
From Kokorodatabase

(Redirected from Alise)
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Age: 14
Race: Spirit
Gender: Female
Height: 4'9"
Weight: Undefined
Hair Color: Reddish pink
Eye Color: Purple
Birthday: April 15
Dimension: Dragonia
Character Class: Red Mage/Summoner
Occupation: None
Theme: Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana OST- "Frozen Lithograph"

A ghost of sorts. It's not clear whether Faye's the only one who can see her or not.

Although Aliseanne is the previous incarnation of Faye, for some reason, her spirit is free to move about. It's possible that she was kicked out of the body, and that the rabbit influence took over, or that she is simply an astral projection of herself. In any case, she sticks around to bother Faye.

Her life for the most part is unknown. It's suggested she was a rabbit summoner of sorts. As to why she was reborn remains unknown

Because she is one half of what Faye is, Alise can temporarily gain control of Faye's body, although this never lasts long, as her influence is too weak against that of the rabbit's. It's not entirely known how Faye is able to retain her form, given that Alise tends to be kicked out, although it's possible that as speculated earlier, Alise is merely a projection of herself.

Not one to dress fancy while living, it doesn't show after death, as Alise is dressed in,'s hard to describe. It's a burial outfit of sorts, a long flowy-ish dress and whatnot, with various ornaments and accessories thrown in, given her culture and status {she was thought to be the human incarnation of a goddess whom shared some minor appearance traits with Alise. course, it was really just the priests she met at the temple she stopped by when she started her journey that believed such}

Aliseanne's name is a mispelling of Alisanne, a derivation of Alice, meaning 'noble'

[edit] Random Plot Ideas

Some of these have been in Tsu's head for awhile, some just came up. If she can ever get any of them into a coherent state, she may bring it up with some other members for the possibilty of roleplaying them out. Or not. A little hesitant about going down the character centric plot road again, and how would it relate to Kokoro, anyways?

  • One of Alise's alternates is a necromancer, although she can't just summon any old spirit. Rather, she was raised and trained to be able to summon one specific spirit in general.
  • Alise has a sister, Serafine, who either died young or went on to marry and have children. There's a random idea floating around to see if someone would be interested in making a character that's Sera's reincarnation
  • Another random thought is to have Alise's body still exist, but be sealed away somewhar. This wouldn't be related to the Fa'e metaplot on Gaia in any way, but to a non-Gaia Faye's plot. Not sure where, though it would be interesting to have a small group go on a quest to find her body.
  • Perhaps another alternate of Alise is the Sage of Shadow/Spirit in Zelda-verse?
  • Maybe some people can see Alise's ghost, some can't. Feel like playing with this a bit
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