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Also known as next-generation. Primarily present in video game fandoms, this term applies to story-verses or games that focus on the children of the canons, but does not involve going to the past, meeting the parents in the past, or time travel in general, unless that's a given in said fandom. Canons are involved as minor characters, usually, as next-gen stories tend to be about the problems of the future that the children face on their own. Next-gen can or cannot be lumped in with future children, but for the most part, it is considered a seperate term.

An example of this is Kingdom Chronicles, which is classified as a next-generation story, as, despite the fact that two characters do travel from their time to the future, this is unintentional, and has nothing to do with time travel that involves the parents. Some noteable characters from KC have been sighted as visiting in Kokoro, though, to them, this is simply just another world to visit.

While FTMM and Mirror Mew involve children of the canons, the fandom itself is anime-based, and there is time travel to the past to meet the parents in one way, shape, or form, and, thus, they are considered to be future children type storyverses.

Next-Gen is also featured in canon itself in some ways, one example being Star Ocean 2, with Claude C. Kenni as the son of Ronixis J. Kenni from the original Star Ocean.

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