
From Kokorodatabase

Tsu is not to be confused with the user Tsu. Or maybe she is. An author, despite being female. Insists she is an author, not an authoress, and believes in using 'author' to refer to both genders. You can blame fanficrants if you want, but this is mainly personal preference. Alternatively simply refers to herself in third person when it comes to her works.

Tsu is also Faye's Guardian on Gaia, and is a reclusive introvert who apparently allows her kids to do whatever they please, including world domination. So can someone explain again how she was chosen as the rabbit gal's Guardian?

In terms of Tsu the Guardian, although she generally doesn't step foot outside the house much, she is known to be capable of mimicking characters she creates, right down to the appearance. There's no real explanation for this, and the gal herself simply explains it as "author magic", something that originated way back when in the 90's. Faye isn't too thrilled with this, in any case


At first glance, one wouldn't really believe this gal used to be some insane woman she proclaims to have once been. Having become reclusive and introverted since getting tasked with caring for Faye, the author doesn't spend much time outdoors these days, preferring to stay far away from the chaos that goes on in Gaia. Generally, all guests are for Faye, anyways, with Solange around to deal with the rest, so that takes care of that.

Still, though, she's supposedly a force to be reckoned with.


  • Name: Tsu
  • Real Name: Good luck with that. She'll either give you the name of whoever she's pretending to be, or some ridiculous name
  • Age: 21
  • Birthdate: A long time ago in a galaxy far far away June 24, 1985
  • Hair: Light to dark brown
  • Eyes: Hazel
  • Height: 5'3.5"
  • Weight: 140lbs, though she prefers not to disclose this information
  • Blood Type: A-
  • Zodiac: Cancer/Ox
  • Likes: Reading, drawing, video games, star wars, cute things, music
  • Dislikes: Being up during the day, getting up early, fangirls that make the fandom look bad, people who can't spell
  • Fears: Spiders, heights, bees, hornets, wasps
  • Favorite Food: Reeses Peanut Butter Cup icecream
  • Least Favorite Food: Spaghetti
  • Favorite Drink:


  • Tsu has existed since the beginning of time, or, if you want to be honest and technical, since yours truly started writing fanfiction.
  • IC Tsu is dangerous in her own right, but generally doesn't use her magic these days.
  • For one who can't raise children properly, she seems to be stuck with them quite often...
  • Tsu is of the belief that authors are practically invincible, due to a statement by a well-known Fushigi Yuugi fanfiction author at the time.
  • Although Faye and Solange's Guardian, Tsu rarely makes an appearance outside of the house, and even then, has no clue as to who half of the people her daughters meet are.
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