Kingdom Chronicles (game)

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Revision as of 21:32, 20 January 2007 by Tsu (Talk | contribs)

In short, the 'dimension' Charice and them Squeenix folk come from. Details at 11


A Better Explanation

Kingdom Chronicles is a game that mixes Kingdom Hearts with Disney and Square-Enix alike. Originally the idea of Tsu, with help from people like Saica, it's evolved into...not much.

There are two known versions of KC. Maybe three. There's what goes on in the boards, and then there's what goes in on private IM sessions. For example, in board-canon, Rakka lives on the Destiny Islands. In IM-canon, she's from Spira. Details about who marries who and what events happen when are also mixed around.

It would seem that a standard of the game, due to either poor advertising or the fact that the game is WTF-worthy in many special ways, is that aside from the owner, only one other person is actively roleplaying at the same time.

The modsquad over there consists of Saica and Tsu, with Suzume as backup whenever she's active on the boards. Over time, there have been many retcons to the plot and history to cover players leaving and arriving, as well as changes for personal reasons. There is currently an attempt to make the game seem less crackbrained and more...something else.

Official Tagline

It seems like forever and a day since we've last seen the Keyblade master and what-not. But this time, things have changed. The people have grown older, and now have kids. It's the future, and.. well, it's different from what you'd expect.

Nothing's like before..

Oh, how people wished that saying was true. But from the looks of things, history was repeating itself. Riku's son began to walk the road of darkness, Sora's children were handed weapons (the Keyblade and the Wandblade, respectively).... everything seemed to be like before.

Or is it?

Worlds weren't fading away. Time seems to stop in its place... everything seems to be alright for now. But how long will this peace hold, and when... will it shatter?

Who knows. But heavens knows if the end is going to be as pretty as its beginning...

Tsu's Explanation

"Kingdom Chronicles, in short, is an RPG that, well, is about the children of Sora and company, taking place some twenty-something odd years after the events of KH2. At the same time, the game mixes the events of Kingdom Hearts with those of Final Fantasy, with a bit of canon bending going on. People are alive that technically died in-game, events have happened that didn't in KH or FF canon, and worlds have appeared based on those presented in Final Fantasy. However, the premise is still the same. Worlds have been lost to darkness, and it is up to the Keyblade bearer to save them. The basic outline of Kingdom Hearts still happened.

Some of the pairings might not necessarily be canon, either, but based on popular fanon pairings. While they may or may not work out logically when canon is applied, characters are kept in character to the best of our ability.

Despite the focus on original characters, we encourage interaction with canons, as well. After all, Cloud may not be too keen on letting his son or daughter run about all nilly-willy while there's trouble going on in the worlds, Riku may have a bit of a say if his child was to suddenly start to follow in his footsteps, and so forth. In short, we strive for a nice blend of canon and original characters.

This game is designed so that everyone can have fun, no matter how they roleplay. Whether you are into crackbrained humor, or wish to do a more serious and dramatic-paced story for your character, we hope that you will enjoy yourselves here. At the same time, activity is highly encouraged, so as to further the plot. If you need to go on a vacation, it's recommended, if possible, to make an announcement over in the 'Away Messages' section.

All in all, we hope that you have a good time here at Kingdom Chronicles, and look forward to seeing you participate in our storylines."


KC in short is the lovechild of a crackbrained idea to combine Kingdom Hearts with Final Fantasy and Disney, mainly out of wanting to play certain characters in KH games but not being able to cause, well, THEY DON'T EXIST yet. Eventually, it spawned into Square-Enix in general, and, depending on how popular opinion goes, may delve into non Squeenix fandoms, like Legend of Dragoon or Xenosaga.


Much like how in Chrono Cross, the timelines are split into two, due to an event that occured over ten years ago, Kingdom Chronicles is also split into multiple versions of itself, thanks to the twenty billion things that keep happening. Or something. ):

Version 1 (aka, "True" Version)

The main timeline everyone's familiar with. Doesn't mean all is right with the world, though

Version 2 (Mariel's world)

Mariel hails from here as the daughter of Sora and Kairi, and supposedly is an only child. She's good friends with Morie's counterpart there, and looks up to Yuffie a great deal. This timeline supposedly still exists; Mariel simply doesn't know how to get back.

Also in this timeline is the Rakka from Spira

Version 3 (Thalia's timeline?)

Thalia's timeline is literally some twenty to thirty odd years in the past, in which Lucrecia Crescent married Vincent Valentine and had two children, Thalia and her brother, Lucius. The state of this world is unknown. After all, simply because some events never happened doesn't mean others won't take their place.

In technicality, the year difference places Thalia's timeline around the timeframe of the first KH game.

Version 4 (...wha?)

The old version, where Morie is fodder for kidnappings and Charice is more intelligent than she is in Version 1

Supposedly the world where people like Kyu and Amai still exist before the last plot rewipe removed them from the game. Or could be the alternate of Mariel's world, the one where Xianthe is a former member of Organization XIII and Aubrey is an only child and so forth.

In short

To be frank, there's a ton of alternate versions of KC out there.

How Magic Works in KC

To be truthful, setting up a specific magic system would cause a giant trainwreck. After all, even though a lot of the characters hail from the various Final Fantasy worlds, magic still works differently in each one, whether it's by drawing magic from draw points, using materia, simply being born a mage, and so forth. Instead, everyone works with magic in their own special way.

Example- Luca

Lovingly quoted from the Chrono Cross script

   Sir! His innately INNATE
   Element color attribute is...

   That does it...!
   Quick, attack him with
   the opposite Element
   attribute color...

   How unfortunately unfortunate!
   I do not seem to have any, Sir!

   You nincompoop!
   You should always carry
   Elements of every color!
   Then how about you

   I'm shakin' in my shoes
   to tell you this, Sir, but
   I don't have any either!
   We'll have to let you,
   Sir Karsh, show us how
   it's done...


   It's them again...
   those tough guys!
   You said you brought a
   shakingly awesome Element
   with you, didn't you?

   I have a brilliantly
   brilliant Element
   this time, Peppor...
   It's a new...
   \'"\\Summoning Element!\\"'\\

   It sure sounds good.
   Well then, shake a leg!
   Hurry up and use it on
   these smart alecks!

   Affirmatively affirmative!
   Here I go, Peppor...

   Nothing happened!
   I wonder what went

   I forgetfully forgot!
   You can't use a Summoning
   Element until all the
   Field Effect attributes
   are the same color!

   You muddle-head!
   Well then...hurry up and
   turn all the Field Effect
   attributes the same color
   and try again!

   But, Peppor...
   You can't use the same
   Element twice in the same
   battle. Any foolish fool
   knows that!

   This time I made sure
   to bring a BLACK Element
   with me, Peppor!

   Good work...
   Well, shake it on up
   and attack him with it!

   Affirmatively affirmative,

   Oh deary dear!

   That was no BLACK ATTACK
   Element you used just now,
   was it!?
   It was a Black Element that
   makes your foe MORE SUSCEPTIBLE
   TO attacks of the opposite
   color attribute, WHITE, wasn't it!?

   I'm afraid you're right...
   How terribly terrible!

   This time we shall not be beaten!
   I shall blow them to pieces with
   one of those powerfully powerful
   Elements you bought me, Peppor!

   You mean one of those
   \'"\\Summoning Elements?\\"'\\
   Now we're shaking!

   How tragically tragic!!!
   I hate to tell you this
   Peppor, but...
   I just remembered that I
   lost the Summoning Element
   I had with me!

   What do you mean, you \'"\\lost\\"'\\ it?
   Don't tell me you dropped it or
   your dog ate it or some other
   stupid excuse like that!
   You're asking for a darn
   good shaking if you do!

   No...I'm not that stupidly
   stupid, you know, Peppor!
   Actually, if you must know...
   that centipede monster in the
   Hydra Marshes stole it from me!
   And I was enjoying that
   excitingly exciting expedition
   in the marshes up till then, too...!

   What do you mean, a centipede
   monster stole your Element???
   What, he snuck up behind you and
   picked all your pockets with his
   hundreds of legs or something...?

   No Peppor...
   When I say stole, I don't
   mean he picked my pockets
   or anything like that!
   I mean he took it from me by
   laying a \'"\\Trap Element\\"'\\ in
   which my Element got caught!

   What in spice's name are
   you talking about?
   Would you kindly
   explain to me what a
   shaking Trap Element is.

   It's difficultly difficult to
   explain in words, Peppor, so I
   will give you a demonstration...
   I will lay a Trap in front of
   you, Peppor, and then get you to
   use one of your special Elements.

   Let's give it a go...

   10-4, Peppor!

   Now, you see how I took your
   Element there, Peppor?
   I used a Trap Element
   designed exclusively to
   capture \'"\\BlackHole\\"'\\ Elements!
   You see...each Trap Element
   only works on one kind of
   They can't capture any
   Elements other than the ones
   they were designed to capture!

   I see what you mean about
   having your Summoning
   Element stolen there...
   Alright, now I understand.
   So you can give me back my
   BlackHole Element now!

   I should have told you.
   I can't give it back to you.
   You can't get that Element
   back again unless another
   monster is silly enough to
   have its Element captured...
   Well, I guess it doesn't matter,
   seeing as you've got your hands
   on it now...
   So...why don't you hurry on up
   and use that Element you just
   trapped on the enemy!
   Come on...
   what are you waiting for...?
   You know you can't use an
   Element until you have
   equipped it properly!
   So we'll have to wait
   until after this battle
   is over before we can
   re-equip it and use it!

In short, magic in Luca's world is determined by Elements. Everyone has their own Innate Element color, which they are strong against, but at the same time, they are weak against Elements of the opposite color. A character's innate color can also be changed with certain Element spells. For example, if Luca's innate color is Red, she is weak versus Blue Elemental spells, but can be weak against Red Elementals simply by casting TurnBlue on her. At the same time, one can capture the other's Elements by using Trap Element spells specifically designed to capture the spell in question. This can range anywhere from a simple Aquabeam spell to perhaps the Frog Prince summon.

Also, each individual has their own specialized attacks, called 'Tech' attacks. Again, using Luca, one of her Techs in question is RedPin, which only she can use {and technically Kidd, but that's another story}. However, up to three people can combine certain Tech skills to create one skill used between the three of them, such as TheOld1-2-3, which is used between, er...Luca and two other people who have yet to be named. Oh, shut up.

Elements can be purchased or traded for at certain shops in Luca's world. However, the more high powered elements, like Summons, appear to be rare finds, and it has been rumored that one could, once upon a time, be granted summon elements from the seven dragons, but, as the dragons are no more, this would seem to be just that, a rumor.


Shiny orbs that uh...stuff. I'll explain later

So...what goes on, exactly?

Seekret plans.

No, seriously.

Alright, fine. Basically, if the plot ever goes anywhere *frowny face*, the worlds are supposed to start being lost to the darkness again, like Spira, and our lovely heroes and heroines who can wield that Keyblade thinger are supposed to save the day.

If all else fails, uh...well...

Nothing goes on, really. Everyone just does their own thing. D:

How does this relate to Kokoro?

It's all in your head

Er...lotsa people come from KC to visit Kokoro these days, so I thought I'd share my tl;dr version of what KC is. o:

Notable Characters

External Links

Kingdom Chronicles RPG board

Personal tools