Shirogane Family

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Because the Shirogane family is related to Shirogane Jishou, Elizabeth Shirogane, and Shirogane Ryou by blood, it's only natural that the family's made various appearances in Kokoro, though most are minor.


Shirogane Seijaku

Seijaku is the older brother of Jishou by two-three years (the exact difference is never specified), and is currently a internist in a local Hiroshima hospital for the norms. While he's never really been around, it's obvious that his serious demeanor hasn't really been a huge influence on Shou, despite the fact that the two brothers are very close.

He's currently married to Eien, and they have three children: Inori, Nikkou, and the Kokoro alternate of Shirogane Shuugo.

Shirogane Eien

There isn't much to know about Eien: She's the wife of Seijaku, and is currently a denist in Hiroshima. It's rumored that she is very calm about almost anything, and is probably the most tolerant member of her family.

Shirogane Inori

Shirogane Nikkou

K!Shirogane Shuugo

(see Shirogane Shuugo)

Kitano Kirei

Kitano Shinrai

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