The Star Six

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The Star Six is a collective term referring to Hoshizen Daisuke, Kazeno Hikari, Mizuhara Minoru, Shinga Shikari, Shirogane Kyr, and Shirogane Shuugo. Later on, it also came to refer Roy Bancroft and Takaishi Sora as the two became a part of the group.

It was revealed that the group first got its name in the fourth chapter of New Beginnings in this manner:

The group exchanged glances. They didn’t really seem to mind how the groups were paired up except for the first one... The thing that really concerned them was... that they were referred to as “multiple redheads”.

“I say we call ourselves something before we become known as that,” Shikari whispered to the others, nodding. “How about….”

Shawn thoughtfully tilted his head to the side. “The Star Six?”

That actually sounded like a good name to Ari. ...The fire mage grinned.

“Sounds good to me,” She whispered in reply. “What about you guys?”

She got nods; that was about all she could get, since the professor was still reading names aloud for the other groups. (Shikari was the only one who really dared speak in class when the professor was talking; the others didn’t want to see the consequences or punishments he would give out if they were caught.)

[edit] Trivia

  • Lo and behold, Saica actually didn't come up with the term. Originally, the group was simply called the 'Mages' until the name was retconned because Saica was no longer the only authoress with mages. The name actually came from Cherry's picture of the six.
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