Nakagawa Shika

From Kokorodatabase

(Redirected from Shika)

Nakagawa Shika is the "younger sister" of Nakagawa Daichi. In actuality she is older than her sibling, but since he's the one that takes care of her, she calls him "Niisan". She is said to be "emotional" and lives alone in an apartment with her brother, although it was previously stated that he lived alone and she elsewhere. Their family life is unknown.


[edit] Personality

Though Shika has been blind since birth, she has an amazing memory and has been considered "gifted" by many. She enjoys drawing and painting, which she does by examining the object she wants to paint with her hand. In some cases, however, this proves impossible and leaves the young girl frustrated. She will cry over just about anything, and is predictably spoiled by her older sibling. Shika is also highly superstitous - almost to a fault. She will go into a frenzy if someone breaks a common tradition, thinking this will result in taboo.

[edit] Lovelife


[edit] Profile

  • Name Translation: "Naka"- middle "ga"- elegance "wa"- ring; "Shika"- deer
  • Alias: Shi-chan
  • Signature Colors: pastel colors, esp. pink
  • Age: 18
  • Birthday: September 10
  • Zodiac: Virgo
  • Hair Color: Tan
  • Eye Color: Red
  • Height: 5 feet 3 inches
  • Weight: 102 lbs
  • Likes:
  • Dislikes:
  • Fears: superstitions, curses
  • Allergies:
  • Talents: Memorizing things, performing the tea ceremony, painting
  • Favorite foods:
  • Least favorite foods:
  • Favorite beverage:
  • Blood Type: O
  • Appearance: Small and lithe. She tends to wear traditional Japanese clothes.

[edit] Trivia

  • Inspired by the authoress' blind Chinese History teacher.
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