdguides).
*[[East India Dock]] (2 visits - a.m. & p.m.): 5 Black Terns with many commic terns distantly off West Silvertown until 15:30, plus 9 Common Terns, Common Sandpiper, 4 Yellow-legged Gulls, 2 Reed Warblers (in copse), Sparrowhawk, 17 Teal (David Callahan).
*Belvedere: 1st-winter Mediterranean Gull at outfall; also 2 Wheatears (Birdguides).
*Alexandra Park: 3 Yellow Wagtails, c5 Meadow Pipits, Whinchat, at least 4 Spotted Flycatchers, 25 Siskin (Bob Watts, Andrew Gardener, Dominic Mitchell, John Murray).
*Tower Hamlets Cemetery: Reed Warbler (patch tick) Monument Glade 0820, Grey Wagtail, 3 Chiffchaffs, 3 Blackcap, 2 Goldcrest (Bob Watts).
*Paddington Green: Peregrine (unsexed/aged) south 13:00hrs (Des McKenzie).
*Finsbury Park: 3+ Spotted Flycatchers (boating lake island), Grey Wagtail, 2 Little Grebes (Ian Bradshaw)
*Stoke Newington reservoirs: c135 Pochard. 23 sp. recorded ([ TeRNS])
===Monday 8th September===
Please do not post news here as this site is now out-of-date.
*Rainham Marshes RSPB:  '''Aquatic Warbler''' again present at 13:30 (Lol Bodini).
*Crossness: '''Manx Shearwater''' off outfall at 11:58; earlier flew west past Barking Bay at 11:55 and west past Thamesview Golf Centre at 08:55 (Birdguides).
*Beddington SF: '''Osprey''' south over; also 2 Tree Pipits and 12 Yellow Wagtail (Birdguides)
*Hayes: '''Wryneck''' at Lake Farm CP early afternoon in hawthorns behind club at 12:15 only; also Redstart and 4 Spotted Flycatchers (Birdguides).
*Amwell GPs: Common Crossbill over (Birdguides).
*Hyde Park/Kensington Gardens: 11 Egyptian Goose (inc single gosling), 12 Great Crested Grebe, fem/imm Kestrel, 2 juv Hobby hunting low over Serpentine (for 10 minutes around 09:00hrs), 3 juv Lesser Black-backed Gull, Little Owl (Hyde Park Meadows 08:05hrs), Tawny Owl at day-roost, Kingfisher, 2 Green Woodpecker, 4-5 Sand Martin, 27 Swallow, 40+ House Martin, 10 Meadow Pipit, Grey Wagtail, 16 Pied Wagtail, 4 Blackcap, 2 Chiffchaff, 2 Willow Warbler, Spotted Flycatcher (Silver Limes nr Palace Field), Nuthatch, 5 Jay, Red Admiral, 3 Migrant Hawker (Des McKenzie).
*Rainham Marshes RSPB: 3 Black Terns; also Knot and juvenile '''Marsh Harrier''' (Birdguides)
*Stoke Newington Reservoirs: Pied Flycatcher in oaks on Lordship Road mid-morning; also Spotted Flycatcher, Hobby and Siskin (Birdguides).
*Hornchurch: '''Honey Buzzard''' flew south at 10:04 (Birdguides).
*Regent's Park: Woodlark 7.15am SW, Merlin 7.20am SE, 3 Sparrowhawks 7.50am SE, Common Buzzard 12.20pm SE, 550 Swallows, 2 Greater Whitethroats, 1 Lesser Whitethroats, Garden Warbler, 14 Blackcaps, 4 Willow Warblers, 8 Chiffchaffs, 1 Spotted Flycatcher, 6 Siskins, 3 M Pipits, Yellow Wagtail, Grey wagtail (Tony Duckett)&(Birdguides).
*Tower Hamlets Cemetery: '''Pied Flycatcher''', Spotted Flycatcher both Chestnut Glade, 3 Chiffchaff, 2 Blackcap, 2 Goldcrest (Bob Watts).
*Alexandra Park: Redstart (again, briefly in scrub), 51 Meadow Pipits, 21 Swallows, 4 Jackdaw, at least 2 Spotted Flycatcher, Willow Warbler (Andrew Gardener).
*Rotherhithe: drake Pochard Greenland Dock plus c.30 House Martins over Durand's Wharf (Richard Bonser).
*Dagenham Chase LNR: '''6 Crossbill''' flew west at 2.15pm, ( 1st sight record ), also 2 Whinchat, 2 Whitethroat, 1 Lesser Whitethroat, 1 Grey Wagtail, 1 Green Sandpiper, pair of Gadwall, pair of Wigeon (Vince Halley-Frame).
*Bedfont Lakes CP: Hobby, Yellow Wagtail, 2 Egyptian Geese, and steady passage of House Martins and Meadow Pipits. (Adam Cheeseamn)
===Saturday 6th September===
*Bedfont Lakes CP: Wheatear (Adam Cheeseman)
==Archived News==
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