Shirogane Shuugo

From Kokorodatabase

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(9O9dXk Internet is written with the capital letter in a sentence, by the way. And hundredths are written not with a point but with a comma. This is according to the standard. And actually everything i)
(Smuf7A Really informative blog article.Thanks Again. Awesome.)
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9O9dXk Internet is written with the capital letter in a sentence, by the way. And hundredths are written not with a point but with a comma. This is according to the standard. And actually everything is very good..!
9O9dXk Internet is written with the capital letter in a sentence, by the way. And hundredths are written not with a point but with a comma. This is according to the standard. And actually everything is very good..!
== Personality ==
Smuf7A Really informative blog article.Thanks Again. Awesome.
Normally, Shuugo's a cheerful kid who seems to take mostly anything in stride. His intelligence, however, mainly lies more in the emotional department. He can easily sense when something isn't quite right, and will usually attempt to fix it if he is in a position to do so (he won't do it if he knows that one wouldn't appreciate it, as he has learned recently).  
Unlike his friends, Shuu doesn't have much of a temper, though he gets easily angered when one insults his friends or anything close to him, becoming edgy and defensive until he realizes that they mean no harm. In the case that one does mean harm, the gijinka mage will usually make the pain physical with his transformations. On a side note, Shuu does try to make his transformations a distraction to cease fighting (as in one case where he interrupted a fight between [[Gamu]] and [[Ryou]] by transforming the table between them into the bear)... not that they always work.
Shuu honestly still doesn't have too much confidence in himself, and will occasionally hesitate when making a decision. He's trying to gain his confidence back, and it has been slowly coming back to him over the months. He isn't as sensitive to words as he used to be, but he still can pick up on their meaning really quickly, despite his attempts to hide it.
=== Lovelife ===
* <b>Mimi Belmont:</b> His close friendship with the America Mew Mew leader has led some to think that Shuu actually has some feelings for her. In all reality, however, the two did go on one blind date, but when their common bond, [[Ryou]], was out of the picture, the two realized that they were just close friends, nothing more.
* <b>Ciel Chaffe:</b> If you put logic in the picture, it would make sense that they end up together. Ciel is Berii's counterpart, Shuugo is Meguro's in a sense. The fox gijinka actually does have some feelings for his classmate, even though he doesn't want to quite admit it. With Ciel still in the picture, his future is still currently up in the air. Regardless of how it will end up, the two will probably remain close friends.
* <b>[[Kuroneko Saltigo]]:</b> Their road has been smooth sailing, and Shuu does like her quite a bit. The two get along well, since they have similar hobbies,

Revision as of 19:01, 8 March 2012

Shuu, smiling as he usually does

Shirogane Shuugo is a gijinka mage who hails from America Mew Mew, having Shirogane Jishou and Elizabeth for parents, and Shirogane Ryou as his older brother. He views life with the same outlook that his father does, and tries his best to keep his own ground with his friends. The teen is never seen without a smile on his face, either.

9O9dXk Internet is written with the capital letter in a sentence, by the way. And hundredths are written not with a point but with a comma. This is according to the standard. And actually everything is very good..!

Smuf7A Really informative blog article.Thanks Again. Awesome.



  • Name Translation: "Shiro" - white, "Gane" - gold/money [both translate into roughly platinum], "Shuugo" - [unknown, originally a variant of Shugo, meaning 'guardian'], Brandon - Sword
  • Alias: "Beau" - Beautiful, "Mont" - Mountain, "Shawn" - God is gracious,
  • Nicknames: Shuu, Shuuster
  • Signature Colors: Purple
  • Age: 16 (his dimension's events occurred two years later than in canon - Shuu was born in 1992)
  • Birthday: June 16
  • Zodiac: Gemini/Monkey (based on birth year)
  • Grade: 10th [at Esori, he's a Sage]
  • Hair Color: Crimson red [becoming brown slowly]
  • Eye Color: Aquamarine blue
  • Height: 5 feet, 3 inches
  • Weight: [unknown]
  • Likes: playing soccer, spending time with his brother, reading (on occasion), video games, foxes, being with his friends, gijinka magic, magnetism, The Teen-Age Wolves,
  • Dislikes: coffee, extreme chaos, snobs, extreme insanity, hypocrites, anime,
  • Fears: Zelos Wilder, losing his sanity, losing those he cares about - by extension, death
  • Allergies: none that he knows of
  • Favorite foods: Waffles and Steamed Soybeans
  • Least favorite foods: Kyr's cooking, candied flowers
  • Blood Type: O
  • Injection Mark: A pawprint outline on the right side of his chest
  • Animal: Channel Island Fox


Rune is Shuugo's fox form, which was acquired when Shuu was roughly nine years old. However, the boy didn't use Rune until the Mew Project began in his timeline. Rune's true appearance is actually that of an orange fox, with a white ribbon around his tail. However, Shuugo's magic enables him to change his form to look like anything he pleases. This means that in Kokoro, Rune's appearance tends to vary from situation to situation - he may look like a white fox with blue flames one day, and a red fox with two tails the other. No matter the form, however, a white ribbon is always around his neck. The time limit for Rune is roughly about forty-five minutes; once again, Shuu's magic allows him to tweak with the time to enable the form to last longer without permanently staying as a fox. This ability is new, however, and has yet to be used within Kokoro.

Mage Information

Being born a Gijinka, or Transformation as it's known to the English-speaking world, mage is indeed an honor. There are only a limited few in the world, with ten being the record high of them; the reason for their rarity is that a gijinka mage has unspeakable out of combat powers. They can reverse permanent transformations, and make their own. There could be more uses for transformation besides those two, but not many have researched them.

...As for Shuu? Due to his weak magic, the mage prefers to strike physically in battle, using his magic as a distraction unless needed.


  • Winged Saber: A short sword (could be called a dagger) that has a pale blue handle. Where the blade and handle meet, a pair of black angel wings float on either side. Along the side of the blade are the inscriptions of old spells, which control the appearance of the wings.


  • Transformation: Shuugo can transform any object, living or non-living, into any other object, his limitations being people. While he can return an object to its original form, he sometimes can't return objects to another form due to his inexperience.
  • Shadow Hider: Being a fox gijinka, Shuu can easily dodge attacks by slinking into the shadows and hiding there for some point of time. This is usually used to restore energy or to avoid moving targets.
  • Glyph Casting: Shuugo's spells become immensely powerful if he concentrates their power into a glyph-based spell. However, he doesn't use them in battle because of time constraints and his preference for raw power. (In battle, his glyphs become faster with the help of Kyr. Only then is he free to cast his most powerful spells.)
  • Agility Plus: Because of his small stature, Shuugo is the fastest mage of the Star Six. He can easily avoid and dodge attacks that others cannot, enabling him to block attacks at the right moment.

Signature Attacks

  • Chronos, Freeze!: (Given by Kyr) By controlling the internal clocks, Shuugo is able to stop time on an person,animal, or object for a certain about of time which usually lasts up to four hours at the most.
  • Regen Data: (Given by Daisuke) Using the energy around him, Shuu can heal his physical wounds. If he uses his 'Shadow Hider' ability, then he is able to heal his internal wounds as well.

Unison Attacks

  • Burning Change: This attack combines Shikari's Burn spell with Shuugo's transformation abilities. After the two link hands, Shuugo sets a circle made from rope around the foe. Ari then sets the rope on fire, causing the foe to be burned by the flickering flames.


  • Strengths: Speed, Evasion
  • Average: Defense, Focus, Mentality
  • Weaknesses: Technique, Offense


  • Despite his resemblance to Shou, it's said that Shuugo actually prefers spending time with Liz, making him a mother's boy of sorts.
  • Shuugo and Ari share an uncanny resemblance; so, while the authoress doesn't know where Shuu's design came from, it could be said that Ari had some influence over his.
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