User talk:Tsu

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Revision as of 10:30, 6 February 2007 by Tsu (Talk | contribs)
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Uh...I think I'll sit out of the game til after the current plot arch or whatever you call it O: I know that Char's birthday's coming up on the 7th, but I don't think anyone knows it ICly, xD; And besides, I really would hope people have the sense of mind to stay away from her, anyways. If the gal can humiliate Adolph for years on end on his birthday, I'd hate to imagine what she plans for her own birthday, xD;

Prolly post something at the KC boards, for the KC peeps interested, xD; Haven't finished Adolph's birthday thread from last October, but I think it's already been established that we threw continuity out the window for the sake of everyone's erratic schedules and having characters meet already, xD; the meantime, I'll just fiddle with Thalia's page, xD;. Still at a deadend what to do about rewriting her past to include what I know now, though, xD;. But on the other hand, I've been playing Faye for over three years, and I still can't tell people what her past/mythbase is, xD;, so this is nothing new.


If I hadn't already changed my userpage, I'd put up lyrics to Todos Me Miran, xD; And I was just channel surfing, too, when I saw the video



[edit] Q&A with Tsu

[edit] Why did you occasionally spam your own pages?

I did it for the lulz. Seriously, though? It was because I was convinced that I was going to leave, and therefore wouldn't need my pages up anymore. Obviously, I keep deciding not to leave, but this is now, that was then. I thought I'd leave and go out with a bang, or something.

[edit] What's with you and this age thing?

I'm commonly mistaken for being much younger than I am, so it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling deep inside to know that I'm the oldest here, even if I wasn't around since the start. Er...I mean, I'm mistaken for being younger, and the members here acknowledge that I'm 22. even though I act like an insane thirteen year old at times

[edit] Why are your characters/Kingdom Chronicles in general so complicated/confusing?

I lack a coherent train of thought. NEXT!

[edit] Character AxCharacter C!?!?!!!!? But character A loves character B/died in the source canon/doesn't exist in the source canon/is busy being emo over some girl he loved thirty years ago!

I'm sorry D: I didn't realize I was doing all of this for you. With that aside, I'll admit to throwing some stuff aside for the sake of making a pairing work, but sometimes the two characters aren't together forever {like I'm kinda scratching my head as to how it'd happen, but Scarlet's Shani's mother in KC, though Rufus is the one raising the kid}. That, and we've seen how Square-Enix likes to ignore its own canon. Translation error or not, Tseng died in FFVII, and Rufus was implied to be dead, and they're both alive in Advent Children DDD:

Besides, if fandom thinks YuffiexVincent would work out, then, uh...yeah D: Although there's a special place in my heart for Lucrecia

[edit] FTMM?

I'll get around to working on rewriting when inspiration strikes. I have an intro to episode one, and maybe the first paragraph of the first chapter, but that's about it.

[edit] What about Mirror Mew?

That never was a story I was writing. At the moment, I'm pondering reopening the game, but considering that the boards died because I neglected them, don't be too sure about that.

[edit] Why are you so weird?

That's probably because I'm unemployed and have too much free time. Of course, I'm currently thinking as to how miserable my former co-workers prolly are right now at my last job, and finding it amusing, so it's a bit of a tradeoff in the end.

[edit] Why do you keep becoming emo?

PMS, and I'm an attention h0r who wants to be part of the big stuff and then gets lost and emos about being lost That's none of your business DDD:

[edit] All of your characters are female D:


It's just that I can't draw guys, and I like drawing cute girls. That, and in the case of Jennilyn, it's because alot of the CidxShera fanart I find, and sometimes fanfiction, has the two having sons. So apparently, I did the fandom a favor by making a female kid of that pairing? O:

Same goes for BalthierxFran, actually. Not that I don't support the idea and/or concept of male Viera, even half-Viera, but, like, the Viera have been shown to be a predominately female race, and while I can get that Balthier and Fran could have non bunny-eared kids, I'd like to think that they would have a female child that had Viera in her.

It's rather weird. Anime fandoms have future daughters. Video game fandoms tend to have sons, unless the fandom's FF8, in which everyone gives Rinoa and Squall a little girl. Then again, that's probably because of the whole girls can inherit the sorceress power stuff.

[edit] Why do you keep bugging people to post at your RP boards?

I'm lonely? O:

I like the feeling of completing a thread, xD;. And sometimes there's something I really want to do, and don't want to have to wait to do if necessary, xD;, like Jennilyn's plot on the boards. I guess after having people go MIA for months on end, I'm just paranoid that if the thread isn't completed, that the other player will vanish, xD;;

[edit] What's with this page?

You tell me. I should be going to sleep right now. D: I guess it's because people will read it, wheras I dunno if people would stop and read a lj entry.

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