Shirogane Ryou/Magic

From Kokorodatabase

Here's a list of essentially ALL the magic spells Ryou has learned or used, no matter how minor, because I wanted to keep track of them. ^^; Alot of them were retconned.

Feel free to use for your own characters if you want. *shrug*

  • Aqua Torrent - (Given by Yurama in Mew Girls RP) A blast of water shot from the palm.
  • Black Rose Revenge! - Creates energy rosebinds that erupt from the ground and bind an opponent.
  • Chronos Split - Allows one to become the age of their "inner child" physically for a set amount of time. Could only be used a couple of times a day at most. Ryou's inner child was ten.
  • Demi - An energy field forms around the opponent, potentially draining some of their life force.
  • Float - Small wings appear on the user's back, allowing him to float around.
  • Fly - An upgrade of "Float", granting medium-sized wings and more speed.
  • Freeze - Stops time momentarily.
  • Haste - Speeds up time around the user by a small amount.
  • Healing Light - (Given by Hoshino, Menkashi's cat, in Mew Girls RP) A healing technique that could also be used for evasion purposes. The ability itself was due to fade naturally since Ryou received it by accident to begin with.
  • Guardian - Creates an energy barrier that blocks out spells for a short amount of time.
  • Mirage - Moves around quickly to create an after-image of oneself.
  • Platinum Heart - Gathered energy from allies and shot it as a heart-shaped teal energy attack. (Used in chibi form.)
  • Reverse Flow - Reverses time to undo damage, potentially block or dodge an attack the next go around, or fire it back at an opponent.
  • Slow - Slows down time around an opponent.
  • Stardust Breaker - Summons gold dust to reduce an opponent's visibility combined with strikes with the staff.
  • Wildcat Spirit - Summons illusions of cats to distract or attack an oppenent.

Unison Attacks:

  • Heaven's Cascade - Used only once (and outside of Kokoro at that), this attack combined Kyr's "Angel Tears" with Ryou's "Aqua Torrent".
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