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Revision as of 17:03, 2 June 2007 by (Talk)

Xianthe is the self-proclaimed number XIII of Organization XIII, having chosen the number for herself despite there already being a XIII at the time, because it "went with a theme". Officially, she isn't really an Organization XIII member; she's a humanoid Nobody, yes, but her skills are nowhere near strong enough to rank anywhere among the other Nobodies.

Her two titles (the first being her own made-up title) are The Illusionary Puppeteer and The Childlike Illusionist.



  • Name: Xianthe (Former name Ianthe, meaning 'violet flower')
  • Pronounced: Zee-ahn-they (technically incorrect; Xianthe insists this is the way to say her name, however)
  • Age: Physically appears to be in the range of 9-11 years of age. By clan terms, she would be much older, but as Xianthe is, in basicality, a humanized Ianthe, the Nobody is stuck with the childlike appearance.
  • Hair: Lavendar, becoming a dark to light gradient in Halloween Town Form
  • Eyes: Green, with catlike pupils
  • Height: 4'
  • Weight: 55 lbs
  • Birthdate: Unknown
  • Blood Type: Unknown
  • Likes: Cats, coloring, drawing, stories, Halloween Town, nighttime, bats, pumpkins
  • Dislikes: Water, being bossed around, heavy rain, baths, bright light, loud noises
  • Favorite Food: Popsicles
  • Least Favorite Food: Milk (lactose-intolerate)
  • Fears: Water (baths), loud noises (not thunder, louder, like, say, a train or an alarm); is also still slightly xenophobic
  • Distinguishing Marks: 'Fangs' (pointy canine teeh), catlike pupils, scar on left shoulder (Note that all of these are optional art-wise, which is why Tsu does have refs of Xianthe looking fairly human)


Xianthe is in short a childish individual whom seemingly does nothing to show how she earned the title of 'The Illusionary Puppeteer'. Having been brought up in 'former life' to be close-minded and self-centered, the illusionist has a tendency to act extremely annoying and immature, demanding to be the center of attention and doing what would be considered childish acts when angry. Of course, while this causes the ire of many people, including those who interact with her the most, Xianthe sees nothing wrong with this, and thus fails to see why she should be blamed when she causes trouble; if anything, the Nobody will do anything to lable another as the guilty party.

She is also a slightly skilled illusionist, something picked up from her days as Ianthe. These skills aren't as strong as they may have been before she became a Nobody, though, and can only be used a limited time. The extent of her power can only go as far as changing her appearance, ie, her Halloween Town appearance; however, this is not a complete illusion- Xianthe cannot make herself look exactly like Ianthe. Xianthe has a touch of powers in the realm of manipulation as well, though this is limited to temporary shadow 'clones' of herself. As her primary focus is on strengthening her illusionary skills, though, these 'shadow powers' are extremely weak and leave much to be desired.

Her primary hobbies are working on puzzles or drawing. When angry, she'll take to damaging or destroying other people's property, and as a last resort, will bite people.


Xianthe doesn't dilvuge much of her past, or at least glosses over the important details. However, what she'll freely admit is that she was formerly part of a group of anthromorphic felines whom called themselves the Makanuvuli (Wild Shadow Cat) Clan; based in Halloween Town, they were a group of "cat people" whom specialized in con artistry and scamming. The group was also skilled in illusion magic, and could take on a feral feline form as well. They aged slowly, growing faster than actual cats, but slower than humans- somewhere inbetween, in basicality. In any case, Ianthe, though presumably at least in her teens by the standards of the Clan, was a child by human years and standards, and

Of course, the Kanu, as they referred to themselves, were extremely territorial, despite living in a village like humans, and, being slightly xenophobic, viewed outsiders as threats, competition to deal with, in basics. This didn't entirely interfere with business, though; working around the fear of change, the group made a semi-decent living off of their thieving ways, something that had been going on since as long as anyone could remember, and life, for the most part, followed a basic routine.

And then, as these stories go, came along Ianthe. Although at least a teen by clan standards, she was more or less the 'runt' of her family, being rather short and looking fairly childlike for her age, having hit her 'growth stop' a tad early. While personality-wise, she was just like any other member of the clan, the Kanu, as they referred to themselves, was also guilty of going a little bit too far with her actions. Details after that are lost, however; Xianthe claims that as Ianthe, she was merely throwing rocks to protect the territory and drive away possible competition, but she never will state just who or what her victim was.

Regardless, Xianthe is, basically, what is human and non-feral in Ianthe; while she retains her sharpened teeth and the slitted pupils, the illusionist, for all intents and purposes appears to be nothing more than a human child with strange looking eyes. This, naturally, is viewed as a big blow to her pride for Xianthe, and thus, she has remained bitter and resentful towards anyone she can possibly blame for her new appearance; as always, the girl refuses to admit she's at fault herself.


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  • Xianthe's hair is normally a bit past shoulder-length. In Halloween Town form, it is waist-length and gets darker near the bottom.
  • She does not have human/hume ears in Halloween Town form, though Tsu admits to still loving any and all art she gets with Xianthe having both sets of ears 8D
  • The general 'purple'-ness is a reference to Ianthe's name
  • Legs and feet-wise, one can either draw paw boots, paws, or just plain old black boots.
  • Personal tools