Shinga Shikari

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Shinga Shikari is the only Shinga child born to Shinga Tsukasa and Shinga Miharu. She's mainly known as the resident pyro, as well as the mage that seems to know everything, whether it's if Ryou competed in a beauty pageant, or what Kiki Gamu's really afraid of. While this is only because of her bad habit of gossiping, being the host of knowledge in Kokoro has had her used for various purposes, usually to get information on other mage out of her. However, it's best not to upset her, as Shikari will set you on fire, regardless of who you are (unless you happen to be Takaishi Sora or her parents, of course).



Before Kokoro

Born the only daughter of Shinga Tsukasa and Shinga Miharu, Shikari was destined to live a traveling life from the day she was born. As her parents were archaeologists, they often traveled the world whenever they were needed at various dig sites, bringing the young fire mage with them. The digs were never too long (they would often take a couple of months for Tsukasa; he somehow knew where every artifact and treasure was buried without digging anywhere), but Ari was slowly beginning to grow up without a real sense of belonging.

When she was old enough to go to school, her parents began to take up only local digs in the Tokyo area, allowing her to attend school at the well-known Hoshizen Academy. She grew up pretty well from there on, only having occasional weeks where she would stay with her cousin's family whenever her parents were on digs.

While she does claim that she's from Phantasia Island, it's only partly true, as her mother was born there. Ari doesn't have a real sense of belonging when it comes to homes, since she has two, and is used to a life of traveling back and forth in the summertime.

Kokoro Days

Shikari first encountered the Kokoro group after she met The Star Six during school two years ago. During this time, it was Ari who had given the group its Both Daisuke and Kyr had expressed an interest in going, so she accompanied them to Cafe Mew Mew one night. From that night on, she's slowly been part of the members at the cafe. Usually, whenever somebody wanted to know something about a mage, Shikari was their source: she would tell them anything they wanted to. Occasionally, maybe guilt trip them if she was in the mood.

Not much has really gone on with Ari during Kokoro, other than her occasional bouts with Sora. Mostly, she just keeps her distance from people whenever she doesn't want to talk about how she knows everything that's going on in their lives (Ryou has attributed this to the Mage Information Network). She's mostly called on whenever there's a magical problem or the sort.

There was one time, however, when Gamu's dislike towards magic finally got to Ari (as well as Shuugo). She began to purposely avoid the cafe, even though she would have come back within a couple of days if it wasn't for her pride. It's not quite clear how this one was resolved, but it somehow eventually was, and Ari came back to the cafe. While she doesn't hang around too often these days, she's there, even if it's just to hang out.

Kokoro Draft Future

Supposedly, after finishing college in Hiroshima, Ari will end up moving to Phantasia Island with Kiro, as her relatives have made their home there. While it's currently unclear on her future in Kokoro Draft, all that's known about Ari is that she has one child, Shimarano Renako, with Kiro and will live a peaceful life as a homemaker. Not too much else to say here.

Other-Worldly Counterparts

  • Kingdom Chronicles: This Ari is the daughter of Sora and Kairi, having an older brother, Sorren. The girl still wields the Wandblade, but the powers have changed to reflect the universe. On another note, she's still as headstrong and sttuborn as ever, even if she is only twelve years old here.
  • Sugar Card: While Ari has a different group of friends and tends to be more influenced by the guys than she is here, she's still the resident pyro. However, she's considered one of the more 'sane' ones, as some of the people still insist that magic doesn't exist, and some are just plain crazy.


Shikari tends to be easy-going and cheerful most of the time, and willing to talk about almost anything. However, she does have a short temper and is easily angered. When she is angered, it's usually your cue to run and let her be alone so that she'll be easier to talk to later, as she loses control over her powers when angered. Usually, this results in her accidentally setting someone on fire.

Ari tends to be a gossip, and knows everything about everyone. If you want to hear something about someone, she's probably the person to go to, especially if that person is a mage.

While she can be stubborn and headstrong about magic and her world, there are a few things that definitely bug Ari out. One of those things are spiders. Ari is deathly afraid of them, and won't even go near a dead spider. She's been known to faint around them on certain occasions as well.

Oh, yes... Ari's true weaknesses are gingerbread cookies and tiramisu. After eating them, she's so blissful that one can ask her anything, and she will answer them truthfully.


  • Shimarano Kiro: These two go a long way back, no matter the dimension, as they're childhood friends. However, in Kokoro, Kiro is also Ari's classmate. It's pretty obvious now that the two like each other as more than friends, judging from Ari's sudden 10 minute crushes on anyone that even remotely resembles Kiro. They aren't together, though, if only because Ari likes her single and proud status too much to let go of it now.
  • Mizuhara Minoru: Went nowhere. Minoru ended up dating his teammate's sister, but the two still remain best friends. However, these two do end up together in an alternate universe, as will be soon revealed in New Beginnings.
  • Kagemori Kaijou: Ari never liked him romantically, but liked him as a friend. However, Kaijou had quite the crush on her for a long time (in an eerie way) until he was introduced to someone else about four months ago.


  • Name Translation: "Shinga" - Forest, "Shikari" - Hunter
  • Nicknames: Shister, Shi-Shi, Ari
  • Signature Colors: Purple, Pale Blue
  • Age: 15 (Ari is not affected by the missing year)
  • Birthday: June 13, 1992
  • Zodiac: Gemini/Monkey (based on birth year)
  • Grade: 8th [at Hoshizen, she's an Expert mage]
  • Hair Color: Crimson red [blood red in darkness]
  • Eye Color: Deep blue
  • Height: 5 feet, 2 inches
  • Weight: secret~
  • Likes: being with her friends, playing with fire, hanging out at Sutori/CMM, battling, reading, being anywhere warm,
  • Dislikes: water, cold temperatures, being depressed, being in cold places, extreme air conditioning, magical girls (this is a generalization, however, and what they represent more than who they are)
  • Fears: Halloween, horses, spiders,
  • Allergies: none
  • Favorite foods: anything hot and spicy, gingerbread cookies, tiramisu
  • Least favorite foods: bland cooking [in her opinion, American cuisine]
  • Blood Type: O+
  • Extracurricular Activities: Gymnastics, Speech Team

Mage Information

With Shikari, being a fire mage not only means that one is immune to fire based attacks from someone that is a lower rank than yourself, but the temperature can easily affect you. Ari lives for summer, as she and her attacks become stronger than normal. On the other hand, the winters mean that she becomes confined to the inside, and her powers become somewhat weaker than normal. It's not that she controls fire; sometimes, it seems like it's part of her and controls her instead of how it's supposed to be.


  • Wandblade: A long jade-green staff with silver blades on one side that is capped by a yellow star (in Kingdom Chronicles, it's a paopu fruit), with a star keychain hanging off the cap.


  • Wielding Flame: Shikari can easily control fire as it's second nature to her. The girl can't control vast amounts, but she is able to control small pieces, as would be found on a stove.
  • Flame Regen: Any time a fire-based attack hits Ari, it actually heals her instead of burning her up.

Signature Attacks

  • Burn: Ari sends flames towards the foe. Like many basic spells, this spell can change shapes easily.
  • Heavenly Flame: Holy flames surround the foe in a circle. Without warning, the flames completely surrounds them, burning and injuring the foe.
  • Barrier: Flames create an invisible barrier that protect Ari from attacks (and bounces the attacks back at the foe) for a short period of time, usually not more than ten minutes.
  • Hundred Stars: [Gained from an upgrade to her weapon] Ari twirls her staff in the air, and then thrusts it into the sky. Origami stars in all shapes and colors fall down, burning anything they touch.

Unison Attacks

  • Burning Change: This attack combines Shikari's Burn spell with Shuugo's transformation abilties. After the two link hands, Shuugo sets a circle made from rope around the foe. Ari then sets the rope on fire, causing the foe to be burned by the flickering flames.
  • Burning Matrix: Combines Shikari's Burn spell with Daisuke's Matrix Illusion spell. Data and fire encircle a foe to make them believe that they're in fire, but they're just really trapped in their own mind. The attack wears off after Shikari and Daisuke strike, or if the foe realizes that it is just an illusion.
  • Heating Spring: A combination of Shikari's Burn spell and Sora's Spiral Wave. The two stand back to back, holding their weapons in their air. As they do so, a spiral of water sprouts from Sora's sword, surrounding the two. Flames appear from Ari's wand, heating up the water. Whenever a foe comes close, the heated water attacks the foe with more power than normal. This can be used for not only one foe, but several as well.


  • Strengths: Focus, Offense
  • Average: Recovery, Mentality, Techinque
  • Weaknesses: Speed, Evasion,


  • Shikari's name isn't Japanese in origin, despite the similar sound. Her parents got the name while they were on a dig in the countryside of Bangladesh, not realizing that their future daughter's name actually means "Hunter". On an unrelated note, "Shikar" is the hunt, "Shikari" is the hunter.
  • Even though she's a fire mage, Shikari still enjoys swimming, though she isn't competitive about it.
  • Ari was the first real mage in the Tokyo Mew Mew fandom, first appearing as a healer before her fire powers kicked in. If that isn't cool enough for a claim to fame, her authoress doesn't know what is.
  • Like the majority of the mages, Shikari doubles in her authoress's original fiction as a minor character in Band (she is briefly mentioned). Whether she'll play a bigger role in other original fiction remains to be seen.
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