
From Kokorodatabase

Revision as of 18:51, 10 November 2007 by (Talk)

Cannoli happens to be an alien. Yes, that's right. A member of the Amparists, he was sent to Cafe Mew Mew to protect the girls against the Returners, an enemy group from his home planet. He's quite the flirt, who likes the cafe for the variety of girls found there, but he seems to have made it a goal to win over the "feisty" Kiki Gamu.



Before Kokoro


Kokoro Days

Cannoli appeared in Kokoro one day, explaining how due to chaos occuring in his home, he was sent to Cafe Mew Mew to protect the mews. At first, it seemed as though no one really liked the guy, considering his first impression was being too flirty and straight-forward with the females, hitting on Ichigo, Gamu, and even Liz. Despite no one's liking towards him, he was still allowed to stay in the cafe, where he now lives, sleeping on the roof every night.

Because of his unfamilarity with the world, Cannoli began to attempt to learn more of the culture, and is attempting to learn how to read and write, seeing as how that is a very important part of everyday life on Earth. Because he's becoming more accepted into the circle, people like Ryou are slightly helping him learn more of the ways of Kokoro.

His definite goal at this point is to "earn the love of Kiki!" as he simply put it. With advice from Ryou, he's trying to get her to open up to him more, though it's obvious that she cringes at the very sight of him. Even so, he hasn't given up on her just yet.

Kokoro Draft Future

None available.


As soon as he popped up, he was recognized as a complete flirt. Basically, he tends to have a strong attraction towards girls and he doesn't keep his attention focused for very long when one shows up in the room. However, he does have some decency in the sense that he doesn't chase after girls who are already in relationships.

He may seem like he only has a one-track mind, but really, he's not the most selfish being in the world either. He knows his boundaries and he isn't as persistent as one may think. Despite the fact that he doesn't know a lot about Earth and its ways, he's smart when it comes to the inner mind, such as feelings and emotions, though really, it's a mystery how he's so understandable on these things. Even so, people still tend to ignore him, not being able to take the guy seriously.

Cannoli also gets extremely fascinated by things very easily, especially with things he hears about for the first time. He's shown quite a fascination with nature, becoming in love with rain and lightning, and also loves to sleep on the café's roof, to watch the stars at night.



  • Kiki Reikaira: Whether or not he actually has real feelings for her is unknown, but it's no secret that Cannoli has some interest in Gamu, even if she threw him into the wall within fifteen seconds of meeting him. He seems to try talking to her a lot, although she usually just gets annoyed and does her best to ignore him. Whenever asked why he bugs her, he answers simply that he wants to get to know her and explains with no further detail. Also, despite the fact that she hates the boy, he still offers his advice to her, which she usually chooses to not follow. He insists upon referring to her by her last name, which is odd as he never does it to anyone else.
  • Sumiko: On several occasions, Cannoli mentioned having been heartbroken once before. Eventually, he revealed that the girl was none other than Sumiko, the alien who accompanied him to Cafe Mew Mew. Cannoli and Sumiko had developed a close friendship, which eventually led to a one-sided love on Cannoli's part. However, because Sumiko has remained blinded by her love for Hiroshi, she never did return his feelings, thus it resulted in Cannoli giving up on love.






  • Name Translation: "Cannoli" - fried pastry roll
  • Alias: Mr. Honey, Canopy, Ravioli, Chive (He was mistaken for the real one)
  • Signature Color: Teal
  • Age: Unknown
  • Birthday: December 17
  • Zodiac: Sagittarius
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Eye Color: Purple
  • Height: 5 feet, 7 inches
  • Weight: unknown
  • Likes: Girls, tofu, rain, nature
  • Dislikes: Drama
  • Fears: Unknown
  • Allergies: Unknown
  • Favorite foods: Tofu, peanut butter, hot sauce
  • Least favorite foods: Chicken
  • Favorite beverage: Coffee
  • Blood Type: Unknown


  • He's Kokoro's very own Zelos! :D
  • Cannoli was created for the sake of his authoress wanting another alien and another male (poor Bob isn't a pimp anymore :/).
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