Thalia Crescent

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Revision as of 01:10, 5 February 2007 by Tsu (Talk | contribs)

Please do not lock this. I'll need to go back later and fix up her history section, since I wrote this profile before I figured out when on the KH timeline this takes place, and, well, I need to figure out where ShinRa would be, how her parents survived if she lived in Radiant Garden/Hollow Bastion, and stuff.

Since it would appear my tl;dr explanation of why I need a break and so forth has been read, but my pages remain, I'm assuming that request is going ignored. So, because I'm not about to hand over information for people to update my pages, I am creating this page myself, using info I've had saved for awhile.

Thalia Crescent is a character from Kingdom Chronicles, although she is from an alternate timeline set in the past, around the events of the first Kingdom Hearts game. She may or may not have grown up with certain FF7 canon characters, as her history needs another rewrite.

Thalia has a twin brother, Lucius Valentine, whom went missing about three years ago. Although she was told he was killed while on a mission, she finds it hard to believe {especially when they managed to give her his ID and handgun, but failed to bring back a body}, and has been searching for him ever since. It is unclear how she made it into the current timeline, although originally, it was due to a lab explosion while working late one night.

She is a scientist working for ShinRa Electric Power Company, a former assistant of Hojo's.



  • Name: Thalia Crescent [Valentine] {Blooming Crescent [Valentine]}
  • Age: 26
  • Birthdate: March 24
  • Hair: Dark brown, a bit past shoulder-length, straight and left down primarily. Tied back in order to do labwork
  • Eyes: Red
  • Height: 5'6"
  • Weight: 126lbs
  • Blood Type: A
  • Enjoys: Doing research, the unknown, science, piano playing, reading
  • Dislikes: Dead ends {figuratively}, those who doubt her work, keeping track of Lucius, finding it near impossible to find peace and quiet when doing paperwork
  • Fears: Generally hasn't admitted to much. Does dread the thought of her lab going up in smoke, though, as this supposedly has happened once before, given the burn scars on her arms.
  • Occupation: Scientist for ShinRa Electric Power Company. Works as one of Hojo's assistants
  • Outfit: Thalia isn't much for dressing too formally, due to her course of work and the fact that she doesn't have too much of a social life outside of work. As it is, she wears a charcoal and black striped turtleneck sweater and black cropped pants with black flats under a white labcoat. Thalia has been quoted as saying that the monochrome colors of her outfit are supposed to contrast her labcoat. Occasionally, she can be seen wearing small framed wire-rimmed glasses.


Thalia tends to come off as being calm and reserved, albiet a workaholic ["married to her job", as it used to be joked]. For the most part, she is more than often seen throwing herself into her research, working to meet deadlines. Of course, though she has never admitted to it, Thalia is also a procrastinator, having a habit of putting off working on her reports until the last minute, usually due to being distracted by a new subject of interest or a nice book. Although friendly, Ali tends to find conversations to become awkward after awhile, as most of what she's interested in isn't necessarily what the other party enjoys as well. She's not entirely interested in pursuing a relationship with anyone, although nothing is exactly set in stone, really. In any case, Thalia feels that her work would get in the way. Who would want to date a ShinRa scientist, anyways?

Her ties with her family leave much to be desired. Although Thalia took up her current occupation to follow in her mother's steps, it's not entirely something her parents encouraged. Ali tries her best to remain close to them, though, and was especially fond of her late grandfather, Grimoire. Of course, the buck stops there, to be truthful. Despite having a twin brother, Lucius, the two tend not to see eye to eye on a majority of subjects, and Thalia would rather avoid her brother whenever possible, She doesn't exactly hate him, though, despite having shouted such at him on various occasions. It's more along the lines of the fact that he frustrates her a great deal with the lifestyle he chose. Ironically enough, she does not approve of him working as a Turk, despite having a job within ShinRa herself. She wouldn't exactly put her life on the line to save him, should trouble arise, but it doesn't exactly mean she wishes him harm.


One of two children to Lucrecia Crescent and Vincent Valentine, Thalia isn't particularly clear on whether she's elder or younger than her brother, as such a thing was never revealed, not that it matters. She was born and raised in Nibelheim, and lived there for a good portion of her life, before moving out at the age of twenty-three to live in Kalm so in order to be closer to her work. As a child, Ali was adventurous and curious about everything, along with having a love of collecting creatures she found while exploring the outdoors; one such find happened to have been a snake, back when Thalia was nine. This tended to get the child in trouble frequently, especially the time she explored the air ducts of the ShinRa building in Midgar so in order to eavesdrop upon a meeting between the scientists, which included her grandfather. Ironically enough, for a brief period of time, Ali had aspirations of being a Turk, although it's assumed that either the training course made her change her mind, or the simple idea that once her twin brother had become a Turk, it really wasn't a desirable position. In either case, the future scientist chose the path she did, and, at the age of twenty, after completing her studies, applied and was hired for work in ShinRa's science department. Oddly enough, Thalia prefers not to dilvuge upon details of her work life, and is not all too entirely fond of her supervisor.

Three years after she began her job, shortly after moving to Kalm, news came that her brother her been killed while on a solo mission. Upset, although not entirely convinced, despite the fact that she had claimed her twin to be "a bit of an idiot", Thalia set off to look into what had went down, and as to whether or not Lucius really was dead. Over time, this became an all too cliche search for her sibling, which found herself, as of recent, not only on another world, but in another timeline.

Stil no sign of "that idiotic Turk"


Thalia is liscenced to use a standard issue ShinRa handgun, which she keeps with her, usually. She also has her brother's handgun, Blind Justice {or was it Crooked Justice? I deleted my old logs out of shame}, which has been modified to allow the equipping of materia.

That, and for the sheer irony of it, and just because, she also at one point had a sword named Save the Queen, which may or may not have been retconned. You might wonder how a scientist can have a sword, but this is ShinRa we're talking about. They let people like Hojo work for them D:



I have an odd sense of humor, k? Given that the plot's been restarted and on an attempt to steer it away from being overly emo and cracktastic, I'm not entirely sure if my reasoning of them both being scientists still stands.

In either case, it's a pairing O:


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