Shirogane Family

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Because the Shirogane family is related to Shirogane Jishou and Shirogane Ryou by blood, it's only natural that the family's made various appearances in Kokoro, though most are minor.


Shirogane Eien

There isn't much to know about Eien: She's the wife of Seijaku, and is currently a denist in Hiroshima. It's rumored that she is very calm about almost anything, and is probably the most tolerant member of her family.

Shirogane Inori

This twenty-two year old is the eldest of the Seijaku and Eien children. Like his father, he tends to have a serious aura about him. Inori has brown hair with red streaks mixed in and green eyes. He wears glasses.

Shirogane Nikkou

Born the middle child of Shirogane Seijaku and Shirogane Eien, Nikkou has two siblings: The Kokoro alternate of Shirogane Shuugo and her older brother, Shirogane Inori.

Generally, the twenty-year old brunette is rather cheerful and upbeat, preferring to spend time with her family whenever possible (and give them cute nicknames while she's at it; she's probably the only girl other than Ichigo in Kokoro who can get away with calling Ryou 'Ryou-tan'.) While it seems that absolutely nothing will get her down, the girl refuses to get near crickets, claiming that they want nothing more than to eat her alive.

As a mage, Nikkou has control over the element of Wind, and uses chakrams in battle; in terms of magical education, she's currently attending a normal college in Tokyo, preferring to take extra magical courses at the magical university.

She generally doesn't appear in Kokoro unless she's giving pictures to Ryou with another member of her family, or to buy the occasional pastry, even if she is the only Shirogane who actually likes the girly design of Cafe Mew Mew.

Shirogane Seijaku

Seijaku is the older brother of Jishou by two-three years (the exact difference is never specified), and is currently a internist in a local Hiroshima hospital for the norms. While he's never really been around, it's obvious that his serious demeanor hasn't really been a huge influence on Shou, despite the fact that the two brothers are very close.

He's currently married to Eien, and they have three children: Inori, Nikkou, and the Kokoro alternate of Shirogane Shuugo.

K!Shirogane Shuugo

(see Shirogane Shuugo)

Ise Yukana and Shimo

They are the children of Ise Kiara. Both have black hair; however, Yukana (or Yukie) has long hair tied into pigtails, while Shimo keeps his rather short and a little spiky. Yukie is a girly-girl; Shimo plays rough and tough with the elder boys. While there is an age difference between the two, Shimo is nine, while Yukie is seven.

Kitano Kirei

The youngest of the three "1st gen" Shirogane children, at age thirty, Kirei's older brothers are Seijaku and Jishou. She seems to be a very upbeat - if not mischievous - person and has established herself as a seiyuu (voice actress). Kirei has an affinity for photography, and she will sometimes appear from seemingly nowhere to snap the perfect shot. She was recently wed to Kitano Shinrai.

Kitano Kouki

Though he's Shinrai's younger brother, Kouki tends to be a rather playful, confident guy. He's nineteen, having just graduated from Hoshizen (he is good friends with Takaishi Sora), and now attends the University of Tsukuba in the Ibaraki prefecture in Japan. Despite not being in Tokyo much, Kouki (Kou for short) tends to hang around his friends when he can. Because his older brother is officially considered a Shirogane, he and his girlfriend, canon character Midorikawa Retasu, are unofficially considered members of the family as well.

Kitano Shinrai

Recently accepted into the Shirogane family through his marriage to Kirei, Shinrai (or "Uncle Shin" as he is often referred) is a pediatrician. He seems to have taken Shirogane Kyr under his wing, thanks to the boy's goals of becoming a doctor himself. He has one younger brother who has made an appearance, Kitano Kouki, who is also the current boyfriend of Midorikawa Retasu. Shinrai is 31-32. He has black hair and hazel eyes.

Kitano Yukari

Kirei and Shinrai's newborn baby girl. It is suspected that she is the cursed child of the current (Ryou's) generation and thus not gifted with mage abilities.

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