Balamb Garden

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A military school, Balamb Garden is one of three 'Garden's, the other two located in Trabia and Galbadia. With Cid Highwind as the current headmaster, replacing the late Cid Kramer, the school trains students to be mercenaries, and, should the need arise, to eliminate the sorceress. Students can chose to live in the dorms or in the nearby town of Balamb. The school houses a training center, infirmary, library, garage, cafeteria, and more, although, unfortunately, the cafeteria tends to run out of hot dogs rather quickly.

I did not copy this from my own boards. You have no proof. >3>;

Various KC characters attend school here for various reasons. You'd think that half of them wouldn't want anything to do with a military school, let alone one run by a foul-mouthed ex-pilot

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