Roy Bancroft

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Roy Bancroft is a childhood friend of Ryou's and Sarah's from New York City, having met them through Daisuke, the family dog. While he doesn't appear as much in Kokoro due to his role as a minor character and an American, the nature mage is known for his insane amount of patience. Mostly, Roy ("Rovin", as the other mages call him)'s seen teaching Mizuhara Minoru a new spell or two, or just hanging out with Takaishi Sora.


[edit] History

[edit] Before Kokoro

Roy Vincent Bancroft was born to two loving parents, being the younger out of two siblings. His life was as normal as it could be for the son of a nature mage and a weather mage. It was quickly proven that his older sister, Cornelia, was able to control pure energy; he too was also able to quickly prove his power over nature.

Thus, instead of attending the norm private school like he was supposed to, his parents enrolled him into Esori. It wasn't that Roy didn't enjoy his time at Esori - the mage actually loved it, and quickly grew to being one of the so-called "popular" kids. It was around first grade that he started taking fencing lessons, as well as violin lessons and German.

When he was about eight or nine years old, Roy first met Shirogane Ryou through the family dog, D-kun. He soon didn't quite know it, but the friendship with Ryou, and in turn, Ryou's friend, Sarah Cohen would soon come to a quick end. At the time, though, the three mirrored the trio that their fathers had. However, he was slightly envious of the relationship Ryou had with Sarah, as the boy had a giant crush on her.

However, Ryou's parents soon supposedly died when Roy was barely ten. As a result, his childhood friends broke away from him: Ryou to Japan, and Sarah to who-knows-where. It could be that this event was how Roy received his eternal patience, thinking that his friends would soon come back.

...But they never did.

Roy soon started to move on with his life. He started babysitting Mizuhara Minoru, Ryou's former neighbor; he became more involved with school and outside activites.

While on a business trip to Japan with his father when he was fifteen, Roy met up with The Star Six. Somehow, the nature mage became involved with the group, and gained a new friend in Takaishi Sora. To this day, the nature mage still prefers to hang out with them whenever possible.

[edit] Kokoro Days

[edit] Kokoro Draft Future

None available at the moment

[edit] Other-Worldly Counterparts

  • America Mew Mew: In AMM, Roy is Ryou's best friend and lifeline concerning everything from schoolwork to the Mew Project. Roy pretty much takes over Keiichiro's role as Ryou's best friend, but Roy is still pretty much the same person. It's implied that he's dating Sarah now, but this Roy is slightly less patient than Kokoro's Roy. This Roy also seems to enjoy flirting with Celsia, even going so far as to speculate how Celsia's relationship with Chive'll impact him. He's still a Nature Mage and has all of the same abilities, except in AMM, he can actually telepathically connect to flowers moreso than in Kokoro.

[edit] Personality

[edit] Lovelife

  • Allison Fletcher: His first girlfriend. Roy met Allison when they were four at school, though the two preferred different hobbies - Allison was obsessed with her tea parties, Roy outside with his kite. The two later became fast friends, and when Roy realized that Sarah was never coming back, decided to try and date her. The two, despite breaking up a while back, still remain fast friends. Though she has yet to appear in Kokoro, being mentioned only a couple of times, it can be assumed that they're still close. (Allison currently attends USC)

[edit] Profile

  • Name Translation: "Roy" - King, "Vincent" - Prevailing, "Bancroft" - Field of Beans
  • Nicknames: Roy-Roy, Rovin, Champ
  • Signature Colors: Orange
  • Age: 19 (his age ignores the missing year)
  • Birthday: April 11
  • Zodiac: Aries/Snake (based on birth year)
  • Grade: College Sophomore at Tulane
  • Hair Color: Orange-Red
  • Eye Color: Green
  • Height: 5 feet, 7 inches
  • Weight: undisclaimed
  • Likes: taking photos, hanging out with his friends, gardening, spending time outside, sparring, the outdoors, flowers,
  • Dislikes: pesticides, cold weather, smoke,
  • Allergies: hamsters, perfume, plastic flowers [he's probably not really allergic to them, as the only ones he's been around were musty]
  • Favorite foods: Avacado, smoothies, granola - generally, "health food".
  • Least favorite foods: ice cream (during the winter), blueberries
  • Extracurricular Activities: Fencing [Spring], Soccer [Fall], Photography [Year-round]
  • Blood Type: [no clue, as he's an American. They usually don't know their own bloodtypes..]

[edit] Mage Information

Unlike many mages, Roy specializes in a mixture of melee and evasive spells. He tends to take the frontlines in battle for this reason. Yet, Roy's power comes from his memories - his experiences with his friends. For this reason, if negative memories come to the foreground, Roy's power becomes weaker.

[edit] Weapon

  • Raw Sienna: A Pappenheimer Rapier. There's nothing specific here to mention, except that the handle's coated with copper. Otherwise, it's your typical long rapier.

[edit] Abilities

  • Lion's Roar: Roy uses all of his energy to perform a 180 degree spin, effectively crashing into the foe. Most of the time, this results in the foe being knocked onto the ground.
  • Nature's Guidance: Roy instinctively has a great sense of direction. Regardless of his location, he knows exactly where he needs to be and how to get there simply by listening to the beat of the branches or simply the buzz of nature.
  • Flora Connect: Roy can easily bond with any flower around him. This enables him to speed their growth when it's required, but mainly: they experience the same feelings he does. If the flowers are wilting, Roy's probably depressed inside, and if they're blooming rapidly, chances are that Roy's pretty happy as well.
  • Floral Growth: If an earth or nature elemental attack strikes Roy, it'll heal him up in the same fashion as an healing spell would. Because of this, Roy can hit himself with his own spells and be instantly healed.
  • Telepathy: Roy, like the other members of the Star Six, is able to communicate with any that he deems close through their minds, linked by the memories and experiences they shared together. Roy tends to use this ability the least of the eight, choosing to talk normally whenever he can.

[At the moment, Roy has the ability to talk telepathically to: The Star Six, Shirogane Jishou, the Bancroft Family, Allison and has the potential to link his mind to Sarah's.]

[edit] Signature Attacks

  • Rose Vine: Striking his rapier into the ground, Roy summons vines to come up from the ground and wrap their foe to the ground. Roses then bloom, creating dust from ragweed and pollen to distract the foe, enabling Roy to then attack physically.
  • Force Guard: Roy can create an invisible barrier from sunlight to protect him from incoming attacks for a short period of time. If he mixes his own energy in, the attacks can even be bounced back at the foe.

[edit] Unison Attacks

  • Nature's Light: This attack combines Roy's Rose Vine spell with Hikari's Holy spell. Roses shoot up from the ground, bloom, and shoot holy beams of light at the foe almost instantaneously.
  • Rapid Torrent: Combining Sora's Tidal Shores spell with Roy's Flora Connect ability, this attack allows Sora's water to rapidly hasten the growth of any plant Roy deems. This will not only damage the foe with water, but allow Roy's flowers to crush any foes in their way through their vines.
  • Crushing Thorn!: Combines Kyr's Demi spell with Roy's Rose Vine spell. Roy first casts Rose Vine, allowing the vine to completely wrap around the foe; Kyr immediately jumps in and casts Demi, mutating the flower so that it can crush anything in its path. (For weak monsters, this translates into a one hit KO; strong monsters are left with little to no energy, and humans have half of their energy drained.)
  • Wildfire's Revenge: Using Ari's Hundred Stars spell and Roy's Floral Growth ability, the two create a gigantic wildfire to wipe out anything in their path, along with all foes. If this spell is in Ari's way, it automatically heals not only her health, but any negative status effects she might have gained during battle.

[edit] Stats

  • Strengths: Offense, Techinque
  • Average: Speed, Defense, Mentality
  • Weaknesses: Recovery, Evasion

[edit] Trivia

  • Roy was actually based somewhat off Roy from Fire Emblem, as shown with his weapon and appearance. However, otherwise, the two have absolutely nothing else in common.
  • Roy's power over flowers and nature in general were actually based off another OC of Saica's in the Teen Titans fandom, though that OC just preferred gardening, and actually didn't receive nature magic until much later.
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