Elizabeth Shirogane

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Elizabeth Shirogane, born Elizabeth Kathryn Beaumont, is the mother of Shirogane Ryou and wife to Shirogane Jishou. She is a minor character in the Kokoro world, noted mostly for her exaggerated love of flowers. She is one of the few human characters that appear. She is bilingual and is known to be directionally challenged.



Before Kokoro

Elizabeth was born in America. Her maternal grandparents owned a farm in the New York countryside, and she'd often help out there along with her sister, Dahlila, and their older cousin. Her childhood was about as normal as it could be; her father was a businessman while her mother stayed at home with the children. She was especially close to her older sibling who would constantly push Elizabeth to "aim big". However, Liz never wanted the stardom that Dahlila sought.

Liz's love of flowers came very young when she spent a day at her grandfather's workplace. The Beaumont Flower Shoppe had been a present to his late wife, and after walking Liz around the place, she was instantly enchanted. She took special interest in roses, which had also been her grandmother's favorite flower.

In high school Elizabeth began working at the flower shop with her best friend Kotoko after school. Here she was also introduced to the new Japanese exchange student, when he was brought in by Kotoko's boyfriend, Max Mizuhara, to buy flowers for his relatives.

Though Liz initially thought very little of him, her affection for the red-haired boy quickly grew, and following a series of infamous pranks known as Operation Black Roses, the two gradually became friends.

Liz was very distraught at finding an engagement ring in a bouquet of roses, yet no Jishou (he had gone back to Japan to ask permission to marry her). She eventually decided to pull her own prank in order to get him back for it, but the two did marry and had a son, Ryou.

Life was somewhat peaceful after that, until the day the Chimera Anima attacked the mansion. Liz was actually thrown out of the building due to an explosion and a little shove on Shou's part. She was eventually found and rushed to the hospital, where her burns were treated. However, as she began to realize all that had happened, Liz fell into a severe depression, too afraid that Ryou might be dead as well. Though Liz did suffer illness, her amnesia was actually faked. The fire was something she didn't want to remember.

Kokoro Days

One of the doctors, Dr. Zachary Andrews, recognized Elizabeth some years later and phoned Ryou about it. Initially, Ryou believed this whole thing was a prank, but finally went to see for himself, where he was reunited with her. (Aside from some nerve damage in her lower back, where she has no feeling, Liz has pretty much returned to normal.)

The two later discovered (thanks to Max) that the Beaumont Flower Shoppe had been obtained by a person who bore an eerie resemblance to Jishou. When they visited the shop, they found none other than James Beaumont who was suffering from amnesia. He was able to recognize Elizabeth fairly quickly.

While Elizabeth has been cooking and cleaning within Cafe Mew Mew, she is currently residing with her sister in New York.

Kokoro Draft Future

Information not available.


Liz is generally a caring individual. She doctors people when they get hurt, and will scold them if they are rude or doing something dangerous. She is also extremely stubborn, and can be quite scary when angered. Because of Jishou's tendency to pull pranks on her, Liz tends to argue with her husband more frequently than she does with anyone else. Most people might not realize it, but she actually relies on Shou a lot, arguments or no. (She's most likely an underground fangirl.)

If you do get on her bad side, a few flowers should be enough to be granted forgiveness.

Liz is the type of person who tries to put the needs of others ahead of her own. She's usually smiling, and an excellent listener when the cafe residents need someone to talk to. Liz can keep a secret from most people. Like Ryou, Elizabeth tends to worry quite a bit, although she does a slightly better job at hiding it.


  • Shirogane Jishou is the only love interest Liz has ever had, because she always had a habit for turning boys away, believing that "she would know Mr. Right when she saw him". While she may not have believed that when she first met Shou, he is the person that she married. They are known to quarrel a lot because she is stubborn and he like to play pranks on people (and is perhaps just a bit too easy-going).


  • Name Translation: "Elizabeth"- godly, "Kathryn"- pure, shining mind, "Beaumont"- (from the) beautiful mountain, "Shiro"- white, "Gane"- gold, money (together the two roughly mean platinum)
  • Alias: Liz, Mama Ryou, Mrs. Shirogane, Shirogane-san (number one), Lizzy
  • Signature Colors: White, Light Blue, Light Pink, occasionally Black
  • Age: 37
  • Birthday: April 15
  • Zodiac: Aries
  • Hair Color: Wheat Blond
  • Eye Color: Aquamarine blue
  • Height: 5 feet 5 inches
  • Weight: 118 lbs
  • Likes: Friends and family, children, animals, flowers (especially red and black roses), botany, dancing, foreign films, tea, acting
  • Dislikes: Snakes, people playing pranks on her, being proven wrong, people who treat flowers badly, people getting hurt
  • Fears: Snakes
  • Allergies: None
  • Talents: Arranging and caring for plants, solving jigsaw puzzles; she is also a decent cook.
  • Favorite foods: S'mores, hot buttered rolls, corn-on-the-cob
  • Least favorite foods: Green peas
  • Favorite beverage: Tea
  • Blood Type: AB
  • Appearance: Elizabeth has pale skin, so it gives her the illusion of being very frail. This is not the case. She is, however, rather light. Elizabeth will usually be found wearing a dress of some kind, usually a sundress, or a tube top with a long skirt and sandals. She wears jeans on rare occasions when she's digging around in the garden outside. Liz usually keeps her long hair down.


  • Elizabeth was named after her player's first college roommate.
  • Emily Burd from alleyWAY shares the same initials as Elizabeth, and was at least partially modelled after her.
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