America Mew Mew

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Revision as of 05:07, 16 January 2009 by (Talk)

America Mew Mew is an alternate dimension that bases its roots off the qusestion, "What if Professor and Mrs. Shirogane didn't die in the fire?". Based off the question, the answer seems to be that the Shirogane family would still live in the United States with the professor's assistant, Akasaka Keiichiro, along with other various family members. The most notable difference from canon here is not only the location, but the fact that Shirogane Ryou's character has changed dramatically, and that he is no longer an only child, but has a younger brother, Shirogane Shuugo.


Differences from Canon

All mew mews, save for Midorikawa Retasu, have alternates that take their role. The list of who's who is as follows:

Shirogane Jishou and Elizabeth are still alive, as the fire that killed them actually never occured. It should be noted that in the Shirogane Mansion, Ryou's immediate family are not the only ones living there - in AMM, the mansion is shared with Jishou's aunt, uncle, and his cousins (Ryou's great-aunt, uncle, cousin once removed, and two second cousins)

The Saica Mage System is used with the Shirogane children, as well as with Roy Bancroft.


* While there are many in AMM, these are only a few that appeared in Kokoro

Chive: The first alien to appear in AMM. At first, Chive was completely immature despite being from the army to lead the invasion on Earth. He's slowly matured over time as he realizes that Mimi won't ever return his feelings, but he still wants to try. Unlike Kisshu, Chive knows how to completely blend into his surroundings, and he'll often do so to gain an advantage over his enemies. However, this usually doesn't work as his grasp of the English language is minimal at best. Chive's Chimera Anima usually turn into grotesque animals.

Midorikawa Retasu:

Miles Alesci: Mimi's boyfriend. Miles is the captain of Westridge's fencing team and often leads his team to victory in epee matches. While he seems like a perfect guy, Miles has a severe weakness when it comes to Mimi and the environment. He's often unsure of how to proceed with his relationship with Mimi, as she's his first girlfriend, but he loves spending time with her anyways. His family situation thus far is not clarified, but he has a doting aunt, Rosabella, who is already convinced that Miles and Mimi are going to get married and have many beautiful children.

Mimi Belmont: The heroine of AMM, Mimi was injected with Irimote Wildcat DNA while on her first date with Miles. She tends to overreact and act violent at times, but she has a good heart and truly cares for her friends and family more than anything in the world. When she's not working at the Beaumont Flower Shoppe and yelling at her boss, Mimi plays soccer for Westridge and tries to get along with her older sister Julie. Though Mimi doesn't mention it, she's a Conservative Jew and very fond of her religion.

Primrose Wallace: The youngest of the Mew Mews, Primrose is only ten years old and very spunky about life. Injected with Yellow Ringtail Lemur DNA, she's very fast and agile when transformed despite her sole attack being defensive. She's very polite around her elders, calling Ryou "Mr. Ryou" and Chive "Mr. Chive-Chive"; it's assumed she learned this early because of her Southern upbringing. Her father is a scientist that works with Judy Mizuhara and Jishou Shirogane.

Roy Bancroft: See main article.

Shirogane Shuugo: See main article.

Shirogane Ryou See main article.

Sorrel Linden: The lead vocalist of local band Team Kingdom and the final Mew Mew. Sorrel is a very logical person, preferring to let evidence and rational thought rule her life instead of emotions and the supernatural. However, she's only fifteen, so she's prone to occasional bouts of emotion - especially when they concern her boyfriend Garner. While Sorrel's slightly aware of Celsia's schoolgirl crush on her, Sorrel chooses to view it as infatuation. She won't return Celsia's feelings, so she doesn't bother pretending that she will.

Major Events

Rough Timeline


  • Originally, the events of America Mew Mew were supposed to take place in Albany, New York. However, the location was retconned to Long Island, as Albany doesn't seem to be a river/coastal town.
  • AMM's real splitting point was meant to be the accident. Yet, after thinking, the real splitting point was just theorized to be the accident. It was Shuugo's birth that split AMM off from other dimensions.
  • Mizuhara Minoru is no longer a mage in AMM, due to his smaller role and more obsessed with beyblade attitude.


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