Hoshizen Daisuke

From Kokorodatabase

Revision as of 18:53, 15 July 2007 by (Talk)



Before Kokoro

Kokoro Days

Kokoro Draft Future

Other-Worldly Counterparts


From first glance, Daisuke appears to be a stubborn, short-tempered boy. However, once you get to know him, Dai is anything but that unless the boy loses his temper. The redhead tends to be rather kind to those that he considers his friends, and acts like a jerk to those he considers his foes. However, the boy has a guilty conscience and will eventually apologize to anybody that he feels that he's hurt in some form or fashion. Setting that aside, he does mean well, and tends to take a leadership position among his friends. According to his friends, Dai is a natural leader who will make the decisions for the group, but will also listen to others' ideas and see if they'll work in conjunction with his.

Dai tends to be over-protective of those he loves. Yet, this appears like he's acting like a total jerk. He won't notice, however, unless someone points it out.

It seems that like Kyr, Dai becomes his 'true self' in front of the mages, or at least - it certainly seems that way. When he's with the mages, Dai becomes more bold, more daring, and certainly more cheerful.


  • Kazeno Hikari: They're engaged, and have a relationship that has stood the test of time pretty well. Not much to say here, because it hasn't been shown in current Kokoro, but throughout NB and challenge fics instead.


  • Name Translation: "Hoshi" - Star, "Zen" - Luck, "Daisuke" - Big Help
  • Alias: "Kino" - Wood, "Miya" - Shrine, "Daisuke" - Big Help; "Momo" - Peach, "Miya" - Shrine, "Daisuke" - Big Help
  • Nicknames: Dai, Mr. Dude,
  • Signature Colors: Red
  • Age: 16 (his age ignores the missing year)
  • Birthday: March 15
  • Zodiac: Pisces
  • Grade: 11th [at Hoshizen, he's a Sage]
  • Hair Color:
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Height: 5' 6"
  • Weight: unknown
  • Likes: fiddling with computers and various electronics, playing video games, hanging out with his friends,
  • Dislikes: Ryou (on occasion), cologne
  • Fears:
  • Allergies:
  • Favorite foods: Hikari's cooking, mango guava juice, black currant tea (or tea in general)
  • Least favorite foods: Lemons, Diet Sodas
  • Blood Type:

Mage Information



Signature Attacks

Unison Attacks

  • Digital Vine: A unison attack that combines Noru's earth magic and arrows with Daisuke's data magic and sword. The other's element surrounds the weapon (Minoru's arrows would have the element of data; Dai would have an earth-element sword), and they would then attack at the same time.


  • Strengths: Technique, Speed
  • Average:
  • Weaknesses:


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