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Revision as of 07:35, 20 May 2007 by (Talk)

Xianthe is the self-proclaimed number XIII of Organization XIII, having chosen the number for herself despite there already being a XIII at the time, because it "went with a theme". Officially, she isn't really an Organization XIII member; she's a humanoid Nobody, yes, but her skills are nowhere near strong enough to rank anywhere among the other Nobodies.

Her two titles (the first being her own made-up title) are The Illusionary Puppeteer and The Childlike Illusionist.



  • Name: Xianthe (Former name Ianthe, meaning 'violet flower')
  • Pronounced: Zee-ahn-they (technically incorrect; Xianthe insists this is the way to say her name, however)
  • Age: Physically appears to be in the range of 9-11 years of age, though claims to be much older. Her general personality does little to back this claim, though.
  • Hair: Lavendar, becoming a dark to light gradient in Halloween Town Form
  • Eyes: Green, with catlike pupils
  • Height: 4'
  • Weight: 55 lbs
  • Birthdate: Unknown
  • Blood Type: Unknown
  • Likes: Cats, coloring, drawing, stories, Halloween Town, nighttime, bats, pumpkins
  • Dislikes: Water, being bossed around, heavy rain, baths, being alone, bright light
  • Favorite Food: Popsicles
  • Least Favorite Food: Milk (lactose-intolerate)
  • Fears: Baths Needles, lab equipment in general
  • Distinguishing Marks: 'Fangs' (pointy canine teeh), catlike pupils, scar on left shoulder (Note that all of these are optional art-wise, which is why Tsu does have refs of Xianthe looking fairly human)


Xianthe is in short a childish individual whom seemingly does nothing to show how she earned the title of 'The Illusionary Puppeteer'. Although one to hate being treated as a child or a pet cat, the Nobody, for the most part, usually acts rather immature and stubborn, getting mad when something doesn't go the way she wishes, or refusing to follow a simple order that more than likely is a rather sensible one. She whines, bites, and generally has a habit of throwing tantrums when the other party is not in agreeance with her, and the petite Org. XIII member is known to hold grudges for long periods of time over incidents that were her own fault to begin with.

At the same time, though, Xianthe does fairly much have a decent grip on her old ways as Ianthe, and can be a bit of a con artist, manipulating situations and people into at least attempting to make things go right, in the illusionist's opinion, and won't hesitate to exploit upon her own childlike appearance when it comes to getting things done. In a way, one could argue that this is at least one of the reasons the girl acts the way she does, but the general consensus tends to be, to put it in shorthand, that being in the Organization does not teach life skills to former werecats who used to be scam artists.

When not being a spiteful brat, Xianthe can be found doing things such as working on a puzzle, or drawing on a piece of paper that, for once, is not part of someone's research notes or books. She also has a habit of stalking the resident stray cats in the area, as, being that she understands them to a small extent (a remnant from her days as Ianthe), the girl usually attempts to try making conversation with them. Of course, Xianthe is a Kingdom Hearts character, not Tokyo Mew Mew, so any and all conversations that go anywhere would more than likely be gibberish that neither party could interpret properly


Xianthe claims not to know much of her past, whether out of embarassment or because she truly doesn't remember much. However, on occasion, she will divulge in one or two details, usually being that she lived within a clan of werecats within Halloween Town, and that she was simply "defending the clan's territory" by throwing rocks, though she never really cares to elaborate upon whom she was throwing rocks at.

Other bits and pieces generally simply include that she had/has two brothers, whom have probably grown, and that the clan was fairly much a skilled group of con artists and thieves. Ianthe herself, apparently, would lead visitors on useless tours, promptly overcharging them afterwards.

Of course, none of this really explains how Ianthe lost her heart and became Xianthe, and more than likely, the 'kitty-eyed girl' won't tell anytime soon.


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  • Xianthe's hair is normally a bit past shoulder-length. In Halloween Town form, it is waist-length and gets darker near the bottom.
  • She does not have human/hume ears in Halloween Town form, though Tsu admits to still loving any and all art she gets with Xianthe having both sets of ears 8D
  • The general 'purple'-ness is a reference to Ianthe's name
  • Legs and feet-wise, one can either draw paw boots, paws, or just plain old black boots.
  • Personal tools