User talk:Tsu

From Kokorodatabase

Revision as of 23:40, 3 February 2007 by Tsu (Talk | contribs)
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Okay, since I don't feel comfortable explaining this on AIM, and don't want to incite an argument, here goes-

Whether this is just for another few months like last time, or it's permanent, I'm taking my exit from Kokoro. I get that it's a fun game, that everyone loves it, etc, but right now, it's not for me. In fact, as of late, the game's been bringing out my bad roleplaying habits all over again. I'm completely lost as to what's going on, who so and so is or why this and that is occuring, the wiki is NOT all that informative to me as to filling in those holes, and overall, the game's causing my 'attention h0r' self to show its ugly head again, as the urge to have some character centric plot going on, even a small one, arises. Of course, the attempts with Junri and Thalia are scattershot and not all too well-formed, so I can say at least that it's been foiled in that aspect.

Don't get me wrong- I've learned my lesson. I know that ultimately, whenever I attempt to shove one of my characters into the spotlight, I turn them into giant trainwrecks and screw over their character and personality like whoah. At the same time, because I'm so lost, I keep feeling like trying to get one of my characters out there into the open, to try to get a piece of the action, even though they logically shouldn't have anything to do with whatever's going on.

I don't want pity, nor do I want assumptions that I'm being immature and childish. I just need to be left alone about Kokoro at the moment, until I can sort things out. I'd rather my pages be deleted in the meantime, because obviously they generally only apply to my characters and worlds, and since I'm not around, they don't affect Kokoro. After all, why read about a character that's not even in play, or a game that has no characters visiting? If I come back, I'll recreate them myself. The needed information's saved to Notepad, so I don't need the pages up anymore. And I'm not handing over info, either, so please don't think that you can edit the pages yourself.

So in short- exit, stage left. I'm hitting the road, whether this is just for a bit or for eternity. Please delete my pages, don't bother me, etc. Assume what you want, but don't tell it to me or state it anywhere you'd know I'd find it. I really don't want to start any arguments about my thoughts on things, because I'd like to leave on good terms, if that's even remotely possible anymore after all I've done over the years.

Okay, I love you, buh-bye~!

--Tsu 18:40, 3 February 2007 (EST)

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